Chapter 20

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"Hey Namjoon, you got a minute?" I question softly as he nods looking over at me.

"Yeah, you need something?" He asks back curiously as I sigh heavily.

"No...I just wanna check on how you are," I retort as his eyes widen at my statement.

"I-I'm fine, really," He stutters out clearly lying.

"Namjoon...," I sigh out.

"Okay maybe I'm not completely fine, but I'll be okay. I promise," he states as I eye him wearily at his statement.

"You can tell me if something is wrong. I want you to know I'll be here for you if you ever need it," I say softly as he nods smiling, making his dimple pop out.

"Alright, I get it. I get it," he states chuckling making me smile in return.

"Good," I respond, giving his shoulder a light pat, turning to leave, but a hand grabs mine. I gasp as my body is pulled against his chest and his arms wrap around my figure securely, holding me lightly.

He sighs lightly, "to be honest...I don't want you to leave, but to wish you not to leave would be selfish."

I feel my cheeks heat up at the close contact and his words, "Namjoon...I really do like it here, but I don't want to feel like a burden. Plus, I wanna at least feel a little independent."

"I understand that, it's just gonna go back to the way it was before you came here...and I like how it is now," Namjoon states.

"Hey it's not like I'm dying for crying out loud!" I exclaim pulling out of the embrace as we both break out into laughter.

"Thanks Y/n, I really needed this," He says softly, giving my hair a light ruffle.

"Of course, and trust me when I say that you can't get rid of me that easily! I'll call daily if not more!" I retort as he chuckles smiling widely making both of his dimples appear this time, genuinely smiling.

"Would you stop giggling and come help me wash the dishes?!?" Jin exclaims from the kitchen making us laugh louder as we head off towards the kitchen.

"We're comingggg," we say in sync making us giggle again.


I groan tiredly from not falling asleep until late last night, even if I had tried to go to sleep early. Just get through work and then you can sleep...

I put on a short blouse with a pencil skirt, with a matching blazer. I can at least look relatively nice today, especially since today we're having an entire company meeting. Ugh...

I head out of the room to be met with a widely smiling Taehyung, "uhhh yes?"

"Are we not walking together again?" He retorts with a pout making me widen my eyes.

"O-Oh, well I thought the guys went with you," I respond as his eyes light at the statement.

"They do! We're all going together! Come onnn," He states, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him, making my cheeks flare. He brings me into the living room where Jimin and Jungkook are waiting for us.

"Let's go now, shall we?" Jimin stands up wearing a police uniform making me raise an eyebrow questionably.

"What?" He asks, glancing down at his uniform confused, "is there something on my uniform?"

"N-No, just didn't think you were a police officer," I chuckle out awkwardly, making him giggle.

"Surprise," he teases, making me roll my eyes playfully.

"Can we go now?" Jungkook questions standing up wearing just a hoodie and black jeans.

"Yes! Let's go!" Taehyung exclaims, pulling me along with him out the door as the other two chuckle following us.


"So Jungkook, I want to ask you something," I state as he looks at me with curious eyes.

"Yes?" He questions with a little tilt of his head.

"What exactly is your job?" I ask in pure curiosity.

"Oh! I work as an artist! I'm on and off of work depending on how many requests I get for making sketches," he responds making my eyes widen.

"That's so cool!" I say smiling widely making him smile as well.

"Y/n, we're here," Taehyung says as I sigh heavily, not really wanting to go to work.

"So this is where you work Y/n?" Jimin questions as I nod in response.

"It looks so depressing," Jungkook states looking over the entire place with a stink eye.

"Well then it looks more depressing than it is," I retort laughing making them chuckle too.

"Y/n!" A voice calls from the front of the building where I see San standing. I raise my eyebrow a bit in surprise, wondering exactly why he's calling for me.

"Well, guess that's our cue to leave. See you later Y/n!" Taehyung states, dragging the two other boys with him.

"Hey San, something up?" I question heading towards him as he quickly starts to drag me inside.

"The boss is really annoyed because one of the employees didn't do their job properly," he states in an irritated tone.

"Oh geez..." I mutter out as he nods and leads me to my desk.

"Just a suggestion," he states looking around wearily, "try to get your work done with as efficiently and fast as possible."

"Thanks," I whisper out, making him smile a little before scurrying off.

I sigh already not in the best mood and hoping Mr. Jung doesn't make it worse.


"Are you ready for the meeting, Miss Y/n?" I hear Mr. Jung's voice question through the speaker.

"Yes, shall I come now?" I answer back, already gathering my things.

"Yes and don't be late," he responds before I hear him get up and watch as he leaves his office towards the meeting room. Hurriedly I grab everything I need and walk into the meeting room after him to see almost everyone there except for Mr. Song.

"Where's Mr. Song?" I whisper quietly to San.

"Got fired yesterday," he retorts huffing.

"W-What?!? But-"

"Silence! Let's start this meeting," An agitated Mr. Jung states before beginning to go over the future plans on the company.


"Alright, you're all dismissed for the day," Mr. Jung finishes off as we all start heading our own ways. Although all my mind is consumed with is how Mr. Song got fired. Sure maybe he messed up on a document, but I scanned through them...and it only would've been a minor error?...just why had he been fired?

"Hey Miss Y/n?" I blink, focusing back into reality hearing Mr. Jung calling for me.

"Yes?" I question turning around.

"I'm assigning you on a new group project with Mr. Choi and Mr. Kim. You start work on it tomorrow," Mr. Jung says as I nod bowing.

"Yes sir," I respond softly.

He waves me off, "that'll be all." 

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