the light is coming

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type: fluff, angst, idk
warnings: none
summary: y/n has a bad day
song: the light is coming by ariana grande ft. nicki minaj (is this nicki mAnAgE?!1!1!)

"the light is coming
to give back everything
the darkness stole,"


y/n lied in her comfortable bed, staring up at the ceiling. her heart was beating so fast that it was painful but yet; so slow that she felt so tired and worthless, but sleep was difficult due to the thoughts running through her mind.

she turned her head, to read the time on the clock next to her. she had thought that surely she couldn't have been lying there for too long, but she had noticed that the sky outside was pitch black due to the lack of sunlight peaking through the curtains on her windows.


her leg bounced underneath the covers and she hadn't realised until that moment that she had been crying. she was thinking about so much, and the tears had ran freely down her cheeks. she honestly didn't know why she was crying, there was so many reasons yet none at all.

the aching feeling in her chest carried on the entire time and all she wanted to do was sob and get it all out. so that's what she did. trying to not wake up her parents, she pushed her face into her pillow and quiet sobs immediately came out of her mouth.

after a couple of minutes, she finally decided that she just wanted to talk to someone, and only one person entered her mind. she found herself mindlessly pressing on a contact on her phone and hitting the call button, holding it up to her ear with shaking hands.

after a few rings she became anxious that she was bothering them and went to hang up, when the ringing stopped and the person answered, "hello?" he said in a groggy, yet concerned voice that indicated that he had just been sleeping.

y/n hesitated, now silent. she closed her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows, biting her lip. after a few seconds of silence she finally mustered up the courage to answer, "...hi," she replied softly, and finn sat up in his bed.

he held the phone up to her ear, "what's wrong y/n? are you ok?" he asked, concern laced in his voice. she pinched the bridge of her nose to try and ease her throbbing headache, letting out more tears quietly.

finn noticed that she took a second to reply, "yeah... i just..." it came out weak and cracked and she paused, scared that she was going to burst out into tears if she spoke anymore. "i was just bored..."

finn paused for a second too, his voice stern but gentle, "y/n, don't lie to me," he told her, and she sniffled, letting out a cry that was loud enough for finn to hear. it broke his heart to hear her crying.

"i'm sorry... it's just..." she cried a bit more, "finn?" her voice came out as a whisper.

his face softened, "yeah?"

"it's one of those days," she answered.

there was a moment of silence, and y/n started crying again during it, softly but finn could hear her whimpers, "stay there," he finally said, and y/n furrowed her eyebrows, sitting up and clearing her throat.


she could hear shuffling on the other end, as finn was getting on some shoes and a jacket over his pyjamas which consisted of a shirt and sweatpants, "because i'm coming over," y/n sniffled, and before she could protest he said, "i'll see you in five minutes, ok?"

"ok," she answered and ended the call, as she got up to open the window for when finn arrives. she slowly walked back to her bed and meekly sat down on it, staring into space and thinking.

she threw the blanket over her head, and ran her hands through her hair, rubbing her lips together anxiously. she tried to calm her breathing down or stop crying but it was impossible to her.

she heard soft footsteps coming up a ladder outside her window which she kept there as it was a common method for her to sneak out or finn to sneak in. she heard the footsteps get closer and she peaked her head up from under the covers.

"finn?" she croaked

"it's me, angel," she heard finn coo softly.

she felt a weight on the side of her bed and felt two arms wrap around her waist, feeling finn's body heat pressing against her. she could feel the burning of his intense stare and hated him seeing her in such a state, so she turned her head away from him.

he sighed, gently grabbing her face and turning it to him, "you don't have to hide from me y/n," he stated softly. she stared into his gorgeous deep brown eyes, hers being red and puffy. she tried not to meet his gaze but everytime she looked away his eyes would follow.

she looked down, "but i look awful," she replied.

"don't say that, how many times do i have to tell you that you're always beautiful, no matter what," he tells her, running his hand through her hair. she lets a few more tears run down her face, and finn wipes them away with his thumbs.

"i feel awful,"

"i know baby," he says, sympathetically. "do you wanna talk about it?" he asks.

"there's nothing to talk about," she cries.

finn pulls her closer, as her head rests in his chest, and he kisses her head, "don't be scared of me ok? don't be scared to call next time you feel like this, i will always answer no matter what, ok?," he tells her after a short while of comfortable silence. she lifts her head, as finn glances at her lips.

"ok," she answers with a small smile, softly kissing his lips. he pulls away and smiles softly, looking down at her and playing with her hair as she falls asleep cuddled against him all night long.

this was lowkey rushed though
also stranger things 3>>
is the best season yet
literally cried
so much
so so much
i love u 3 inches❕☁️✨
third part of sweetener imagines

finn wolfhard imagines !Where stories live. Discover now