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type: fluff
summary: y/n gets high
warnings: none
song: blazed by ariana grande ft pharrell williams

"shawty you can get blazed,"


finn searched around the busy rooms of the mansion, looking for you. josh ovalle had thrown a huge party, and you and finn really only knew the whole gang, drew, enya, christian... and the jack dylan grazer and wyatt but that was it.

you and finn didn't want to go at first, but then josh said to finn he would "beat his ass" if he wasn't there, which resulted in you two going. you were chilling at first, but finally started to loosen up and have some fun, except for finn, who was in fact and extremely protective boyfriend and didn't want you having fun in your eyes.

he pushed past all the sweaty bodies and the smell of alcohol that were dancing with eachother to the music. he went from person to person asking where you were but nobody did, and finn couldn't even find anyone he was friends with, when suddenly he came upon jack.

jack was clearly out of it, finn could tell, "jack... jack," jack didn't hear him at first so finn had to call his name twice and stop him. finn was mad that you had wondered off during the party as he knew you'd get up to something and how stupid you are when you're drunk and he just wanted to make sure you're ok.

he turned with his red solo cup in hand a smiled, giving him a half hug, "finn! hey dude," he laughed, and finn knew he was high by the way he was acting and the smell of weed that came off of him.

"do you know where y/n is?" finn asked, concerned.

"oh yeah, she was just with me actually," jack slurred.

finn furrowed his eyebrows, "she was just... with you?" he processed what he said.

"yeah," jack laughed, and he got a bit closer whispering to finn as if he didn't want anyone to hear him, "and let me tell you bro, she's as high as a kite," he laughed but finn really didn't find it funny. he clenched his jaw, looking around.

"where is she?" he asked, anger present in his voice.

"in the kitchen," jack told him finally.

finn thanked him and furiously walked to the kitchen, as he heard the angelic sound of your laugh. once he walked in, he saw you sitting on the kitchen island as everyone else stood around it, passing a blunt around.

you were laughing, and joking around with the strangers as finn stood there, his arms crossed. you looked back and made eye contact with him, gasping and smiling as you jumped off the table and ran over to him, "finn!" you engulfed him in a hug, "guys this is my boyfriend finn!" you giggled, "he's on a tv show, strangest things,"

"stranger things." finn stated, annoyed.

"my bad, it's strange things,"

"stranger-" finn started but gave up, stopping mid-sentence, "you know what whatever, anyways, y/n we need to go," finn tells her, grabbing her hand and trying to pull her along with him, but she pulls back.

"why?" you whine, "i was having fun with my new friends mark and kristy," you complain, as you gesture to two people, a boy and a girl who looked around the age of twenty. finn rolled his eyes, "i think you've had enough fun tonight, let's go," finn pulls you away.

you stand your ground, "i don't wanna go," you pout and cross your arms stubbornly like a five year old. finn grabs you by your waist gently, pulling her into him, "i don't care, you're high and drunk and as your boyfriend i have to make sure you're ok, and i'm not leaving you here to get blazed so we're leaving. now." he tells you sternly.

you give him a death glare as he walks you away, his arm around your waist. you turn to wave goodbye and walk through the house of people. it was a struggle trying to get you out of the house since you kept getting distracted by people greeting you and offering you drinks, but finn kept pulling you towards the door.

you stopped midway once you saw a round of shots being placed on the table and you began to walk over to see what was happening when you felt two arms lift you up and throw you over your shoulder, you saw the curly mop of hair and realised it was finn.

you screamed, "finn! put me down," but soon your pleads turned into giggles as he set you down in the passenger seat of his car. you looked down at your feet, and then realised you had no shoes on, finn closed the door and sat in the drivers seat, "finn where are my shoes," you asked, panicking. you started to open the door to go out to looked for them but finn reached across and closed it.

"they're in your hand y/n you took them off because you said the 'floor was squishy'," he muttered. you looked at your hand and saw them and this made you laugh more, "oh," you sighed with relief.

he started the engine and began driving, as you gave him a quizzical look, "where are we going," finn glanced over at you, one hand on the wheel, and the other holding your hand, "i'm taking you to my house,"

you furrowed your eyebrows, "i don't think that's a good idea,"

"why not?"

"i want to go to my house,"

finn looked at you and laughed slightly, "so you live in vancouver now?"

"no dumbass! i live in canada," you say.

finn laughs, "y/n baby, would you really want to go home to your parents like this?"

"don't call me baby," you mutter, playing with the ends of your hair.

"why not?"

"i have a boyfriend,"

"princess, i am your boyfriend,"

"no you're not, my boyfriends called finn,"

finn chuckles at your cluelessness, "oh really, what is he like then?"

you smile, leaning back in her seat and looking up, "he's amazing, he's funny and kind and hot and is the best kisser ever and he plays guitar and sings and he's an actor and i love him," you rant.

"he sounds great," he laughs.

"he is," you blushe at the thought of him, clueless in your high state to know that it's finn beside you.

"well guess what y/n,"

"what?" you say excitedly.

"it's me finn!" he says jokingly as he stops the car in his driveway, his family were away on vacation so it was just him and you. you gasp, smiling, "finn!" you shout as you quickly hug him. finn pulls apart and stares at his beautiful girlfriend before connecting your lips. you laugh into the kiss and he pulls away, "way to ruin the moment," he chuckles.

"if you're cooler than me, does that make me hotter than you?" you ask.

he raises an eyebrow, reaching to unbuckle your seatbelt, and helps you out of the car, "trust me baby, you're definitely hotter than me," he smiles and you two walk inside.

this was cute
second part of the sweetener album inspired imagines
i'm sorry i haven't updated in a while! i've been busy with school but summer's here so i have more time now❕
lots of love♡🌫☁️

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