Chapter 17

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Your POV

I sigh heavily opening the door to the house, slipping off my shoes with a smile. Finally out of those darn heels.

"Y/n! How was your first day?" I hear a gentle voice question as I turn around to be met with a smiling Jimin.

"It was alright, just very tiring," I state with a light chuckle as he nods in understanding.

"Well if you wanted, the guys and I were about to all head out for dinner. Would you like to join?" He asks with sparkling puppy like eyes, making it almost impossible to decline.

"Sure, just give me a few minutes to change?" I question back as he jumps up and down excitedly. He acts like a child...but it's cute- OMG you need to stop thinking like this-

"Yes yes yes! The guys are still changing anyways," he exclaims with a laugh that was high and squeaky making my heart swell at how adorable it is.

I smile before heading off to my room and beginning to change into just some jeans and white long sleeve shirt, not wanting to worry about covering up my scar. I let my hair down and grab a small purse, putting everything I need. My smile falters a little, gazing at the necklace my mom had given me. I can only stare at it before lightly clutching it in my hands. I want you to meet the nice people who took me in mom...

With that, I put the necklace around my necklace and gaze at it with a small smile. I take in a deep breath before opening my door to see Namjoon about to knock on the door. He smiles sheepishly, eyes gazing at my figure causing a light blush to invade his cheeks, "oh umm, are you ready to go?"

I nod in response, walking ahead leaving the boy to catch up with my footsteps making a little chuckle leave my lips. Finally arriving in the living room where everyone else was waiting to go, all their gazes looking up towards Namjoon and I.

"Finally you're here! Let's go," Yoongi exclaims, getting up and heading out the front door.

I chuckle to myself as everyone follows out after him. Someone must be hungry.

"Who's driving?" Jungkook questions, getting into the back of the van.

"I am, so everyone else get in or I'm leaving without you," Yoongi states, making everyone hurriedly get into the car.

As Yoongi sits in the front, Jin sits shotgun while the rest of us are back here. Myself between Jungkook and Namjoon, although I couldn't help but feeling slight tension between Jungkook and I. Darn it, why did that happen?!? I shift a bit closer to Namjoon which at least makes Jungkook relax a little. I hate that he's tense around me...

Hoseok sits next to Jungkook while Taehyung and Jimin sit in the back of the car. Namjoon and I carry light conversation with others, occasionally chiming into the conversation as we drive to the restaurant.


"Here is your table," the waiter states, setting down the menus.

"Thank you," we all say before sitting down. Hoseok sitting on my right as Taehyung sits on my left.

"Anything to start off with to drink?" The waiter questions as we all give our orders.

"I'll be back in a few minutes," He states bowing, not before giving me a wink. I can only stare at the waiter's back, questioning whether that just happened. Did he just- no...right?

I shake the thought away as we all begin glancing at the menu, "I'll pay for my own part of the meal by the way guys, you don't need to pay for me."

"What?!? No! You're still our guest and we invited you out so you won't pay!" Jin retorts.


"No buts, just pick something to eat already," Yoongi cuts in, making my eyes widen a bit as Inod in response silently, continuing to choose what to eat. He didn't object to me not paying? Strange...


I smile widely seeing the food in front of me as the waiter places it down although I feel my body tense as he gives a squeeze to my shoulder, "and here is your order miss."

"Thank you," I reply, nervously before he finally lets go of my shoulder. At least I don't think the guys noticed...

"Hope you enjoy your meal," The waiter states bowing, not before sending another wink towards me. Okay...definitely wasn't hallucinating...

I shift in the chair uncomfortably at the advances he's making and move my gaze away to see Yoongi staring intensely at me. I raise an eyebrow as he realizes and softens his gaze a little. Weird...what's up with him lately? I just shrug it off and start eating the meal in front of me which is very delicious.

"I could eat this dish until the day I die! It's so good!" Jin exclaims making everyone chuckle at his outburst about the food.

"How is your food, Y/n?" Hoseok asks with a bright smile making me smile back in response.

"Very good, how about yours?" I question back.

"Very good as well," he responds, chuckling, making me smile brighter.

"Actually, Y/n. There is something I want to ask you," Namjoon states as I raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Go ahead," I say, taking a bite of my food.

"Well," He starts before taking a deep breath, "since you have a job now...are you going to stay with us or find your own place?"

An overwhelming silence fills the air at the question as all their eyes look to me, waiting for my answer.

"I've thought about it actually," making everyone's eyes go wide in shock slightly, "I'll try and find my own place within the next week."

"W-What?" Namjoon blurts out with hurt shining in his eyes.

"Please understand," I start off with before continuing, "you guys have been so nice to me and I've loved every second, but I don't want to be a burden. I wanna know I can sustain myself with my income and be independent. I'll still come over...if you want me to, but I want to have my own place."

"We understand and you're free to come by anytime," Jin replies with a sweet smile, relaxing my tensed body.

"Thank you," I state with a smile before continuing to eat although my heart hurts at the gloomy expression Namjoon wore on his face after that.


"Here is your check," The waiter states placing it in the center, but before giving my shoulder a tap after placing it. A shiver runs down my spine, disgusted by the touch.

"Why don't you all head to the car while I stay here and pay, alright?" Jin states with a smile.

"Thank you, Jin!" We all say, beginning to make our way out.

I walk beside Hoseok until I feel a grasp on my wrist, letting a gasp escape me. I turn to see the waiter smiling with dark lust filled eyes, "may I speak to you for a second, Miss?"

I try to get my grip away from his, but he only tightens it in response, "I'm sorry but-"

"Oh there you are honey! We should be going now, bye," Yoongi states, grabbing me around the waist making the waiter huff and let go of my wrist. I feel a blush invade my cheeks at the intimate touch.

He keeps his arm around my waist as we make our way out of the restaurant before letting me go once we make it out, "It's like you try and cause me trouble."

"I do not," I retort as he rolls his eyes, getting in the front seat to drive as I take mine in the back.

"Hey Y/n, you alright? You look a little red?" Jimin questions, as Yoongi snickers in the front seat.

"I-I'm fine," I state, looking out the window to avoid anyone else from noticing.

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