Chapter 11

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I sigh heavily staring at the ceiling before hearing a knock from the door.

"Yes?" I question, my eyes still glued to the ceiling above me.

"Dinner is ready," Jin says with a soft voice as I sigh quietly, not really having much of an appetite. Even though, I haven't much today. I've got too much on my mind to eat right now...

"I'm not hungry," I state with a long sigh, the memories I've been so desperately trying to get rid of still there.

"Come on, you have to eat something," Jin begs through the door and I give in not wanting to burden him any more than I already have.

"Fine, fine. But only something small," I say quietly opening the door to a glowing Jin.

I give him a small smile before we head off to the kitchen where I'm met face to face with every single of Namjoon's roommates including himself. They all give me a small wave or a 'hello' as I take a seat next to Namjoon while Jin starts serving the food. Yoongi not greeting me except for staring at me for a minute, but immediately looking away when I made eye contact with him.

"How are you settling in?" Namjoon questions with a dimpled smile.

"O-Oh, I'm settling just fine," I reply with a smile back.

"I'm thinking about having a game night so we can all get to you and for you to know us," Hoseok states with a large smile, that forms his lips into somewhat of a heart. I can't help but smile larger at his grin.

"Dinner is served," Jin says with a confident tone as he places down the last plate of food. My eyes light up seeing the amount of food on the table, not having been able to eat this much food in a long time.

"Woah," I stare at the food in awe, my stomach growling loudly as a deep blush envelops my face in embarrassment.

Jin chuckles as he serves me a rather large portion while the other boys start grabbing food as if their lives depended on it. And with that, everyone began to eat their meal in peace. Although that didn't last long as I see a piece of chicken fly right into someone's face. I look over to see a snickering Taehyung as Jungkook only smirks back in response and throws a piece of chicken bigger than Taehyung's right back at him. Oh no...

Taehyung gasps in response before both of the boys are throwing food at each other, with Jimin joining in the fight as well. After being accidentally hit with some croutons by Taehyung. I quickly finish my food and drop my plate off into the sink before bidding a 'good night'. I rush off to my room as I hear Jin shouting loudly at the three what I presume to be the troublemakers in the background.

I let out a sigh of relief as my back slides down against the shut door, as the events that just happened replay in my head. A light chuckle escapes me from how childish it is, but it brings a smile to face to see how comfortable they are with one another. How close they all are. I wonder what it's like to have friends like that...

I shake my head at the thought and glance at the time seeing it's getting quite late. Maybe the game night will be for another evening...

With that thought in mind, I change into some sweats before flopping onto the bed with a heavy sigh. My head hitting the pillow while my eyes try to stay open, but eventually close after how exhausting this day has been.


I glare at the piece of handmade glass that lights up the room, a determined expression on my face as I stare it down. I take in a deep breath before jumping off the bed as I did every day for the past few months, obviously never making it onto the light fixture. But, instead of landing onto the carpet of my room, I land right into the middle of the now shaking chandelier.

A high pitched scream escapes me, slightly terrified as I hear something snap before I feel my life flash before my eyes. The sound being the thing that holds up the chandelier, as I plummet to the floor with glass shattering everywhere. An incredibly high, completely terrified scream escaping me as glass pierces into my skin.

My parents rush into the room seeing me with glass shards sunk into me on multiple areas of my body. My mother gasps as I already hear my father on the phone with an ambulance.

"Sweetie, I told you to stop doing that..." My mother says with a shaky voice and pulls me out of the pile of glass that surrounds the now broken chandelier.

"I-I'm sorry mother," I stutter out through tears from how much the shards hurt.

I gasp loudly and glance around the room to only realize that I'm still in the guest room Namjoon provided. It was just a dream...

I really do miss you, mom and dad, ...and I promise never to do that again mom. I don't want to end up in the hospital for my birthday ever again.

With a long sigh, I shut my eyes to try and go back to sleep. Although memories of my parents and I fill my mind, as sleep slowly overtakes my body once again.

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