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type: cute, fluff
warnings: none
summary: read it to find out
song: r.e.m by ariana grande

"last night, boy i met you,
when i was asleep,
you're such a dream to me,"

every night y/n would dream about a boy. although, she never knew who the boy was. the boy with dark curly hair, the boy who's freckles dotted his cheeks like constellations, the boy who, in her dreams, was a giant compared to her.

the boy, was an amazing singer. the boy, would sing songs to y/n every night. the boy, was an extremely talented guitarist. the boy, had taught y/n to play guitar before. y/n knew so many things about the boy, except his name.

y/n had found herself falling in love with the boy, and the boy for her. it was almost as if every night, she was swept away to an alternate universe, where the boy and y/n would spend time together, learn new things about each other, and kiss, almost. every single night, the dream would end, right before they would kiss.

this broke y/n's heart. all she wanted, so badly was to meet the boy, to hug him, to tell her she loved him, to kiss him. maybe, in the dream, he had told her his name before, but she always forgot when it came to morning time. she would look up, anything on google.

but to no avail, she could never find him. she couldn't even be sure that he was real. was he just a figment of her imagination? it pained her to think of it. the boy, that she knew everything about, yet she didn't even know who he was.

it was causing her to become depressed and lonely. she couldn't find her true love. she didn't have the energy to do anything anymore. she just wanted to sleep, so that maybe she could see the boy some more. the curly haired, freckled, guitar-playing angel.

y/n woke up, not getting the kiss. a typical morning. fresh in her mind, was a tune, a melody. she didn't know the lyrics, but she knew it was one of songs the boy played for her every night.

she planned on staying in bed again, maybe getting some food, and looking the boy up. it was terrible, he was consuming her life. she grabbed her laptop and snuggled under the covers again, but was interrupted by someone closing the laptop.

she looked up to see her best friend, dez, who greeted her with a stern look on her face, "you weren't seriously going to lay in bed all day searching for this boy, were you?" she asked, and y/n sighed.

"uh, yeah i was actually." she stated smugly, grabbing her laptop, "and i would prefer doing it in peace, thank you," she told her as she typed in her password. dez grabbed the laptop out of her hands, opening her bag and shoving it in it, and closing it, much to y/n's dismay.

"hey! dez-"

"-get up, get ready, i'll make us breakfast, and we'll actually go outside, ok?" she said in a condescending tone, causing y/n to groan,
"y/n, you haven't left the house in a week, you haven't even got out of bed. this boy is driving you crazy and you clearly need a distraction or else i'm going to go insane," she explained.

y/n rolled her eyes, sitting up in her bed, "fine! fine, i'll go. but i won't enjoy it," she stated, and dez also rolled her eyes, "as long as it takes your mind off of him, i'm fine,"

y/n and dez walked around in the city for a while, as much as y/n hated it. she couldn't get her mind off of the boy. and, she also hated shopping, so overall, it wasn't a fun time for y/n, but dez was just happy that she was outside.

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