raindrops (an angel cried)

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type: sad
warnings: mentions of suicide, self harm, death
summary: no spoilers
song: raindrops (an angel cried) by ariana grande

"when raindrops fell, down from the sky; the day you left me, an angel cried,"

y/n had felt it, and so did finn. it was beginning to rain. finn looked at y/n, the droplets of water splashing on his curly hair and gently running off down his face, and through his eyelashes.

y/n returned the same look to finn. it was unexplainable, love, hatred and emptiness filled their eyes at the same time. y/n saw the rain as a blessing. 'at least he can't tell that i'm crying' she thought.

"finn," y/n said, trying, pleading desperately, 'just pay attention to me, please' is what she thought. finn was trying to listen to her, he was trying so hard. but every time he tried to get his words out, a pain ached in his heart.

"finn please," y/n voice cracked into a cry. finn hated seeing her like this.

he looked down at the splashing rain.


"finn, look at me! say something!" she was now screaming.

finn's lips quivered and he let out a sob, "y/n, you know i can't do that," he whispered, barely audible enough for her to hear. he started quietly sobbing. y/n watched as finn stared at the ground crying.

"you never did anyways," y/n stated, causing finn to look up at her, finally. she gulped, lifting her chin up, "don't you think things would have been different if you did?" her voice came out as a whimper.

finn blinked, "why," he cried, "why are you doing this?" he asked.

the road they were standing on was now flooding, as finn took a few steps back, his shoes getting soaked, "because look where we are finn! look where we are! so tell me right now, are we gonna stick or not?" she yells.

finn gulps, before looking at her straight in the eye, "i can't- we- i can't keep doing this anymore," finn stutters. y/n felt an incredible pain in her chest, she took in a breath, blinking back her stream of tears.

"why not?" is all she asked.

that's when finn snapped. everything anybody's ever said to him about the incident and about y/n came flooding back to him. the raindrops fell from the sky, "because you're not real!" he broke out, "you're dead!" he shouted.

y/n glanced at him, "after all we've been through, you're leaving me?" she asked, her tone of voice normal now. "i came back for you, you wanted me here," she whispered. finn looked at her with pleading eyes.

he felt his heart break five million times, "i can't do it y/n," he repeated.

silence. a long one fell between them.

"i knew this would happen,"

"don't say that n/n-" finn reached out to grab her wrist, his hand going right through her. he forgot that she was a ghost of the girl he loved dearly, "i don't need you anymore," finn admitted.

"you were the one who put me here," she choked out through her tears. memories flashed through finn's mind of his times with y/n, the good and the bad. the blood dripped on the floor just like the rain, and he could have sworn that was happening in real life.

he could feel the cold hard metal that y/n had slid across her wrists. and it was all finn's fault. finn went into a mental breakdown state at the thought, "no, you're wrong. suicide-" he stopped, gulping, "suicide is a choice," he blurted out.

"if you had said something to me, anything, payed any attention to me, this wouldn't have happened. it's the same now as well. you never loved me, you never will," she said. finn raises his eyebrows.

"y/n i love you more than anything and i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry this happened. but it's not my fault. and yes, i should have seen it coming, and i've always had a problem with being to caught up to realise stuff. and i'm so sorry, because, i don't need you here," finn paused, "you don't need me,"

"you're right," y/n said.

finn looked confused, "what?"

"why couldn't you say that to me when i was alive?" she asked rhetorically.

"i'm so sorry," is all he answered, falling to his knees and sobbing.

she knelt down beside him, "i love you, finn," she said, placing a kiss on his lips, "and i'm so sorry, that i have to leave you now," finn grabbed her neck, kissing her deeply, for some reason, he could touch her. it was almost painfully too realistic.

"we can meet again someday," y/n said.

finn cried.

y/n had served her purpose. she was now an angel. and at that point, she cried.

that was the day y/n left finn, for good.

that was imagine no.1 of the sweetener series☁️
i tried to do a plot twist
and this kinda made me cry
wordcount; 819 words

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