Chapter 33

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"Here she is," the maid says as I'm turned around in the chair to be met with Hongjoong in a fancy-looking suit, straight-faced. He only nods silently and grabs my hand dragging me out into the hallway towards the venue.

Everything seems calm until a cold circle-like shape is placed in the middle of my back as we're walking making my body freeze for a second until I'm just tugged ahead, "don't think this gun isn't loaded Princess because as soon as you do anything that could hint to you escaping I'll press this trigger." I was scared of this wedding before but now I'm terrified of it.  I try to stop my hands from shaking but nothing seems to be working to calm my nerves.

There is only silence filling the air on the way to the church where I'll be wed to the most conniving person I've ever met. The sounds of my heels click in the hallway meanwhile all I can hear is the sound of a ticking bomb in my own brain until nothing matters anymore. Weddings are supposed to be beautiful and about starting a new future, but mine will be the entry into a lifelong prison sentence.


Author's POV

The guys in the first car almost leaped out of the car after hearing the news the group in the second car got. It was only a minute later that the second car showed up as everyone nodded their heads, already having discussed the plan over a group chat.

"Alright, let's go crash this wedding boys!" Namjoon whispers in a shout so hopefully, if anyone was nearby they wouldn't hear.

The guys then split up into their two teams, the crashers and the capturers. The crashers were formed to purposely distract those in the castle and the guards so they can chase after them and prevent them to stop the capturers who will retrieve the now stolen princess. The crashers were the detective, Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, and Taehyung. Meanwhile, the capturers, Yoongi, Jungkook, and Jimin could save the princess from what fate is awaiting her at the current moment.

Your POV

"Do you, Wooyoung, welcome Y/n as your wife, offering her your love and encouragement, your trust and respect, as together you create your future?" The pastor questions as a disgusting smirk spread across Wooyoung's face.

"I do," he states. Please, can I delay this any longer?

"Do you, Y/n, welcome Wooyoung as your husband, offering him your love and encouragement, your trust and respect, as together you create your future?" The pastor states as Wooyoung's eyes pierce into mine.

I don't want to, I don't. I really don't. But the gun that was pressed into my back the entire way here reminded me I have no choice in the matter.


"Stop the wedding!"

A voice booms out as my eyes widen in surprise, turning to see Namjoon, Hoseok, Jin, Taehyung, and some guy I didn't know standing in the doorway. A gasp fills the room from the people who were enjoying the wedding, not knowing it was a forced one.

"Guards, deal with this problem!" Wooyung shouts, seething.

The crowd goes into a frenzy thinking that this was some sort of danger to them as they all begin to try and exit the church, not knowing the real meaning behind the wedding being crashed.

A smile spreads on my features but Wooyoung's arm grips my wrist and tugs it harshly, "say I do. Say it!"

"Never!" I retaliate and try to pry my wrist away, a sudden rush of bravery rises over me.

"Hongjoong," Wooyoung seethes as I feel the cold barrel of the pistol pressed up against my back, "now say it."

A chill runs down my spine as I see Wooyoung's intense gaze staring right into my eyes.

"You won't be saying anything," I hear a voice say behind me knowing exactly who it is, Yoongi.

"How did you get past the guards?" Wooyoung questions in disbelief as another voice appears behind Wooyoung.

"It wasn't that hard," Jungkook says, pointing his gun straight at Wooyoung's back just as Hongjoong was doing to me.

"Now if you wanna play nice and give back the princess with no problems, then we won't hurt your prince." Another voice is heard, the only one missing out of the seven, Jimin.

I glance at Wooyoung to see his face contorting into a variety of emotions before I see him nodding at Hongjoong. What was that for-?


I gasp feeling a piercing pain shoot through my chest, the air blown out of my lungs from the bullet. Everything turns into a blur of loud noise surrounding me. I clutch my chest in agony and pull my hand away only to see blood dripping down my arm. So this is it...this is the end.

"Y/n!" A voice shouts as I'm carefully pulled into someone's lap, their arms cradling me as I smile softly seeing a blurry image of Yoongi.

"Y-Yoongi," I whisper out as he shushes me.

"D-Don't speak," he retorts as I feel a droplet of water land on me.

"Don't c-cry," I whisper as my breathing becomes heavier and heavier, I carefully wipe away the tears from his eyes with shaky hands.

"What did I just say? You're gonna be fine, we're gonna make it through this. Just don't move," Yoongi states as I feel his hold tighten.

"I-I love you all," I cough out as my eyes begin to feel heavy. I guess this is it. Thank you...thank you all for caring enough to save me.

"Y-Y/n? Please! Stay with me-"

His voice fades into a black void that takes over my entire mind and body.

Jungkook's POV

I glance over to see Yoongi holding an unconscious Y/n in his arms making me seethe at the sight, "why would you do that to your own bride?"

"I didn't care about her, I only wanted the power from marrying that scum. I planned on killing her on our wedding night anyways," he replies with a roll of his eyes.

"You're gonna regret that," I retort as he laughs mockingly.

"What're you gonna do?" he questions with a cocky grin.

"He's doing nothing because you're coming with me for kidnapping and attempted murder," the detective interrupts before any more chaos occurs as Wooyoung scoffs.

"You can't do that, I'm a prince," he defends as the detective rolls his eyes.

"Nice try princey boy, cuff him," he says as Jimin tackles Wooyoung to the ground when he tries to run and cuffs him while Hoseok cuffs Hongjoong who hangs his head in shame, knowing that there is no way out of this.

Wooyoung wrestles against Jimin but he doesn't budge as they're brought out to the police cars outside of the church that the detective dialed on the way in. I chuckle darkly seeing Wooyoung struggle to free himself from what he did to himself, "I think the real scum here is you."

"Can you blame me? I thought I killed her family and her a long time ago, but how disappointed I was to find out she was alive," Wooyoung seethes as my fist clenches at his words wanting to knock his teeth out.

"You better shut it before you make things worse for yourself," I reply as he is taken away.

"Oh please, it won't be that bad," he retorts as I chuckle. You're jinxing yourself mate.

"This won't be the last you hear from me!" Wooyoung shouts as he is pushed inside the police car. Oh, I think it is the last time I'll hear from the likes of you.

"Jungkook, don't just stand there! We have bigger problems now!"

I'm not snapped out of my train of thought as I see Y/n being carried onto a stretcher with the guys following and Yoongi waving at me to come with them. I hurriedly head over towards them as the doctors stop us.

"We can only bring one person with us, the rest have to arrive on their own," he states, stopping us seven from getting into the ambulance.

"I'll go."

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