Chapter 22

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Your POV

I woke up to someone tapping my shoulder, waking me up, "hmm?"

"Sleep well?" Hoseok questions softly with a
smile. I nod smiling back and glance around to still see the rest of the guys still here.

"What are you guys still doing up? Isn't it late?" I question, glancing at the time to see it's almost 11pm.

"Well, we had something we needed to ask you," Namjoon states looking at me with a worried glance.

"W-What is it?" I stutter out, letting my nerves get the best of me when the rest of the guys seem to have serious or worried expressions.

"We want to know about...the scar," Taehyung says softly, making my breath hitch into response.

"What about it?" I mumble out, touching it subconsciously.

"We want to know what happened, if you're willing to tell," Jimin states, too nervous to let his eyes meet mine.

I sigh heavily, lifting up my sleeve and staring at the scar that's now been there for years, "I was caught in a fire."

"A fire??!?" Jungkook exclaims with wide eyes.
"Yes, a fire," I state with a sigh trying to keep the memories I didn't want to remember come to light.

"H-How did the fire happen?" Hoseok questions hesitantly.

"Someone set fire to my home," I say although it wasn't the whole truth, it was enough. I'm sorry I still can't tell you everything...I just don't know who is my enemy anymore.

"Do you know who set it on fire?" Yoongi asks but all I can do is shake my head in response.

"I was too young then for me to remember. All I know is that they wanted revenge and did it through burning everything," I say almost in a whisper feeling overwhelmed as emotions I tried to lock away coming to light.

"And now, I'll always remember the incident," I mumble, tracing the burn.

"I'm so sorry," Jin states, petting my hair with his hand gently.

I try my best to smile a little to reassure him, "I'm fine now. It's in the past, it's over."

Everyone remains silent for a while, not sure of what else to say.

"By the way, I found a place and the renter says I can move in this weekend," I blurt out, not wanting to continue on this subject anymore.

"But that's in two days!" Jimin exclaims with a pout.

I smile softly, "hey, my apartment will always be open to you guys to come and visit."

"So do you need any help moving in?" Jungkook questions making me nod.

"It would be very much appreciated, although I don't have much to move," I trail off towards the end.

"That doesn't matter! We can get you set up quickly, that way we call all hang out the rest of the day!" Taehyung exclaims, making me smile at him.

"Alright, that sounds like a good plan," I say as the rest of the boys nod in agreement.


"Ah! Miss Y/n, good to see you! Now let's start shall we?" San states with a large grin as I nod, following him and Hoonjoong to a conference room.

"So what exactly do we need to get done?" Hoonjoong questions as San starts pulling out his supplies.

"We've got to make a business pitch to the boss about how to improve the company," San explains.

"Well, that shouldn't be too hard!" I say with a small smile as San side eyes me with a raised eyebrow.

"Easy for you to say Miss Y/n, but Mr. Jung is incredibly hard to impress," San says as Hoonjoong nods in agreement.

I chuckle awkwardly, "then we've got our work cut out for ourselves."

"We certainly do," Hoonjoong states with a long, tired sigh. This is going to be a long day...


"Hey, guys! I'm back!" I announce to be met with silence. Strange...usually at least one of them is here, making some type of noise.

I was about to head off to my room, but immediately stopped hearing the sound of a piano. The familiarity of the song being played starts to bring back memories I've long forgotten. I can't stop my feet from moving towards the sound and find myself in front of the same room I had mistaken for my own. Yoongi's room.

I hesitantly twist the knob of the door and open it to see the back of him. His hands glided over the piano perfectly, playing the waltz I knew from everytime my parents held a ball. I feel a genuine smile overtake my features, remembering the joy and happiness that those balls created. From the beautiful ball gowns to the laughter that always filled the room. My parents' favorite activity.

I jump at the feeling of someone tapping my shoulder. My eyes widen seeing Yoongi staring at me with an unamused expression, "what do you want?"

"I-I'm sorry...I heard the piano and j-just-"
"You just?" He questions, with a cocked eyebrow.

"I just wanted to see who was playing..." I mumble feeling a blush of embarrassment coat my cheeks.

"Well, now you know," he states matter of factly.

"Y-Yup," I reply, feeling an awkward tension building in the air, "well, I'm gonna go now! Bye!"

Yoongi's POV

I watch as she scurries away towards her room as if her life depends on it. I sigh, running a hand through my hair, "Do I really scare you that much?"

I whisper the thought to myself closing the door, but something else comes to mind. Just what exactly was she thinking was as if she was in a trance before I had finally gotten her attention. I shake the thought away, turning off the piano and getting ready to head to sleep. Gotta be ready to help her move out soon...but do I really want her gone? Stop it Yoongi- she's only moving out of the house you didn't want her inside of in the first place, but why do I feel so upset about her leaving?

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