anxiety attack

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type: nice? idk, fluff?
warnings: panic attacks
summary: you have an anxiety attack
song: breathin by ariana grande (my queen)

"time goes by and i, can't control my mind. don't know what else to try but you tell me everytime, just keep breathin"

you had travelled far from home to be where you were today, in atlanta, acting as a main character in the most popular tv show of the year, stranger things. it was one of your favourites before you joined.

you became best friends with the cast and more specifically finn. he was your best friend. he was so kind and caring, and you were so happy that he was your friend. finn also felt the same way, or even more.

you had been so stressed recently and you began to have anxiety attacks every week. it started off small with you constantly being paranoid and bouncing your leg up and down but it gradually grew worse.

you were so stressed, you were flying to different places every day due to your busy filming schedule, and the free time you had was spent with your tutor since you don't go to public school anymore. or it was spent on photo shoots or interviews.

today was san diego comic con, and you could feel your heart accelerating. "ok! everyone throw your bags in the back, y/n and finn, you guys can sit in the back, sadie, caleb and gaten will sit in the middle and paige and i will sit in the front," millie explained.

millie's older sister paige was driving us to comic con, and her car was a 7 seater, enough to drive the whole cast. well, almost. noah was flying in later that day because he was currently away filming a different movie.

you nodded and went to grab the car door handle, but your hand couldn't get a firm grasp because it was shaking so much. whilst the other cast members didn't take notice, finn sure did. he looked at you with furrowed eyebrows and leaned over, opening the door and placing a hand on your back.

you both climbed in as the other cast members piled in front. the two seats at the back were pretty much hidden behind the middle seats and it didn't have any windows. you felt even worse. it was like the car walls were caving in.

during the drive you would stare down at the ground, anxiously bouncing your leg and playing with your fingers. finn quickly took notice, clenching his jaw. he passed you one earbud as he had the other and licked his lips, "here, y/n. listen to this song," he smiled at you.

you took the earbud and put it in your ear, as finn opened his spotify. he began to play 'africa' by toto and you smiled, knowing that this is one of yours and finn's favourite songs. you rested your head on his shoulder.

after a while, the car came to a stop outside a diner, "we're just going in to get some food, do you guys want to come?" millie asked. you shook your head no, "we're good," you looked over to see finn sleeping. "i guess he'll stay too,"

everyone got out of the car and you started to get anxious again. while the car was driving it was a distraction and the music was also good, but you were trapped inside a metal car and your mind started to fog.

the walls were closing in. they definitely were. you could feel your hands go clammy. your heart was beating a hundred miles a minute and you felt as thought you were going to die. the breath was getting sucked out of you.

you pulled your knees up to your face and tucked your face in between them, pulling your hands up to your head, "s-stop," you tried to tell yourself, "please. stop! just... fucking... stop," your voice erupted into sobs and you felt weak. you could barely see anything.

"y/n just freaking stop!" you said to yourself again. you then felt two arms wrap around you pulling you back as you screamed, losing all your air. you couldn't really tell, but after the voice said, "y/n breathe, ok? just breathe," you could immediately tell it was finn.

you started to draw in sharp breaths, making matters worse. you tried to pull away from him but he grabbed your arm and pulled you into his chest, you curled into him and cried, "you're ok. i'm right here. you're ok," he whispered in your ear.

"finn it won't stop! please just make it stop," your voice cracks, as your cry into his chest, "it will stop if you just breathe. breathe in..." you shakily breathed in, "breathe out," you let out your breath, as you started to calm down.

you cling onto him for dear life, as he wipes away your tears with his thumbs. "i'm so sorry," you bite your lip. finn furrows his eyebrows at you, "for what?" he asks. "for being such a crybaby,"

he pulls you onto his lap, as you look away from him. "hey hey hey," he says softly, gently turning your head to face his. "it's not your fault, ok? it happens to everyone. just know that i'm right here, ok?"

"ok." you say, looking down at him. he leans up to you and pecks your lips, but pulls you into him so it lasts longer. his soft pink lips pull away from yours and you smile a bit, blushing, "i feel way better now," you laugh.

he smirks and kisses you again, "i love you,"

this lowkey sLaPs
wordcount; 921 words

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