Chapter 7

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"Ah, it's just Y/N!" Hoseok responds with a large smile when the person who questioned who I was came into view of the facetime.

"Oh, hello Y/N," Namjoon greets me with the smile that shows his dimples. He gives me a small wave as well.

"Hello Namjoon," I greet back with a small smile, by now having finished the food and putting the plate into the dishwasher.

"Ah well, I hate to ruin this lovely conversation but we share a room. And personally I want to sleep tonight," Namjoon states with a light chuckle, nudging Hoseok with his elbow. Hoseok awkwardly laughs in return before sighing and complies.

"Yeah, alright. Well, it was really nice talking to you Y/N!" Hoseok says sweetly.

"Same to you! Goodnight," I reply, heading off to my own bedroom and smiling at the screen. Both Hoseok and Namjoon are smiling back before giving a small wave.

"Night!" They both say before the call ends.

I sigh out happily with a smile adorning my features after talking to Hoseok. Aside from the two awkward questions, it was pleasant. And Namjoon saying hi was nice as well.

With that, I prep for bed and do my normal routine. Throwing on a pair of light PJs. I turn off the lights and slide under the covers. I let out a content sigh as my head meets the pillow. My body tired from the day, my eyes drifting off to sleep immediately.


I wake up to the sound of my ringtone from my phone and groggily reach out for it. I search by moving my hand around before finally finding it. I pick it up and answer the call.


"WHERE THE F*CK ARE YOU?" My boss screams into my ear, needing me to pull away the phone from my ear to not blow out my eardrums.

I glance at the clock at the side of my bed and my eyes widen seeing that the time is 8:30 am. I was supposed to be at work 30 minutes ago...

"I-I'm so sorry, sir. I'll be there in about 15 minutes-" But he cuts me off again.

"No need, you were on probation anyways after you spilled that coffee all over my priceless marble flooring. I don't need you in my company. You're fired." My boss hisses into the phone with a passive-aggressive tone before hanging up the phone.

My breath hitches seeing the call from my phone disappear. I-I'm fired...

"Sh*t! I'm supposed to get my paycheck today and that's gonna pay the rent that's been due for a week! I already got an extension for it!" I curse out feeling the world slowly cave in around me. Just when I thought everything was going well...

I groan with my hands rubbing the temples on my forehead, myself trying to think of a plan of how not to get evicted. Maybe if I give a call to the owner of the apartment complex and explain, she'll understand? Gosh...I hope so.

With that, I search through the contacts on my phone before finding the owner of the apartment complex. The phone only rings a few times before she answers.

"Hello, I assume you have the money for your rent? You're already overdue by a week but I let it slide knowing how you get paid today. So do you have it?" The owner states rather harshly and I bite the inside of my cheek before getting enough courage to answer.

"About it possible to wait just one more week? I swear I'll get the money to you by then-"

"Are you kidding me?!? I've already waited for a full week already when you were supposed to pay last week! I'm not giving you any more time! Hand over the money or leave by tonight." The owner cuts me off with the stern statement.

"B-But I don't have any money to give you-" I retort trying to get out my reason why but she cuts me off again.

"Well then, I don't wanna hear it! You better be out of there by the end of the night. 12:00 am sharp!" The owner hisses out before abruptly ending the call on me. I can only stare at the screen in horror.

No...this can't be happening...right? And especially when I was starting to feel settled too?

I feel the tears start to burn my eyes, my phone dropping from my grip and landing onto the bed. I try to breathe normally, trying hard not to hyperventilate. Guess this is a sign...I should've never considered settling in the first place. I should've kept moving because I'll never be safe.

A single tear slides down my cheek with the last thought repeating in my head.

"You'll never be safe," I mutter to myself before more tears flood my cheeks. I cry out in agony, the pain of never feeling safe or secure hitting me like a ton of bricks. This is my reality...


I sigh at the sight before me and packing the last item, I hold so dearly. I clutch the necklace in my hands and caress the sapphire jewel that hangs down in the center of it. I miss you, mom...

With a single tear slipping down my face, I quickly wipe it before placing the necklace into the suitcase. Zipping the suitcase up as well as my duffle bag and dragging the two bags to the front door of my apartment.

I look around the apartment to see it bare, like the first time I had walked into it weeks ago. You'll never live a normal life...why did you even try?

With one last glance around the apartment, I sigh heavily. I grab the handle of the door before exiting the apartment, to never return again.


I slowly make my way towards the bus station, that'll take me far away from here. My vision still slightly blurred from tears wanting to escape, but I wipe my eyes and ignore the tears. The sadness. The self-pity. This is my life. I can't change it.

I'm about 10 minutes away from the bus station when I hear the ring tone of my phone go off in my pocket. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion before pulling out the phone. Namjoon's contact shows up on the screen and my heart hurts slightly, knowing I have to say goodbye to him even though we only just met. I shakily press accept to his call before pulling the phone up to my ear.

"Hello?" I manage to question without my voice cracking.

"Hi Y/N, how are you?" Namjoon casually asks and it breaks my heart more by the second.

"I-I'm fine, how about you?" I say with my voice cracking slightly even though I try to hide it.

"You don't sound that great to something wrong?" Namjoon inquires further which makes tears start pouring out of my eyes once again. Why does he care so much...

"N-Nothing," I reply trying to sound normal although I sniffle as more tears start to leave my eyes.

"Doesn't seem like nothing...what's wrong?" He questions a bit more sternly, which makes me lose it and I let out a choked sob.

"I-I can't tell you!" I cry out. I don't want to burden him any more than I already have...

With that, I hang up the phone. Not being able to hear his voice anymore and continue to head towards the buses. But this time, at a much faster pace.  

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