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Luke's POV

Emma haven't called or texted me a single time the whole weekend even though I'd texted her many times. I didn't know what was going on but I could see her sitting down in the cafeteria with Kalee across from her as I walked into lunch with Michael. Like usual Michael went over and sat next to Kalee and I sat down next to Emma. I was happy to be close to her again. I missed seeing her everyday.

"Hey." I said smiling at her she smiled back almost too happy.

"Hey." She said back and I swore that smile killed me.

"Why haven't you been texting me?" I asked she looked guilty for about a half of second and right before she could answer Kalee cuts her off.

"Yeah you have been a ghost." She agrees. She took her attention off of me and looked at Kalee.

"I'm sorry I spent the weekeend at someone's house." She said glancing over at Calum a few tables away with a smile smile, he looked back at her with an even bigger smile. I felt like I'd been crushed if done this all to myself. Kalee's eyes widened and it looked like michaels jaw was about to drop.

"Did you?" Kalee was about to ask but everyone already knew the question. And I had a feeling I had known the answer before it even happened.

"Fuck, yeah." She said grinning. I tried to look happy like kalee but Michael saw the the truth and looked at me apologizing mentally.

"Where?" Kalee asked I could hear the excitement and shock in her voice.

"The hot tub, and his bed, the kitchen, he showed me around the house." She said she was proud of herself I could tell.i could she was happy and that hurt the most. Now I didn't have the chance.

"How do you fuck in a hot tub? Doesn't all the wet ya know leave?"

"That must have felt like sand paper." Kalee said adding on with Michael.

"Not with a lot of vaseline." She said I wanted to leave this conversation. Kalee looked scared.

"Emma! You can't do that it fucking makes the condom have holes or some shit!" Emma laughed.

"Who said we used condoms." I got up and left after that because I couldn't take it anymore. I had my mom come pick me up because I didn't want to go math class and have to see Calums face. All I wanted to do was go to bed.

That's exactly what I did when I got home I climbed into bed and held my pillow as I cried because I'd never felt more empty in my life. It wasn't fair I treated her so well and all I did was care. All he does is have to exist and she loves him. But then again all she had to do was exist and I loved her. But that feeling only deepened as time went on. It was so deep I felt like I was in a hole. Maybe things would turn around but I doubt it I lost her before she was mine.

Emma's POV

"Do you think that we can do this forever?" I asked Calum as I had my head on his chest. I'd never felt more happy as I felt his skin on mine. I didn't think I could ever get enough of the way he smelt and everything else about him. He was perfect in my eyes. I pulled the covers up over me a little more and appreciated how tight Calum was holding me I never wanted him to let go.

"I was hoping you'd ask." He said kissing the side of my head making me feel nervous all over again. I'd only really known him well for a few days but I'm so glad I did and I wish I'd gotten the guts to talk sooner. I Rolland over and reached one of my hands up to his hair running my fingers through it.

"I don't ever want to leave this bed with you."

"Then don't." He said back smiling.

"We can skip school and sleep in." I smiled kissing his lips.

"I like the sound of that."

"And we can stay up all night too." He said making me smile more.

"Really?" I said happily. He nodded snaking his way down to my stomach kissing it.

"Yeah we can start now."

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