sleepless nights

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type: sad, cute
warnings: none
summary: y/n goes to finn when her parents are fighting again
song: daddy issues by the neighbourhood

"go ahead and cry little girl, you know what your daddy did too, you know what your mama went through; you gotta let it out soon, just let it out"

y/n's parents would constantly fight. specifically at night time as they both work during they day, and night would be their only chance to get the bottled up feelings out at each other.

y/n had trouble sleeping because of this, and it caused her lots of pain and eventually depression due to it. sometimes it would get so bad that she would have to go to the boy next door, aka finn wolfhard's house. their family opened her with welcome arms, and she would stay the night feeling safe lying next to her best friend.

she hasn't resorted to this measure in about two months now, but tonight was one of those nights.

scared to go out the door and disrupt her parent's screams and shouts, she gently taps on the curly haired boy's window. a tired finn appears, and his face softens once he sees the poor girl outside. finn pushes open the window, to let y/n crawl in.

with no words exchanged, y/n walks over to finn's bed and simply sits on the edge, staring into space. finn looks at her with concern, and carefully sits next to her. a silence, but not an uncomfortable one, fills the air.

y/n is the first to break the silence, "is love even real?" she asks, not particularly expecting an answer.

"it's real, but some people can't find it," finn answers.

"my parents never did," y/n answered bluntly, no emotion present in her voice. but after she said her sentence, that's when she broke down, much to finn's surprise. a strangled sob left her, and finn pulled her tightly into his chest.

y/n had been too strong for too long, hiding her sea of emotions. but tonight, that piece of her snapped, and everything she was holding back flowed out. she never cried, she just sat, numb.

"shh," is all finn said, stroking her hair.

"sorry," is all y/n said. she tried so hard not to cry, she really did. finn tried his best to comfort her, he really did. but y/n hated talking about her problems, and it was hard to get her to open up.

"it's not your fault,"

y/n calmed down, and went to go under the covers to sleep, but she was far from it. she couldn't sleep now. that's when she felt a grip on her wrist. she turned around to finn, and he gave her a small smile.

"can i show you something?" he asked softly.

y/n, eyes red from tears, found the strength in her to nod. he pulled her gently as she got up from her bed. finn brought her outside to the hallway, quietly pulling open the attic door to reveal a ladder and guiding her up it.

in the attic was two double doors, leading out to a balcony. y/n was confused at first, but then when finn lead her out to it, she was in awe of the beautiful view of the stars that were scattered through the night sky.

she sat down on the balcony, admiring it, as finn smiled, sitting beside her. he wrapped his arm around her shoulder to warm her up, "it's not fair," y/n broke the second silence. finn didn't take his eyes off the stars.

"what's not fair?" finn asked.

"that they get to be up there, so peaceful, so beautiful, when everything is so ugly down here," she said.

finn again didn't answer, although he silently agreed. he knew that in y/n's mentality on these nights, there was no need for an answer, and she wasn't looking for one. he nodded, before speaking up, "though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; i have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night," he quotes.

that's when y/n finally acknowledges his presence. not that she was ignoring him, but just that she never realised how lucky she was to have finn. a few tears trickled down y/n's cheeks, "you're such a liar,"

finn furrowed his eyebrows, "what?"

y/n looked down, "when you said that it's not my fault, you were lying, cause it is," she said, a pressure in her chest. "everybody just lies nowadays, everyone promises and everyone leaves," she states, "at least the stars stay. they're infinite,"

"i'm not leaving,"

"you will,"

"i promise."

this time, y/n does respond, and i quietness fills the air. after a while of staring at the stars motionless, finn speaks up, "i bet you're tired," he says. y/n nods, and they both stand up and walk back into finn's room. y/n lies on the side farthest from the door, hugging one of finn's pillows.

he crashes beside her, she they both face towards each other, trying to drift off to sleep. that's when y/n speaks, "finn?" she asks, wondering if he was asleep or not. but finn groggily opens his eyes, looking at her straight in the eyes.


"i love you,"

finn smiled, "i thought you said that love's not real," he replied, surprised that y/n cared and trusted him enough to say it.

"only when you can't find it," she copied him.

finn grins, "i found it too,"


i thought this was nice
kinda sad
but cute
wordcount; 896 words

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