Chapter 23

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*The Next Day*

"What about this?" Hoonjoong pitches to the group, all of us trying to come up with something decent to pitch to Mr. Jung.

"Hmm...." San lets out, examining the pitch.

I glance at it myself and feel as if it'll be successful in the end. Hoonjoong put together the idea of revamping the way we market the company to the public and it's set up perfectly.

"I think this will work," San states with a large grin.

"Great work, Hoonjoong!" I say, patting the man on the back.

We all smile back, glad to finally have an idea and begin to develop the pitch more. Finally we're going somewhere with this!

"If things go to plan, we should finish this Monday because all that's left is just putting this idea in presentation form," San explains.

"That's great! I'm sure one of us will get a promotion from this!" I exclaim, making them chuckle.

San mutters something under his breath in response, although I can't quite understand him, "what was that?"

"Nothing, Miss Y/n! Just that I'm happy we get to work with you guys," San states with what seems like a forced smile.

I smile back, "it's nice to work with you all as well."

"Same goes with me," Hoonjoong replies, smiling as well.

"Well we don't have all day! Let's get started on this presentation," San states making us both nod in response.


I flop onto the bed, facing the ceiling, "I can't believe I'm moving out tomorrow to live in my own place..."

The feeling of being able to live on your own again and not worrying about someone chasing you down every single second of your life. I smile at the thought, but it drops at the next. But...they'll never stop looking for me until they get what they want. I'm still a target but now...just how much of one?

I shake the thoughts away to a knock on the door, "come in."

The door opens to reveal Jin with a soft smile as he comes in. I pat the seat next to me with a smile of my own, him sitting down next to me. I lay my head on his shoulder making him tense a little before relaxing.

"Are you ready?" Jin questions, beginning to brush his fingers through my hair.

"For what?" I ask back, slightly confused.

"For moving tomorrow, silly," he chuckles, making me giggle along with him.

"Of course I'm ready, just a little nervous," I say, letting some of my true feelings slip past.

"I understand that, but we bought this great security system in your house! We've got your back," Jin states with a comforting and almost proud tone to his voice.

"You didn't have to do that," I say softly as the man shakes his head in response.

"We won't take no for an answer. Consider it a housewarming gift if you're that against it," He states with a soft smile.

"T-Thank you all," I stutter feeling my chest start to hurt realizing I'll be leaving them, loving every second with them so far. What are you saying silly? You'll still see just won't be exactly the same. I feel a tear slip and myself sniffle, making Jin go into a slight panic.

His eyes widened, turning my head towards him in a hurry, "hey now, there's no need to cry."

His hands rest on my cheeks, wiping away the tears that slowly slip down my cheeks. His eyes go soft with worry, pulling me towards him and placing my head on his chest. He arms holding me close, one around my waist and the other holding my head just under his. He sways lightly, humming making my hurting heart calm at the sound of Jin's voice. I can't help but close my eyes against him and begin to drift off to sleep in his hold feeling safe.


Jin's POV

I feel my breath hitch as soft snores escape her. My heart feels as if it's going to beat right out of my chest. I gaze down at her now sleeping figure and lace my fingers through her hair. Glancing down at her face to see her delicate features as she peacefully sleeps. She truly is beautiful...

My cheeks turn a light pink at the thought. Slowly I pick her up in my arms and place her down onto her bed, tucking her under the covers. I smile at her, just gazing at her for a while before I realize I need to start dinner.

"Goodnight, beautiful," I whisper, giving a sweet kiss to her forehead before exiting her room quietly, letting her sleep in peace.


Your POV


"No! Please!" I plead to my sister but she doesn't budge.

"Save yourself, Y/n," she says softly, placing a kiss to my forehead, "I love you."

"No! Please! Don't leave me all alone!" I scream out but she's already disappeared in the flames.

"," I mutter out, tears streaming down my face, "you can't leave me like the rest."

"Y/n!" I feel someone exclaim making me jump back in reality. Yoongi's eyes pierce into mine with a sense of worry and concern laced into them.

"Y-Yoongi-" Tears start escaping, the memory replaying in my head over again.

"Shh, you don't need to explain anything," he says softly, pulling me into his loose embrace.

His arms barely make contact with my skin, but it's just enough that it's comforting. He rests my head on his shoulder as his hand rubs up and down my back softly. The tears I've tried to hold back escape onto his shirt, quiet sobs leaving me. A number of different thoughts circulating through my brain as he holds me. Yoongi whispers sweet comforting words into my ear, continuing to do this until I feel myself calm down in his hold.

"Are you feeling better?" He questions softly making me let out a hesitant nod.

He leans back and wipes away any of the stray tears that still remained, "you don't have to tell me anything, unless you want to."

I do, I do want to...but I still don't know who is after me and even if I don't want to believe it with any bone in my could be you.

I shudder at the thought it would be the boys, but it wouldn't make any sense if it had been them. They would've taken me already....they're letting me move out to my own apartment. They aren't stopping me and they're letting me go. The people who are after me...wouldn't let me go. Just how dumb am I? I can trust them and yet I still didn't...

"S-Soon, I'll tell you," I whisper out at which he smiles a little.

A smile of my own taking over my features. I trust you...I can trust you. The feeling of being able to trust, the feeling of relief washing over me as his genuine eyes look back at me. I jump at him and hug him tightly at my realization, making him stumble a bit not expecting it. He chuckles and hugs me tightly in return, resting his head on top of mine before pulling away.

"Alright, but now let's get you back to sleep," he says softly, brushing some stray hairs away before laying me down on the bed.

"Goodnight, Y/n," he whispers, giving a kiss to my hand making my face heat up to a bright red.

"N-Night," is all I manage to stutter out which makes him break out into a giant smile. I watch his figure leave and let out a small breath seeing him exit. My heart races against my chest and my mind thinks about that little gesture, completely having forgotten about the nightmare I had just minutes ago.

A/N: Hey all! Thank you so so so much for 6k...I'm just in shock. I'll be updating when I can, so look out for it 💜💜💜💜

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