god is a woman

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type: idk, hot, idk, fluff?
warnings: it gets quite heated, but not smut
summary: finn is a player and wants y/n
song: god is a woman by ariana grande

"and boy, if you confess, you might get blessed
see if you deserve what comes next
i'm telling you the way i like it, how i want it"

finn was not really an extroverted type, but, he still attended every single party that would be hosted. it was strange behaviour, and not necessarily what an extrovert would do, but finn was different in that way.

it was evident that he was an introvert, at the parties he would stand in the corner, drinking a red solo cup of whatever concoction was in the punch bowl and watch everyone. not in a creepy, stalker way, but he would just let his eyes wonder around the room.

although he exhibited this pattern, he was still widely popular among everyone, strangely. all the girls were in love with him and all the boys wanted to be him, or they were jealous. he mainly didn't talk to many people, and that was because he thought he was better than everyone else.

yes, finn wolfhard, the musician, actor, heartthrob of the century, was a self absorbed player. not many people knew this. there were rumours from girls he had past experiences with but, still, girls were flocking to him without hesitation.

he treated most of his girls the same; hookup and then leave, but not without making some egotistical comment about how it was "never going to happen,", or insulting the girl. some people would say he was bad news, but everyone still wanted to take the risk.

so that's what he was doing, scanning the crowded room for a girl that he would want to hook up with, and that's what he did every time. some may have said the fame gets to his head, and they'd be right.

currently, he was at a party that his friends from the it cast invited him to. it was packed with young actors, singers, musicians, models, influencers, basically any young celebrity you could think of, they were there.

finn's eyes roamed over everyone, specially the girls that he noticed dancing in the middle of the room, he smirked to himself, licking his lips, when his eyes stopped on a specific girl that he instantly recognised.

now, the one rule if you wanted to be one of finn's "girls" was that you had to be pretty enough, attractive, hot. it was disgusting and incredibly degrading, but finn didn't care. but this girl that his eyes landed on was different from the others. she was drop dead gorgeous. he had never seen any girl as beautiful as she was, he didn't even know girls were made so gorgeous.

he lowered his cup and straightened up a bit, instantly feeling mesmerised by her beauty. for finn, this has never happened before. normally, he would see a pretty girl and approach her, but for finn, it was almost as if time stopped. his heart started beating rapidly.

he knew who she was. she was y/n l/n, an highly-praised singer, up there with ariana grande and billie eilish. she was laughing at something her friend, who was a famous actor from the avengers movie. he watched her intently.

although she was the most stunning creature to walk this earth, he still saw her as a goal, an object that he had to get. and due to her beauty, he was even more determined. she was beautiful, but he was finn wolfhard, and nobody was better than him in his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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