Chapter 12

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I groan lightly feeling someone shaking my shoulder, but I quickly brush it off, flipping to the other side. 5 more minutes...

"Y/N, come on you gotta get up," The voice muses lightly as I slowly flutter my eyes open to be met with a Jimin smiling sweetly at me. I blink rapidly, thinking I may be dreaming before he bops my nose lightly, bringing me back to reality.

"Morning sleepy head!" He giggles as my face becomes a deep shade fo red. How did he get in?!? Did I not lock the door- OMG I'M SUCH AN IDIOT!

I awkwardly chuckle and look down at my light blue silk pjs, feeling my palms beginning to sweat, "Well I'm awake now! Haha, could you get out now?"

He ruffles my hair nodding before skipping out all giddy.

"Geez...that was close," I whisper to myself, holding my head in my hands feeling my face flush at the idea of him seeing me in this. I quickly shake my head, getting up and stretching my limbs in an attempt to keep myself from going back to sleep. Note to self; lock the door.

"You already slept through breakfast, come and get lunch before you miss that too!" Jin teasingly calls through the door as I quickly begin to race around, changing into some actual clothes. Also note to self; wear different pjs than the silk ones.

Finally after throwing on some hoodie and long leggings. I already know I'll have to go out today and I can't risk being recognized. I throw on a black cap, grabbing my purse and glance at the clock to see the time. 12:30 pm.

I managed to schedule a job interview at 1:30 pm, quickening my pace, I style my hair in a loose ponytail. I don't bother with make up as I slip on my mask, glancing at the clock once again. 12:45 pm. I won't have time to eat, I'll just try to grab something on the way.

I open the door to see Taehyung's eyes staring right back into mine, widening slightly, his hand in a fist about to knock on the door to my now bedroom. I raise an eyebrow as he blushes lightly, moving back slightly for myself to just realize that he's only inches away from me. I feel my face flush a bright pink at the close proximity as he clears his throat to break the silence.

"Jin hyung wanted me to check on you, since you hadn't come out yet...but I can see that you were just about to come," He says with a small smile as I nod in response, fiddling with the edge of my hoodie.

"Would you mind telling him that I can't stay for lunch?" I inquire as he smiles nodding before beginning to walk back towards the kitchen.

Just as I'm about to start walking he turns back around, scanning my figure up and down. I shy away as a faint blush covers my cheeks. I try to speed away but he reaches out his hand, grabbing my arm.

"Why are you dressed like that? It's the middle of the summer...?" He questions as my eyes widen, I quickly yank my arm out of his grip before speed walking away from him. I'm sorry Taehyung, but I can't answer that now...or probably ever.

I slip on my shoes and right as I go to turn the handle on the door, a hand rests on top of mine. I quickly move my hand away, nervously glancing up to be met with Jin looking at me sternly, "I'm not letting you leave unless I know you'll eat something and I know you have almost no money."

I sigh heavily as he hands me a bag of trail mix with a gentle smile, "Take this. Should be enough for now. Off you go," He states, giving a light on my back encouragingly.

I smile a little nodding, putting the bag of trail mix into my purse to hold it, "Thank you."


That didn't go horribly.

I smile to myself, taking out the now empty bag of trail mix, throwing it away into a nearby trash can. That was really sweet of him, I'll have to thank him again for it later.

I glance up to see a blur moving around a corner, and with that I quicken my pace back towards the house. Glancing back every so often to see nothing there anymore. Stay calm, it could've just been a false alarm...


By the time I got home, it's around dinner time, meaning the boys should be eating dinner. Luckily I didn't see anything seemingly suspicious or following me. I open the door and walk inside quietly, slipping off my shoes. Glancing around I look into the door of the kitchen to see only Hoseok staring back at me, cocking his head to the side a little.

"Oh hey, glad you're back," He greets with a large smile.

I smile a little back, looking around a bit seeing nobody else, "Yeah, but where is everyone else?"

"Well, Jin hyung is out. Yoongi hyung and Namjoon are working. And then Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook are all playing video games downstairs," He states smiling.

"Thanks," I say, starting to head towards my room before Hoseok yells something.

"I'm gonna head to the movies! Would you wanna come Y/N?" He shouts from the kitchen as I hear footsteps echoing from the stairs that I now know lead to the basement.

"We're coming too!" All of the maknae line shout in unison, all panting slightly from running up the stairs so quickly. Except for Jungkook who seems perfectly fine, as I chuckle lightly at their cute enthusiasm. Cute-? Gosh, stop thinking like that...

"I'll come," I respond with a small smile.

"Yes! Let's go!" Hoseok shouts excitedly, taking my hand into his and pulling me out the door. A faint blush coming across my cheeks as all of the others follow us.


We enter the movie theatre and I stare in awe, looking from the ticket booth to the snack bar. Different groups of people conversing as others headed towards different theatres to watch their chosen movies. Woah...

"You look like you've never been inside a movie theatre before," Jungkook states with a chuckle.

"Well, I haven't actually," I mutter out as all of them look over at me with wide eyes.

"You're kidding, right?" Taehyung questions as I shake my head smiling widely. Removing my mask and hat, and stuffing them into my purse somehow.

"That's insane! Well, this is it!" Hoseok exclaims excitedly, "I'll get the tickets."

As Hoseok goes over to the ticket booth, Taehyung and Jungkook take my hands, dragging me over to the snack bar. Jimin follows close behind, laughing at how childish the other two were. I giggle to myself as Jungkook and Taehyung start ordering a variety of food, as I move to stand next to Jimin who looks over at me. He points over to the two as I raise my eyebrow before he makes a sign saying they're crazy. I laugh quietly in response, nodding as the two in front of us finish buying their food.

Hoseok finishes purchasing the tickets, and begins ushering us off towards the movie theatre we're seeing the movie in. Although, both Jungkook and Taehyung race ahead excitedly.

"So who do you want to sit next to? Or should we decide with a small game of rock, paper, scissors?" Jimin inquires.

Double Update!

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