Chapter 6

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Your POV

A sigh of content escapes me as my body hits the soft cushions of the couch in my house. I lay there staring at the ceiling and resting my head against a pillow. Although the place is small as I can't afford anything else, it's become somewhat of a home to me. Well...maybe they will think I've left already so if I just don't go outside much the next few days it should be alright...I just don't wanna leave somewhere so soon again especially after just settling and getting a job thinking I was safe.

I groan in annoyance just thinking about the situation before taking my phone and turning it on. Since during work, we have to have it off unless an emergency occurs.  Finally, as my phone turns on I furrow my eyebrows seeing another text from an unknown number. Cautiously, I tap into the messages and see an overly friendly text. Good thing it isn't someone saying they've found me...

In a blink of an eye, the screen shows the decline or accept buttons for the FaceTime to Hoseok

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In a blink of an eye, the screen shows the decline or accept buttons for the FaceTime to Hoseok. I hesitantly accept the call, sitting up on the couch and trying to smooth my frizzy hair as Hoseok's face appears on my phone.

"Y/N-ah!" Hoseok basically shouts over the call as I give him a small smile. Slyly I try to turn down the volume a bit as his natural speaking voice is a bit loud.

"Hi Hoseok," I greet back, and just as I greet him my stomach grumbles quite loudly, a heavy blush of embarrassment covers my cheeks at the sound.

Hoseok chuckles before giving me a slight glare, "Y/N, have you eaten today?" He eyes me suspiciously now while a chuckle nervously escapes my lips.

"No not yet, I was planning on doing that soon," I reply with a shy smile and nervously rub the back of my neck with my hand.

"Soon?!? No now!" Hoseok retorts and I sigh out in defeat before getting up from my couch and making my way towards the kitchen to make some food.

"Alright, alright. But I feel rude for cooking while on call," I tell him while grabbing a pan and getting ingredients out for a simple grilled cheese as I can't really make much else.

"I'm okay with it! Plus I need to know you ate!" Hoseok exclaims to me as I can only nod in response, grabbing some butter and cheese from the fridge.

"So where are you from?" Hoseok inquires, causing me to drop the loaf of bread that's in my hands before I swiftly pick it back up.

"O-Oh umm I'm from around here," I reply with an awkward smile towards the screen at which Hoseok raises an eyebrow suspiciously at.

"I can see your hands shaking Y/N, why are you lying?" Hoseok mumbles with a slight pout. A sigh escapes me as I run my hand through my hair, finally placing down the loaf of bread that I'm holding onto the counter.

"Let's just say this, for now, it's in the past and I wanna keep that part of my life in the past," I say quietly before turning on the stove and beginning to cook. I spread the butter on the backside of the bread and front of it and then added the cheese in the middle before placing it into the hot pan.

"I hope that one day you'll trust us enough to know about that past part of your life because all we care about is who you are now," Hoseok states, and I softly smile at him in return at such sweet words. He's too kind for his own good.

"Maybe one day, Hobi," I mutter out but he manages to hear it and beams with a large smile at the statement.

"Did you just call me Hobi?" He questions raising his eyebrows up and down with a large smile still plastered on his face.

"Maybe or maybe not," I mumble feeling a light blush come across my cheeks realizing I let the nickname I've been pondering on using slip out.

"Please say I didn't hallucinate because I like you saying it," Hoseok says still with that huge smile.

"Alright, alright," I say with a little chuckle before turning off the stove, having finished the grilled cheese. I place the grilled cheese on a plate as I begin eating. Hoseok and I have a casual small talk while I'm eating. .

Until a question he asks catches me completely off guard, "so do you have a boyfriend Y/N?"

I choke slightly on a bite of the food before swallowing it and coughing a bit. I quickly recompose myself before answering.

" To answer your question," I say before feeling a deep red envelope my cheeks in embarrassment.

"Have you ever had one in the past?" Hoseok continues to question further as I once again sigh out before answering.

"I've never even had my first kiss, Hobi. So no, I've never had a boyfriend." I admit shyly before going back to eating the food on my plate.

"Really-" Hoseok starts but is cut off by someone else yelling.

"Who are you talking to this late, Hoseok?!?"

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