Chapter 32

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Your POV

My eyes slowly open to be met with a completely different scenery than before. Just where am I now? My eyes soon don't see just blurry shapes as it slowly becomes a royal-looking bedroom. Red curtains hang onto the bedposts that hold a canopy in place above my head. Almost everything is bordered by a shiny gold lining. I feel soft silk that's a beautiful beige cover under my fingertips as I let my hands glide across the bed. The pillows are the softest things I've ever felt in my life, with them being pure white they're like clouds. I glance up again to see a beautiful golden chandelier as a soft smile appears on my face reminding me of that childhood memory.

I'm brought out of my trance hearing a door close as I glance over to the part of the room I heard it from and grimace seeing Wooyoung by the door, "glad to see you're awake Princess, you have a wedding to attend." My moment of peace is over.

I give a weak smile as I see him clap his hand. I give a questioning look and gasp as a bunch of maids come in with a giant white wedding gown as well as makeup. Why does he even care how I look if this wedding is just so he can become king? Ugh!

"What's with all the fancy makeup, you're just using me in the end," I mutter as he sighs heavily.

"I have to make it look like I'm marrying for love, idiot. I can't have people thinking I'm a bad guy now, can I?" He questions as I shudder in disgust, that's even worse than I thought. To think he is deceiving so many people in his kingdom. He will become such a horrible king.

"You're a horrible person and I feel sorry for the kingdom that you'll rule who will call you a king," I say as he grips my chin harshly.

"Listen here you little b*tch, don't get on my nerves or I'll make your life a living hell compared to how it is now," he seethes, abruptly leaving the room, "start your work on her, she needs it."

I can't seem to utter a word as a whirlwind of insecurities hit me from the simple statement. But I have no time to process anything as I'm being undressed to get into a bath. I hope the guys are looking for me...but then again am I even worth saving? It's as if after that thought a dark cloud of thoughts only circles in my head. Nobody is coming to save you, you idiot. All you are is someone's way to gain access to the throne.


Author's POV

The guys with the detective on the case of princess Y/n missing are the first to exit the train when arriving in Wooyoung's home country.

"How close is the castle from here?" Namjoon questions as the detective uses the GPS on his phone, nervously darting between the phone and Namjoon.

"Well, it's about a 2-hour drive," the detective states as all the guys sigh heavily in response to the amount of time.

"Then let's get a taxi and get going," Jungkook states and starts trying to wave down a taxi. It only takes a few minutes before he is successful as they realize that they obviously can't all fit into one taxi.

"Okay, Jungkook, the detective, Jimin, and Jin are going in the first car," Namjoon announces as the nod piling in the car.

"The rest of us are getting in the next," Namjoon states as he starts waving down for a taxi, which conveniently showed up only a minute or two later.

"Now where am I taking y'all today?" The taxi driver casually asks, preparing to set up his GPS.

"The castle," Namjoon responds as the taxi driver nods.

"Are you going there for the wedding between Prince Wooyoung and the missing Princess Y/n happening this evening?" He questions as all their eyes widen in pure shock at the statement.

"Y-Yeah," Namjoon responds casually as to not raise suspicion. Looks like it's time to crash a wedding.

Wooyung's POV

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Hongjoong asks as I can't help but grimace at the question.

"I'm only marrying her for the power Hongjoong," I respond completely surprised he is even questioning why I wouldn't want to do this.

"But isn't killing her after the wedding a little harsh?" He jokes as I scoff at his weakness towards the girl.

"I have no use for her, so what's the point of keeping her?" I retort as I finish sharpening my knife that I'll use to kill her tonight, "plus it's not like anyone is going to know I murdered her, I'll make it look like she committed suicide on our wedding night."

Hongjoong nods silently as he carefully puts a pistol into his pocket, "now this has no bullets right?"

"No, it has one but you won't need to use it as long as the princess behaves with us. It's only to scare her so she knows that she can't escape from this," I say as he nods in understanding, while I slide the knife into the side of my trousers.

"Now go collect the bride, the wedding starts in only an hour and a half," I tell Hongjoong before going to finish my own agenda before the wedding. Soon this kingdom will be all mine.

Your POV

My face is numb as makeup is placed on it, the white gown itchy against my skin as they begin to style my hair. This is not how I imagined my wedding day to be, I imagined marrying the one I love but what can I do? It's life or death here.

"I've come to collect the bride," a voice states as a chill runs down my spine. This is it, my life of freedom is coming to an end.

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