Chapter 13: Weird Day

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Lilly's POV:

Lil: "That's it? It's over?"

T: "Yep."

Lil: "I'm sorry"

T: "I'm not"

Lil: "what why?"

T: "Cause she was a pain in the ass!"

Lil: "Teo!"

T: "Just call it like I see it! I mean I'll kinda miss her but she was obviously done with me so I'm not going to cry over it"

C: "well if my input helps at all-"

T: "it doesn't"

C: "anyway I think she was rude"

T: "ya that didn't help"

C: "well on the bright side you and Lil can date now"

Lil: "stop."

T: "What are you talking about? Lil what is he talking about?"

Lil: "Nothing just ignore him"

T: "oh."

Lil: "Ya so we got a while until we have to meet Holli and Kate so- oh my gosh!"

T: "What?!? What's wrong?"

Lil: "I have to tell Holli what happened! Lo is her best friend!"

T: "Lo probably already told her"

Lil: "Ya true. Well we have plenty of time before we have to meet them so Thunder Mountain anyone?"

C: "Sounds good"

We walked over to Thunder Mountain to see a huge line.

Lil: "Well we got time so truth or dare anyone?"

C: "How are we going to do dares in line?"

Lil: "I'll find a way"

C: "uh ok"

Lil: "alright so Cody truth or dare?"

C: "Truth"

Lil: "Ok what was your first impression of me?"

C: "Cute, quiet, and honestly a little bit bitchy"

Lil: "what?!?! Bitchy?"

C: "Ya cause you weren't talking to me at first so I just thought you were being rude"

Lil: "wow alright"

C: "sorry"

Lil: "no it's ok. I appreciate the honesty."

C: "Really?"

Lil: "No"

C: "Oh."

Lil: "It's your turn."

C: "Uh ok Teo truth or dare?"

T: "Truth"

C: "ok if Lil was guaranteed to say yes, would you ask her out?"

Teo's POV:

Oh crap what do I say? If I lie and say no then she might be offended but if I say yes then it's going to be awkward between us. Well I don't want to hurt her feelings so I guess it's going to be an awkward day!

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