Chapter 9

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Still Yoongi's POV

"Hyung I need your help!" Namjoon cries out into the phone.

"Woah, what's the problem?" I question softly as to not to set him off anymore than he already has.

"Something is wrong with Y/N! She hung up on me out of nowhere and I don't know where she is!" He yells loudly into the phone in distress as my gaze goes back to the girl awkwardly looking around at the stuff hanging on the walls of the cafe.

"She's with me," I state with a small sigh, although all I hear is silence on the other line.

"Hello?" I question until Namjoon groans on the other end in annoyance.

"Don't mess with me right now hyung," Namjoon says in an irritated tone.

"I'm not messing with you Namjoon. She's with me right now," I state with a neutral tone, hearing him gasp in response finally registering what I'm saying.

"P-Please, tell me where you are!" He cries out into the phone as I sigh hearing him in distress over a girl who is perfectly fine, before telling him where we are.

"I'll be there as soon as I can!" Namjoon says quickly before hanging up the phone on me.

I chuckle a bit before putting the phone back into my pocket, turning back towards her. I look over at her glancing around the cafe anxiously. Do I still scare her? I shake the thought aside and head back over to my seat.

"That was Namjoon," I state as I see her body visibly tense at the mention of his name causing me to raise an eyebrow curiously at that.

"O-Oh," She says quietly in response, her eyes darting around, looking anywhere but me.

"He's on his way here," I continue at which her eyes widen and she tries to quickly cover it up with making a neutral face. Did something happen? Did she not tell him she's leaving?

We sit together in a mutual silence before the last question keeps popping into my mind over and over again.

I sigh heavily before popping the one question that has been lingering in my mind for a few minutes now, "you didn't tell anybody you were going to leave, did you?"

"I d-don't know what you're talking about," She stutters out, obviously lying to me at which I shake my head, sighing again.

"You know you worried Namjoon to no end," I state before continuing, "He called me because of you. Although he knew nothing about you to explain why he's so worried?"

Your POV

What is this?!? An interrogation?

I nervously glance at Yoongi to see an inquisitive look on his face while waiting for my answer. The guilt of hanging up on Namjoon back then begins to eat me up, knowing I handled the situation wrong. I couldn't help it...I panicked. But now he's worried about me, although I don't know why he would be...

"Hello? Are you going to answer my question?" Yoongi asks with a bit of an irritated tone, waving a hand in front of my face causing me to snap out of my slight trance.

I groan slightly before beginning to explain what happened.


"I don't really know what to say," Yoongi states, a bit shocked from the whole situation.

"I feel horrible, I should've handled it better..." I mumble out looking down, not being able to meet his gaze.

"Well, you should tell him what's going on. I think that'll make up for it," Yoongi says quietly, my eyes widening in shock from hearing Yoongi giving advice to me out of all people.

"You look like you saw a ghost," He states snickering at my expression, as a light blush of embarrassment coats my cheeks.

"I don't," I retort back slightly pouting as Yoongi chuckles and ruffles my hair a little.

"I'll go and get the food," He says, still chuckling before walking away. Geez...this dude...


"Y/N! Are you here?" A voice calls out from the door causing me to jump in my seat before turning around nervously to see Namjoon rush into the cafe with Hoseok trailing behind him hurriedly slightly panting. Namjoon managing to look anywhere but where we are sitting.

"Could y-you not slow down for a second Namjoon? L-Like how are you not out of breath?" Hoseok rasps out, leaning over panting.

"No, we have to find Y/N-"

"Over here, guys!" Yoongi calls out to them, waving over to them so they can see us.

My heart beats against my chest as both of them approach us, as soon as Namjoon spots me he takes me into a bone crushing hug. Hugging my waist tightly with his head buried in my neck causing my cheeks to heat up a bit.

"Oh my gosh, Y/N! You had me so worried! I thought something happened to you!" Namjoon says with tears almost in his eyes.

"I-I can't breathe!" I manage to get out, giving his arm light taps at which he reluctantly lets go. He kneels down until we're face to face and he sighs heavily before cupping face.

I feel my cheeks burning brighter at the contact as he looks me dead in the eye, "don't hang up on me like that again, I was running around looking for you everywhere thinking something happened to you."

I can only nod in response at the statement before he ruffles my hair and Hoseok waves from behind him smiling widely. He pulls Namjoon up from his kneeled position before looking back at you.

"He wasn't the only one worried," Hoseok mutters out pouting at which I giggle at his expression, causing him to break out into a large grin again.

"I can see that," I reply with a large smile back at him.

With the two feeling more relaxed they grab seats nearby, dragging them towards the table.

"So how did you run into Yoongi?" Hoseok inquires curiously before his eyes fall onto your suitcase and bag sitting next to your chair in the corner, "And why d-do you have a suitcase?"

" see...I was leaving."

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