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type: cute, funny
warnings: none
summary: short and cute? idk.
this was inspired by somebody's imagine but i can't remember who's so oof.

you sighed, resting your head in your hand, staring at the curly haired boy beside you with a small smile. finn, your biology partner and crush of whom you've never spoken to, was looking through a microscope.

you scanned his gorgeous face, his cheekbones, his freckles, his brown eyes, his curly locks, "i want to have your children," you thought, out loud. finn's eyes went wide and he lifted his head abruptly.

"what?" he asked, shocked.

you snapped your head up too realising what you just said, "what?" you answered, trying to play it off.

"did you jus..."

"no, no, no... i didn't," you reply, cutting him off and mentally face palming yourself and your stupidity.

"but you just said..."

"fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," you muttered to yourself, resting your elbows on the desk and running your hands through your hair.

"i mean... i'm flattered, but..." finn says, smirking, and then bursts out laughing. you glared at him, as your eyes meet his.

"why are you laughing?" you groan, blushing.

he smiles, looking down at you and you feel sparks, "because, i was going to ask you out on a date myself but i guess you just did for me."

this is cute holy shit.
word count: 232 words.

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