panic! at calpurnia's concert

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type: cute
warnings: panic attacks (again sorry)
summary: you faint at calpurnia's concert
song: say it ain't so (cover) by calpurnia

"i can't confront you, i never could do"

"you guys might know this next song! it's called 'say it ain't so'!" finn says to crowd, causing them to go wild and cheer super loudly. you were excited but just waited for the song instead of cheering. you were just there for the music.

somebody's heine, is crowding my ice box. somebody's cold one is giving me chills, guess i'll just close my eyes.

finn begins singing causing the fans to erupt into screams and shouts. you were swaying to the music, singing the song softly, until finn decided to get super close to the end of the stage, causing the crowd to rush forward and squeeze in tighter.

you suddenly felt unable to breathe, as if almost all the air had been vacuumed out of you. you tried to draw in breaths, but everything felt so distant. your face felt numb. you touched it, wait, why was it wet? were you crying?

oh yeah, alright, feels good, inside.

the song that you were just singing to now sounded so dark, and muffled. everything was spinning and all the faces around you were staring at you, some in concern and some in confusion.

say it ain't so, your love is a heartbreaker. say it ain't so, your love is a life taker.

finn's voice rang through your ears, you felt your legs give out, were you falling? it almost seemed slow motion. you couldn't feel anything when you fell, you were just trying to get back your stolen breath.

you drew in really quick breaths but never seemed to gain any air, and it felt like hours had gone by. you were pretty sure it wasn't gonna end. the crowd pushed forward more almost trampling you. your eyes fluttered closed, you felt so tired.

all of a sudden the music stops and the voice changes tone, "woah woah woah," the voice says over the microphone, "everybody stop," it says. you hear footsteps that pounded through your ears, as the crowd separates to make way, but you didn't understand what was going on, everyone and everything was spinning in your head.

you saw a familiar face and curly hair make its way over to you, before looking down at you and getting down beside you. everyone was watching you and the face turned to the crowd, "what's her name?" you heard.

"y/n," your friends that you came with say, once they noticed you were on the ground.

"y/n? can you hear me?"

you went to respond but your eyelids fluttered shut and you were left with complete darkness.

"y/n? wake up," you jolt awake, your eyes opening as you let out a shaky breath. but you had changed location. the room was white and you had been lying on a blue leathery seat. you shot up, just to nearly faint and lie back down again, supported by two hands.

"what the-?" you asked, confused.

"-hi." you turn around to see the finn wolfhard sitting on a seat across from you. your eyes widen and you realise what's going on, as you facepalm yourself. "oh my god," is all you say, looking at him weakly.

"your not gonna freak out and try and steal my hair are you?" he asks suspiciously.

"no, it's just, i can't believe that just happened. and i thought my life couldn't get any worse," you explain, embarrassed. he gives you a small smile, just as a door opens and a nurse walks in.

"ah! i see you're up!" she says enthusiastically.

you look up at her and nod, "mhm,"

she smiles and sits down in a seat beside you. "so, i've been told you fainted," she says. you furrow your eyebrows and shrug. she examines you, before getting one of those things that you put on your arm to check your blood pressure.

"have you eaten at all today?" she asks, strapping it onto you.

you nod your head yes.

"hm," she wonders, "have you drank any water?" she questions.

"yeah, lots," you answer.

finn drums his fingers on his legs, listening to the interaction, "are you epileptic? or do you have any medical conditions?" she interrogates, squeezing the pump.

"not that i know of," you shrug.

"did anything hit you in the head?" she looks at you.


she purses her lips, "well, then i'm not exactly sure why you fainted, your blood pressure is normal. i just need to understand why before you go back out there, just as a precaution. finn here..." she gestures over to him, "put the show on hold for you,"

you glance over at him and smile. it was weird, you were a huge fan but now that you've met him you are too scared and awkward to say anything. especially since he was ten times better looking in real life, if that's even possible.

he looked at you up and down with brown eyes, containing a flicker of concern. "i'm fine, i feel fine at least, i think it was just really warm in there, maybe i do need some water," you assure her.

she nods, "ok, well there is plenty of water backstage. finn? can you guide her?" she asks him, turning to him. your heart starts beating really fast at the thought of being alone with him.

finn nods, "of course," he stands up, offering you a hand to help you up. you smile and accept it, pulling yourself up. you both start walking backstage as finn looks at you, "anxiety?" he asks.

you look down, sighing and then smiling a bit in relief, "how did you know?" you ask.

he smiles, "i get it too,"

you smile back, "yeah well it was a lot. the crowd was closing in and i couldn't breathe. this is normally why i don't go to concerts. i just couldn't resist. i mean, how do you do it? standing up on that stage, always in the public eye?" you ramble.

"because i have people who help me through it," he says. you nod, looking down again.

"give me your phone," he says after a minute of silence.

you raise an eyebrow, "will i get it back?"

he laughs, "just give me it,"

you hesitantly unlock it and hand it to him. he clicks on contacts, and adds his number, before handing it back to you. you blush, "maybe we can help each other," he says.

you smile, "i'd like that. thanks for helping me. not all singers would stop their concerts to help so random girl that fainted," you laugh.

"yeah, but you're not just some random girl," he answers, giving you a half smile.

the rest of the night was amazing. your friends were happy you were ok, and finn wouldn't stop staring at you during the concert. calpurnia was amazing and you got finn's number. you ended up glad that you fainted.


this sucks. i don't want to talk about it.
wordcount; 1158 words

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