Chapter 5

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I feel sweat drenching my palms as I sit next to Seokjin, the rest of the guys carrying a light conversation. Although, numerous thoughts are swirling in and out of my mind. Sh*t.

I curse in my head as I realize my location most likely has been compromised and I'll have to flee once again. I need to head back to my place.

"I'm sorry for saying this all of a sudden, but I really do have to be going this time..." I say standing up with Jin pouting slightly, as I try to wipe the sweat off the palms of my hands.

"You sure you can't stay a little longer?" A voice pleads to me with a little pout and puppy eyes, as I try to avoid all eye contact. Resist. Resist!

"No Jimin, I think she's been here long enough," Yoongi grumbles out loud and only glances at me before diverting his eyes away. A silence mingling in the air with Jimin sulking on the couch, about to argue back but Namjoon breaks the silence instead.

"Alright, enough you two. I'll take you back to your place, Y/N," Namjoon states, giving Yoongi a warning filled gaze before turning back to me. Namjoon gestures toward the door which I swiftly went towards, grabbing my duffle bag and slipping back on my shoes.

"You got all you need?" Namjoon inquires as I give a slight nod. Just as we're about to walk out the door Jin shouts.

"Namjoon you better make sure to bring the pretty lady back!" Jin shouts causing a light pink to dust my cheeks, leading me to quickly slip my mask back on to try and cover it. Having taken the mask off earlier when first entering.

"And you better calm your hormones because she won't come back if you keep this up!" I hear Jungkook yell at Jin and before I could hear anything else Namjoon lightly pushes me out the door. He is fast to shut it and speed walk over to his car, politely opening up the passenger door for me. I slip inside with a light chuckle as he closes the door, heading to the driver's side.

He inputs my address into the car's GPS as we head off to my house.

After a few minutes, Namjoon starts up a conversation, "Sorry about my roommates, again. I know they can be a lot to handle at first. And I'm sure if you come back, Yoongi will warm up to you eventually. He's never good with a new company."

"I could see they can be a handful sometimes, but stop apologizing! I promise you it's okay, they were all very welcoming. Well I mean maybe not Yoongi, but hey, not everyone is always nice," I say with a light chuckle as he gives me a soft smile in return. Both of us remained in a comfortable silence until arriving at my house.

"Thank you so much for today Namjoon, for saving me and welcoming me into your home," I tell him as I open the passenger door, looking back at him before giving him a slight bow. Although all he does is wave it off, giving that smile that showcases his dimples.

"No need to thank me, I'm glad to have helped. And you're such a pleasure to have. I was wondering if maybe I could get your number? You know, to stay in touch?" Namjoon questions with his hand nervously rubbing the back of his neck, not daring to make eye contact.

"Of course," I say with a small smile as he hands me his phone. I quickly tap in my number before handing it back.

"Get home safe!" I state quickly closing the passenger door and heading to my front door.

I turn around waving at Namjoon, him giving a slight wave back before driving off. I let out a breath I didn't even know I've been holding and take out my keys. Opening and closing my front door, making sure to lock it. I slip off my shoes and throw my keys on the entry table..
I head over to my couch, plopping onto it with a sigh. Staring at the ceiling. What a day...


It's been a few hours and currently, I'm watching a drama while eating a snack until I hear a ping from my phone. I sigh a little before hitting pause on the drama and grabbing the phone to see an unknown number texted me.

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Namjoon's POV

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Namjoon's POV

A smile is plastered on my face as I stare at my phone screen. I look up staring at the wall while thinking of Y/N. She's so pretty...when she took off her mask, gosh.

"What's up with you?" Hoseok asks, waving a hand back and forth in front of my face although I completely ignore it.

"Namjoon!" Hoseok screams in my ear, I gasp clutching a hand over my heart staring right back at Hoseok.

"Don't scare me like that!" I say trying to steady my breathing for his scare.

"And I thought I was the one easily scared...What's up with you?" Hoseok inquires, squinting his eyes at me while an awkward chuckle escapes me.

"Oh, uh, I was just t-texting someone," I mutter before trying to leave with my phone in hand, but Hoseok snatches my phone out of my grip.

"Ha! Well let's see who this someone is," Hoseok teases looking at the phone before gasping loudly, "YOU'VE BEEN TEXTING Y/N THIS ENTIRE TIME AND YOU DIDN'T THINK TO GIVE ME HER NUMBER!?!" Hoseok shouts loudly, making me groan.

"Because I knew you would react like this!" I retort before trying to get my phone back, but Hoseok starts running around in circles with it before darting into his room.

"HOSEOK COME HERE!" I yell but all I hear is him laughing before responding.


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