prince of the playground

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type: fluff
warnings: alcohol, sexual references
summary: y/n meets finn in jail
song: alphabet boy by melanie martinez

"you won the spelling bee now, but are you smarter than me now? you're the prince of the playground, alphabet boy"

y/n was pushed forward into the prison yard, against her own will. the female guards large hands most likely left bruises on her back. y/n gasped and spun around, running her hand through her hair, and furrowed her eyebrows at the guard, "get your paws off of me!" she exclaimed, disgusted.

"if you don't listen then we'll make you ms. y/l/n," she growls, causing y/n to send her a glare and roll her eyes, crossing her arms. the prison guard points a finger at her, "and don't think for one second that i will tolerate that attitude you first world bitch," she snaps.

y/n grits her teeth, and walks away. there was no way to describe how annoyed she was. you see, y/n wasn't the best teenage girl. which is clearly why she ended up in juvenile detention for six months.

it all started when she... well... when she was born. she grew up being spoilt her whole life. her mom and dad were rich. but that didn't mean she wasn't humble. in fact, she hated being rich.

by the time she turned thirteen she had already began rebelling against her mom and dad, who, were never home. they would be gone on business trips for days, weeks, the longest was two months. due to this she would have parties every time she could.

at the age of fourteen, she began drinking alcohol, and in some cases it got really out of hand. under influence, one time she stole from the shop near her house. she was caught and that was a warning.

one month later she was also drunk and got in a fight with her arch-enemy sophie, long story short she punched her, her friend punched her back, they had a cat fight, the police showed up but by the time they did sophie was gone, and y/n was left with a concussion and a second warning.

finally, if that wasn't enough, she was caught vandalising the brooklyn bridge with her friends, and climbing it. when the cops came, she resisted arrest and assaulted three police officers. this was her last chance and it landed her where she was today, in jail.

y/n wondered the prison yard. she was rather small compared to the rest of the inmates, who all seemed to be between the age of sixteen and eighteen, and she could already tell that she was the youngest, being only fifteen.

she looked to the right to see all eyes from the inmates on her. in this prison, unlike what she expected, the boys and the girls were together.
she scanned the yard, looking for something to do, somewhere to sit, someone to talk to. she was going to be here for a while, so why not make some friends.

she spotted some circular tables by the fence and many people gathering around a specific table. she felt intimidated, but since y/n had always been the talkative and popular one all her life, she found her self become intrigued and managed to bring herself over to the commotion.

once she got there, everyone crowding the table turned their heads in her direction, or more, down, in her direction. they all seemed to be men and woman around the ages of eighteen and were way taller than her. she was scared, but decided to display and brave face.

"looks like we've got some fresh meat," an tall, muscular man said, as his friends laughed, "isn't it your bed time, little girl?" he says, bending down to her. y/n ignores his comment and stares straight into his beady eyes. the crowd erupts into laughter.

"so you don't speak, huh?" he says.

she laughs, "yeah, i'm trying to see things from your perspective but i can't seem to get my head that far up my ass," she states, giving him an evil smirk. the crowd erupts into laughs and cheers as he stands dumbfounded. he reaches to grab her by the collar, but she grabs his wrist.

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