crush culture

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type: fluff? i honestly dk. hot? lol.
warnings: sexual references
summary: finn plays hard to get
song: crush culture by conan gray

"i don't care if i'm forever alone, i'm not falling for you, cause this baby is love proof"

you counted down the seconds leading to the end of your fifth period class, maths. you were bored out of your mind, and although you had a double period of gym next, it sounded way better than the hell you were going through right now.

the bell rang, and you sighed in relief, standing up and grabbing your backpack. but, you being stupid, you forgot that it was wide open causing your books to fall out onto the floor and your pens to scatter everywhere.

you mentally cursed yourself, considering your teacher was still sitting at his desk, not bothering to help. you expected someone to help but the classroom was already empty by then. you bent down and shoved everything in your backpack, not wanted to be late for gym class. you stood up, and banged your head on the table, causing yourself groan, "fuck," you mutter.

your teacher gives you a stern look and you roll your eyes, "i know ok i'm sorry," you apologise, rushing past him. he shakes his head and looks back down at his papers, "whatever, close the door on your way out," he mumbles. you make your way out the door, closing it quickly and turning to walk down the hallway when all of a sudden you get pinned up against the wall at the speed of light.

you let out a slight scream before you see who it was. you sigh, looking at your wrist being pinned down but two hands and someone holding you there, you look at him, "finn! what the-"

"-hey y/n" he grins, his face only inches apart from yours.

finn wolfhard, was your best friend. you both were only in three classes together, but in those you were always seated beside each other willingly and always partners. he had gym next with you, "hey. i hate to break it to you but we're going to be late to gym if we don't get go-"

"-what's wrong with that?" he smirks, leaning in, glancing down at your lips.

you felt your heart burst at that smirk. you gain control and push him off of you, lightly shoving him in the chest, "fuck you" you laugh as he laughs and walks beside you towards the gym. he raises his eyebrow.

"i can do that for you, baby girl," he smiles.

you rolled your eyes, "unlike your other girls, i'm not gonna participate in whatever game of manipulation this is that you're playing," you tell him. you reach the double doors to the gym and open them, to see that you are actually on time.

finn looks over at you, "i wouldn't call it manipulation," he says, beginning to walk over to the group of boys. he stops and turns, "i'd call it 'playing hard to get'," he smirks, looking you up and down.

"it doesn't count when the person your 'playing hard to get' to doesn't want you dipshit," you roll your eyes.

he laughs, "just you wait l/n," and with that he walks away to the boys locker room. you stand there and process it for one second. did you have a crush on finn? yes. did you want to? no. because he's dated many girls and broken their hearts. and every crush you've had hasn't worked out well.

you make your way to the girls locker room, blushing beyond control. half an hour later and once you were changed into some nike pro shorts and an oversized yellow champion sweatshirt, your pe teacher announced that the girls were going to play dodgeball, whilst the boys were going to go outside and play football.

all the girls groaned at the announcement and the teacher blew her whistle before realising that there weren't any dodge balls. she sighed and looked around the room, when her eyes landed on you, "oh, y/n!" she shouted across the room, "go get tell dodge balls will ya? they're in the storage closet," she asks.

you nod and make your long trek to the storage closet which was down the hall from the gym. you walked out of the double doors and into the storage closet, sighing as you walked to the shelves to grab the balls, "how the fuck am i supposed to carry ten balls?" you mutter to yourself.

that's when you felt two arms wrap around your waist unexpectedly as you screamed once again in surprise. you turn around and once again, it's finn. freaking. wolfhard. you pull his arms off of you, "you know what i just love the fact that you're always there wherever i go! it really makes my day," you explain in a happily sarcastic voice.

"well, mr. orr just told me to go get some footballs but since you said that i'll just hang around with you more often, i mean, if you enjoy it so much," he says. you roll your eyes for the millionth time but couldn't help but laugh.

"i hate you," you tell him, throwing one of the dodgeballs at him, but you missed. he clenches his jaw and looks you in the eyes, his gorgeous eyes meeting yours. you go to throw another one when he grabs your wrist mid-throw and holds it, making you drop the ball. you go to remove his hand when he grabs your other wrist.

"is that correct?" he smirks, lightly pushing you back towards the wall, not that it mattered since you were already backing towards the wall anyway. you nod your head meekly, feeling your heart skip a beat. he pushes you back until you final hit the wall, as he pins your wrists above his head.

"do you hate me now?" he says, looking down at your lips.

"w-wolfhard if this is another one of your tricks i swea-" you try to say sternly but he interrupts you, "-what tricks?" he whispers. you bite your lip in frustration and look away. he softly brings your face back to his, as you're now only about an inch apart.

"finn i know what you're d-doing," you say. his face is now only centimetres away from yours. your breath hitches as he looks into your eyes, but you look down. 'that's how they get you, y/n' you think to yourself. but you can't help but look in his eyes too, "i-i wouldn't call this 'playing hard to get', you're practically throwing yourself on t-top of me," you smirk, but it doesn't come out as confident as you hoped and more weak.

as much as you hated it, you really needed to kiss him. you didn't care that you promised yourself not to, you were completely infatuated and you had already fallen for him. "no, that's not playing hard to get" he says, as he leans in more and you find yourself leaning in too, the tension was obvious.

you were so close that your lips weren't even a millimetre apart, but not close enough so that they were touching. you wanted him to kiss you all ready, and once you became impatient and moved yours closer he quickly let go of your wrists and drew his head back, grabbing the footballs and walking to the door.

you stood there, dumbfounded, wanted more. he gives a 'i told you so' kind of smirk as he stares you up and down, "that's... playing hard to get," he states, winking and walking out of the storage closet with the footballs, and your stolen heart.


if y'all know that song and you understand my references i love you.
wordcount; 1310 words

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