friends with benefits

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type: there is no type whoops
warnings: kissing
summary: finn has just recently broken up with his girlfriend and needs a hookup
song: tumblr girls by g-easy

"after we fuck it's over, walk out the door that's closure. no i can't stay here and hold
her, tomorrow act like i don't know her,"

your relationship status was, well... it's complicated. you were single, technically. you were taken, technically. who was the cause of this confusing love battle? none other than finn wolfhard.

you were friends. not the best of friends, but friendly towards each other. you were both stars in the award winning netflix show 'stranger things', and knew each other well because of that. but he wasn't your closest friend out of the cast.

and it stayed like this, until one night. finn and his girlfriend had just broken up, mutually agreeing that it wasn't going to work out due to finn's busy schedule on stranger things and it and everything else.

y/n was walking around atlanta, wearing an oversized hoodie and and sunglasses to hide her identity, which probably looked a little shady considering it was dark outside. but she didn't want fans to notice her wondering about.

she did this regularly, to clear her mind from any negative thoughts which she would get often. it was a distraction. but upon this walk she encountered a figure sitting on a park bench, staring at the ground.

curious, y/n decided to look closer at who the person was, as they were wearing sunglasses and a hoodie too. y/n walked closer to the figure, when she noticed the mop of red curly hair that was slightly illuminated by the street lamp.

she began walking towards the person, recognising who it was, "finn?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows, standing in front of the person. finn looked nervous, looking around and back down again. "um sorry i don't know who that is," he replied, putting on a fake voice.

y/n sighed, "it's me finn, y/n," she told him, taking off her sunglasses and pulling down her hood. finn let out a breath of relief, before pulling down his hood and taking off his sunglasses to reveal his brown eyes and freckles.

"sorry, i thought you were a fan," finn said.

y/n laughed, gesturing to the space on the bench beside him, "can i sit here?" she asked. finn moved over slightly and nodded, as y/n sat down on the cold, hard, bench. y/n bounced her leg up and down, looking over at finn, "so, what are you doing out late at night?"

finn turned to her, "i could ask you the same question,"

y/n laughed slightly, looking up at the sky, "sometimes i like to take walks to reflect on everything," she answered. finn looked at her, lips parted. he smiled, nodding his head, "yeah, i get that." he replied.

"what about you?" y/n asked.

"lilia broke up with me," finn answered. he bit his lip and looked down at his shoes. y/n gave a small smile of sympathy. she knew finn did really love lilia, and he seemed very torn up about the whole situation. she had never seen finn like this. even when he broke up with the girlfriend he had before lilia.

"i'm sorry," y/n said after a short silence hung in the air.

"why are you sorry?" finn questioned.

y/n gulped and gave a half smile, "because, i know how much you liked her," she told him. he shrugged, nodding. another silence filled the air, as finn stared down at his bony hands, rubbing them together to warm him up.

"i did," finn admitted.

y/n stared at him in sympathy, "does someone need a hug?" she laughed. finn hesitated at first, but then gave in and nodded, wrapping their arms around each other. finn was warm, unlike y/n, so she cuddled up closer to him. the hug was amazing, like a nice, friendly, bear hug.

y/n didn't expect to be the one comforting finn after his breakup, and finn didn't expect it either. but this incident was coincidental. "i should have seen this coming. i mean, all love, ends," finn spoke. y/n looked up at him, kicking her feet.

"that's why i never get myself attached," y/n explained. which was true, or at least she tried. she very often would dismiss the thought of a relationship in fear of getting hurt, and even friendships, which made her close herself off a bit.

finn, intrigued, raised his eyebrows, "i'm so stupid!" he exclaimed, grabbing onto his hair, "why would i ever think i could be in a committed relationship! it never works out," he told himself, mad at himself more than anyone else.

y/n placed her hand on his arm, and he looked up at her, his eyes glassy with tears, "it's natural finn, relationships suck. sometimes you just have to move on from them. maybe you need to have some fun, instead of being exclusive," she advised him.

that's when a lightbulb went off in finn's brain, and he perked up at his sudden idea, "that's what i need. a need a thoughtless fling, no strings attatched," he said. y/n raised her eyebrows blinking, "ok, that's, not what i said?" she stated as more of a question.

"come on y/n, you get to have all the fun, and spare the heartbreak after," finn explained, "but that's just cruel finn, for several reasons; one, it ruins the meaning of a relationship, and two, it basically makes you a... fuck boy," y/n tried to reason with him.

"and you can't go around breaking girl's hearts like that," she said.

"what if it was with one person?" finn asked.

"really, who would want to do that? and plus, that's so heartless to just-" y/n starts.

"it wouldn't be any random person, it would be someone i know most likely," finn told her.

"like wh-" before y/n could finish her sentence, finn gently grabbed the back of her neck and smashed his lips onto hers. she was taken aback and he immediately pulled away, once seeing her reaction. y/n let out a breath, and tried to catch her breath in silence for a few seconds.

they both exchanged burning eye contact, finn was looking at y/n, scared her ruined everything, just when y/n grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him back. the kiss lasted a while as finn slid his tongue into her mouth, their tongues fighting for dominance.

y/n pulled away to regain her breath, as finn smiled at her, "like you," he answered, y/n thought about it for a second, turning to sit back on the bench. their was a silence until y/n spoke up, "so what, i'm just your hook up?"

"we're still just friends,"

"this is not the kind of stuff that friends do, finn,"

"friends. with benefits."

there will be a part two, this story gets real juicy
wordcount; 1187 words

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