Chapter 10

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"Yes, leaving," I say with a loud sigh of relief after feeling as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders from finally getting the chance to tell Namjoon. Especially after hanging the call up on him so rudely.

"No, you can't!" He retorts with his eyes beginning to water, my heart pounding rapidly against my chest from the hurt expression on his features..

"Namjoon, I have nowhere to go. I have to leave and find another job, a new place," I reply with a straight tone, trying my best not to let tears escape. My heart slowly breaks into pieces from seeing him like this.

"You can find a new job here!" He objects, his eyes hopeful as I shake my head sighing. I wish it were that easy, but not when I'm still technically unsafe anywhere I go...

"Oh really? Then where will I stay?" I question before taking a sip of my drink, knowing he won't have an answer. I've stumped him, so now I'll be able to leave with no problems-

"You can stay with us!" Hoseok shouts out excitedly as I choke harshly on my drink. Hitting my hand against my chest, coughing before swallowing and glancing over at Hoseok with wide eyes. What the f*ck?!?

"You're insane! I couldn't do that," I say, rejecting the idea right away. I couldn't, that's too much of a burden with all my I would risk their lives for those problems....

"No we're not! We have a guest room that you can stay in until you get a job again and can afford your own place," Namjoon retorts back as I try and process what he's saying.

"B-But what about the other guys?" I question, thinking about how they would react horribly to this. The other guys would never agree to this...yeah, they wouldn't.

"They all really liked you, I promise. The only one I'm not certain about is this guy," Hoseok states before elbowing Yoongi in the side, only groaning in irritation in response.

"What?" Yoongi states with a stone cold expression towards Hoseok who smiles brightly at him.

"What about it hyung, can Y/N stay with us?" Hoseok asks with big eyes and slightly pouting lip, making Yoongi scrunch up his face in disgust before sighing. Please say no...

"As long as she doesn't disturb me, I guess I wouldn't mind it," Yoongi mumbles, not daring to look in my direction as I stare at him in complete shock to what he just said. How is he, out of all the guys okay with this?!?

"Guys, seriously. This is insane, I couldn't stay with you!" I exclaim as Hoseok laughs in response to my little outburst. While Namjoon is already picking my luggage from the corner, easily over my head before I can reject the idea anymore. He exits the cafe with my luggage leaving me with my mouth hanging wide open. Did that actually just happen...?!?

"Don't hang your mouth open that wide, you might catch flies," Yoongi states smugly, closing my mouth as I grumble at his statement before sitting back in my seat.

"Come on, it won't be that bad," Hoseok says with a chuckle, giving a pat to my head.

I take in a deep breath, shaking my head, "fine. But you have permission to kick me out at any moment you want and I'll leave."

"Yes! I promise, you won't regret it Y/N!" Hoseok shouts loudly doing a happy dance before exiting the cafe, most likely meaning he's going with Namjoon back to the house with my luggage. I sigh loudly before looking at Yoongi who is smiling widely showing his gums. Kinda cute...but what is he all happy about?

"What's with the huge smile?" I question staring at him like he's gone mad, as he snickers in response and only smiles wider.

"I'm enjoying your agony."

I scowl at him causing his smile to grow even bigger if that's possible. Well at least someone is enjoying it...I guess...


I stare at the door of the house I was welcome into a day ago as just a guest to now become a temporary resident. Just how did I end up in this situation?!?

My thoughts are interrupted by Yoongi nudging me with his elbow, raising his eyebrows up and down with a smug expression, "You gonna use your magic powers to open the door by itself?"

He finishes off with a large smirk as I stare at him in response with an expressionless face, "haha. Very funny."

Finally I open the door, heading inside as Yoongi follows snickering, entertained by my reaction to his "joke".

"Y/N!" I hear someone shout out excitedly, only feeling the wind taken out of my lungs when a body tackles me to the ground in a tight hug.

"B-Breathing, I-I can't!" I wheeze out, hitting his arm before hearing a deep chuckle before they stand up, reaching a hand out to me with a large box like smile.

I shake my head giggling, regaining my breath a bit before taking his hand as he helps me stand back up, "Sorry about that, I'm just really excited after hearing you'll be staying with us for awhile!"

"R-Really? How did everyone react?" I question back, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Jin is excited because he can finally style a room for someone else as he knows you're poor and can't afford any decorations," Taehyung blurts out as I just stare at him speechless from what he just uttered.

Did he

Although Taehyung continues not realizing the boom he just dropped as Yoongi is trying not to laugh when leaving for his room, "then Jiminie and I are super excited! And Kookie is too although he's a little shy so he's a bit hesitant, but don't worry. He'll warm up to you, he likes you a lot."

I giggle a little before Taehyung offers to show me to the temporary room I'll be staying in while I'm here, and I agree with a small smile.

"Well, since you're staying with us for awhile, can I learn something about you?" Tae asks with his pleading eyes and all I can do is nervously fiddle with my sleeve.

"I-I'm not that interesting really," I mumble back, not being able to meet his gaze. Please drop the subject...I plead in my head, hoping he'll stop asking about me.

"Oh come onnn, there must be something," He continues with a slight pout before something pops into my head. Don't say it stupid-

"Ummm, my old nickname used to be...nevermind," I sigh, having flashbacks hit me like a truck. You set yourself up for that...

"Come on, tell me," Tae pleads as I sigh deeply before giving in to his pleads.

"Fine, my old nickname used to be witch," I state with a blank expression as Tae looks at me with his mouth open wide in shock. His eyes comically large as if he's seen a ghost.

"Y-You're joking right?" He questions awkwardly laughing at the end. Oh how I wish....

"Nope," I reply with a straight tone as his eyes look at me with a tinge of pity.

"May I ask why?" He inquires nervously as I can only glance at him.

"Long story, short. Didn't meet certain expectations, that's all I'm saying," I reply dryly as he nods before changing the touchy subject.

"Well, here you are," He states with a soft smile as I give him a small smile back. Finally...I couldn't stand talking about that any longer...

"Thanks, I think I can figure things out from here," I reply, at which he nods before leaving, letting me close to the door with a long, heavy sigh.

Why did I have to bring that up, out of all things?!? Your favorite color? Movie? Nothing. My thoughts begin to slowly fill up with dark memories of the past revolving around the nickname. I guess people are right, you can't escape the past. Because I certainly can't...

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