Chapter 6: I like you more

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Lolo's POV:

Im sure they're just friends but just to make sure it doesn't go any farther than that i will have to put a stop to it. i walked over to the bench where they were sitting. I grabbed Teo's hand and continued to walk down Main Street.

"So what ride do you want to go on next you can choose?"

"How about Splash Mountain? Its Lilly's favorite and I haven't been on it in a LONG TIME!"

"But its my birthday not Lilly's!"

"I thought you said i could choose."

"I did fine lets go" we walked over to Splash mountain.

"Teo can you sit in the back with me and protect me from getting water on my new shoes?"

I was trying to keep his attention on me so he wouldn't have time to talk to Lilly.

"Um ok."

The ride started and sure enough my shoes got SOAKED!!! I really hate Lil right now!

Lilly's POV:

I herd Teo stand of for himself against Lo about going on my favorite ride and it made me feel good. I'm glad Teo has some self respect and cares about our friendship. Splash mountain was really fun!!

After we got off and went on a few more rides we ended up in Tomorrowland. This was also one of my favorite places in the park because it had Star Tours and i loved that ride as a kid!

"Hey Lolo i think I'm going to ride Star Tours with Lil. It brings back childhood memories. I know you hate this ride so you can just wait out here and will get you after. that gives you time to eat too because you said you were hungry right?"

" What ah um ya i guess"

"Ok great see you after this! Bye" he kissed her on the forehead and then we walked over to the line. It was about a 30 minute wait which was pretty good since it was a busy day.

"So how are you and Lo doing?"

"Ok i guess i mean i like her in all but shes really bossy and i want more of a relationship like you and i have where everything is easy going and fun."

"Haha well thats great to here that our friendship is great but Lolo's my friend and i think you should try to fix your guys relationship instead of wishing it was ours."

After I said that I could tell he knew I was right. I know I kinda like him but he is with Lolo and I don't want to be the one to break up their relationship. We stood in line for another 25 minutes and I made Teo explain how he met Lolo. I guess they just both met at a casting call in L.A. We were so busy talking that we didnt even realize we were next in line to get on the ride.

T: "Im kinda nervous."

Lil: "Teo you have got to be kidding me we loved this ride when we were kids!"

T: "Haha i know i was just mocking Lo."

Lil: "Haha well in that case good impression but i think you need to say it a little more whiny."

T: "ya your right like *insert baby voice* Im too scared Teo i want to go home"

Lil: "haha"

We went back in forth mocking her until the ride started. Even after the ride we were still mocking her. We got so carried away that we didnt even realize we were doing it in front of Lo.

"What are you guys talking about?" she said in a sassy and pissed way.

"Nothing!" we said in unison.

"Ok them"

there was a long awkward silence between everyone. Finally Kate spoke up and said something.

"Ok well the next fast past doesn't activate for another 40 minutes so what do you guys want to do while we wait?"

"Lets go on the Buzz ride!" I exclaimed.

Lo: "Oh my god why would anyone be so childish and still want to go on that ride at our our age?"

T: "It'll be fun! come on lets go!" Teo grabbed my hand and we ran to the entrance of the Buzz ride"

T: "I bet you I can get more points at this game than you"

Lil: "haha you wish I bet I can double your score"

T: "ha ok your on. person to get the highest points wins"

Lil: "fine"

T: "fine"

I knew I was probably going to lose this but i always love a good challenge.

-After the ride-

"wow thats what i love about you Lil, you know you suck at something but you still try"

"haha stop i wasn't that bad"

T: "I tripled your score"

Lil: "Ya but I'm pretty sure my blaster was broken so you won by default"

T: "ha ok ya sure if that's what you have to tell yourself to sleep at night"

Lil: "ha fine don't believe me than I call a rematch at the Toy Story Mania later"

T: "deal! I cant wait to kick your ass.........again"

Lil: "not this time"

I honestly loved our playful banter. I just hope Lolo isn't jumping to conclusions about our friendship.

Note: Hey guys well I told you it would get better!!! Anyway I'm sorry cause I know I promised I would post yesterday but I was really busy on my birthday and just didn't have time. I tried to make this chapter a little longer because who likes short chapters?!?! NO ONE! Haha well I hope your enjoying it and having a great summer break! Love ya- Mia😋

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