Chapter 15

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*A Day Later*

I stare at the phone just waiting for the call to determine whether I got yesterday's job or not. Come on, just call me already-

My ringtone blares from my phone as I take in a deep breath before answering, "This is Miss Y/N, correct?"

"Yes, yes that's me," I state trying my best not to sound nervous, hearing a hum in response.

"I'm pleased to inform you that you got the job," The woman states before continuing, "We expect you to be here at 7:30 am sharp, and bring your best. Details on the job will be provided in an email that'll soon be sent to you. See you soon, Miss Y/N."

"Yes, yes, yes!" I shout out, a smile forming on my face from finally getting another job. Hopefully this one goes better than last time. Wait...this means I can move out once I get at least one week's pay...

"What's with all the yelling?" Yoongi questions tiredly from the doorframe, looking towards me with a blank face.

"I got the job!" I state with a large genuine smile taking over my features.

Yoongi's POV

My eyes widen seeing her with such a smile, only having seen her with little smiles every now and then, or a straight face. I feel my breath hitch, my cheeks heating up a little at her pure joy from getting the job. Not even noticing as she moved closer and is inches away from my face, waving her hand in front of my face, "Earth to Yoongi-"

"Great, the sooner we can get rid of you," I snap before thinking, completely surprised by my flustered state. That once joyful smile on her face is soon replaced by a hurt expression, as I feel my heart break a little on the inside from it being gone so soon. You caused this...

I sigh internally before swiftly turning around and heading off towards my room with a vast amount of thoughts racing around in my mind.

Sh*t- you idiot! You couldn't even congratulate her?!? No wonder she doesn't like me, I'm an a**hole to her. Well, she'll be happy to leave...but will I be happy when she's gone? What- no of course I will, she's the one who started all of this when she bumped into Namjoon that day.

I sigh heavily as I lock the door of my room, letting those thoughts sink in while I lay across my bed. Staring at the ceiling, head deep in thoughts.

Your POV

I stand there frozen as he leaves from my view of sight. Once again reminded of my place here, that this is all just a favor. I don't need the friendships anyways, what was I thinking that I could make friends with them...

I sigh lightly, my heart feeling heavy. Just like, one wants me. A tear slips down my cheek, as I hurriedly wipe it away.

"Y/N?" A soft voice inquires as I jump back slightly to glance up and see Hoseok gazing at me with a pout, "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing is wrong, I'm completely fine," I state, forcing a smile onto my face as he sighs at the sight and wraps an arm around my shoulder guiding me to the bed. He sits us down, removing his arm and takes my hands into his comfortingly.

"Come on, tell me what's wrong," He insists.

"You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you," I say softly, him only shrugging in response.

"You never know. Now, tell me," He states with a pout.

I take in a deep breath, "So, this morning I got a call from the place I was interviewed at, and...I got the job."

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