Chapter 26

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Your POV

I feel my hands in a cold sweat as I stand outside the building knowing today is the big day. Come on, Y/n! You can do this! You worked too hard to just back out of the presentation! Plus...this is your only source of income and you need the money, you need to keep this job. You need to prove to yourself that you can be independent.

With a deep calming breath, I step into the building trying to feel like the most confident person in the world. You got this.

"Y/n! Can you help set up?" Hongjoong questions with a stressed smile as I nod immediately and help him set up for the presentation.

"Do you know where San is-"

"I'm here!" San calls out panting slightly, making me raise an eyebrow at him.

"I thought we all agreed to get here early," I say softly as San sighs heavily and looks me right in the eyes with a death glare.

"Something came up, alright?" He snaps a bit as my eyes go wide feeling intimidated under his gaze.

"O-Okay, sorry San," I mumble out and continue to help out Hongjoong on the project.

"Who got on his bad side?" Hongjoong whispers under his breath, continuing to put together the last finishing touches. I think that would be me who got on his bad side...


"Heck yeah! Fantastic job guys! We nailed it!" Hongjoong exclaims as we all whisper shout in victory having just left the room. Mr. Jung having looked very satisfied with the improvements we had suggested for the company.

"Alright meeting up at 7 outside the club, right?" I question as they both nod.

"See ya then," San says jogging off as Hongjoong leaves a few minutes after him.

I smile softly to myself, excited to celebrate the hard work we put into this project. Although I can't help but feel that I have no idea what to wear to a club since I've never been to one before. I know! I should ask Taehyung! He is a model after all.

I dial Taehyung's number and only after two rings, his deep voice greets me with a pleasant hello.

"What's up?" He questions and I could tell from his voice that he had a grin on his face.

"I need fashion advice, Taehyung. Could you come over and help me?" I ask softly, feeling a little nervous.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes! I'll be right over!" He yells excitedly into the phone before hanging up, not even giving me a chance to thank him. I guess I'll do it in person. I can't help the chuckle that escapes me at his excitement and head my way home.


"Hmm, how about the black lace-up boots with the short red dress," Taehyung suggests staring at the different clothes in my closet that he has been staring at for a while now, coming up with a variety of outfits.

I sigh quietly having been at this for almost an hour now, "alright, alright. Hand it over."

He chuckles at my pouty behavior and hands me the dress with the boots, sending me off towards my bathroom to change into it. Please let his outfit be a good one.

"So, what are you planning on doing when you're at the club?" Taehyung questions as I start changing into the outfit.

"Well, maybe I'll dance a bit and have a drink or two but I'm not going to go crazy partying or anything," I reply, slipping the dress on and starting to put on the boots.

I heard him say something but it was quiet enough to the point I couldn't hear it, "what was that, Taehyung?"

"Nothing, nothing. Are you almost done?" He asks, diverting the question.

I let it slide and tie the boots before glancing over myself, "yeah, I'm done. But Taehyung...I don't know about this. I've never worn something like this before"

"Come on, at least let me see you in it," Taehyung whines as I sigh, opening the door and hearing a gasp escape from Taehyung.

"Is it that bad?" I whisper out feeling my insecurities coming through at which he cracks a small smile.

"Far from it, you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," He says softly, taking my hands in his and squeezing them lightly.

I feel my cheeks heat up to a bright red, "I-I wouldn't say that-"

"Shh, I speak the truth. Now you have to go soon, so I'll talk to you later, alright?" He whispers as I nod with still burning cheeks.

He chuckles and quickly plants a kiss on my cheek, whispering into my ear, "bye beautiful."

My breath hitches and I can't seem to find any words to respond as I just wave at him making him grin at me, waving back before strolling out as if nothing major just happened. Woah...


My mind keeps racing as I think about the affection Taehyung gave me before leaving. I can't help but touch my cheek and feeling myself become bright red just thinking about it. I try to shake the thoughts away hearing the ringer from my phone. I take it out from my pocket to see an incoming call from an unknown caller. I almost declined the call like I always do, but a weird feeling told me to answer the call. With a heavy sigh, I answer the phone and bring it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I question softly.

"This is Y/n L/n? Right?!?" A voice asks panting. How do they know who I am?

"Y-Yes, who is this?" I answer feeling a bit anxious and glancing around to see no one behind me as I head to the club.

"This is Mr. Song! Mingi! Whatever, I need you to listen to what I'm going to say next!" He shouts into the phone sounding more and more out of breath, the sound of pounding footsteps echoing through the speaker. What?

"Mr. Song-"

"You're in grave danger! You cannot go to the club tonight, it's going to get you-"

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Your call has been disconnected.

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