Chapter 29

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He can only stare wide-eyed speechless, "hello? Jimin?"

"Y-Yeah, that's the guy who is behind this all," Jimin stated almost robotically.

"What?" The guy questions, a wave of confusion washing over him.

"The missing Princess...happens to be the missing person in this case," Jimin whispers out in disbelief and a pang of hurt rushing through him. She had lied to them? But she didn't lie...she just never told them. The story of her scar must have been from when her castle was attacked.

The guy immediately pulls out his phone, "we need someone to track down the location of Jung Wooyoung right now."

"And his other two accomplices!" Jimin states.

"Who?!?" The guy asks, needing all the information he can get.

"Uh, Choi San and Kim Hongjoong," Jimin replies, remembering what Mingi said earlier to them in the hospital room.

After a minute or two with the guy talking on the phone, "alright thank you."

"So?" Jimin questions with concerned eyes.

"They're sending multiple vehicles out looking for her. The kidnappers are most likely looking to leave town and we need to find them before they do," The guy states.

"And w-what if they already have left town?" Jimin questions with a shaky voice.

"Then we'll deal with that when it happens," the guy states with weary eyes, not wanting to accept the fact that this case may get much harder to solve.


Your POV

"Let me go!" I shout as I feel a cloth being tied over my mouth, my screams muffled.

"Shut up already!" San exclaims pure annoyance laced in his voice. I try wrenching my arms out of his grip but wince feeling his fingers dig into my wrist.

"Listen here girly, the only reason I'm not killing you on the spot is because I'm following the prince's orders," San whispers into my ear, the hairs on the back of my neck stand as a chill runs down my spine. Prince? Who's a prince? I'm so lost...

"Tie her up in the chair so we can be done with this already," Hongjoong says with no emotion.

"Gladly," San rasps out as I feel my limbs go limp in his hold. The light shining on the little hope for me to get out of this situation slowly dims as my ankles are tied roughly with rope to the chair, my arms soon following suit. With a rough tug, my blindfold is removed front covering my eyes making me squint from the sudden light. I try to look and see what's around me but it's just three blurs of people.

"I'm surprised I didn't catch you sooner you know," a new voice says with a slight hint of amusement....Mr. Jung?

I make a sound of confusion as a sigh escapes the man, "you've been on the run from me for years. I was so close to catching you that one day but then that guy had to go and ruin my plans."

Finally, my vision clears to prove all my thoughts correctly of the fact that it was Mr. Jung, San, and Hongjoong. I can't believe I trusted them so could I have been so naive?

"But that doesn't matter now as I have what I want and that's you," Mr. Jung or should I say Wooyoung states with a large smirk, "boys go ahead and remove the cloth from her mouth, I wanna hear what she's gotta say."

With a roll of his eyes, San takes the cloth out from my mouth, "w-what do you want from me?"

A slight scoff escapes Wooyoung, "do you not remember me, darling?"

I shake my head as I try to think of any memory of him other than at the office. What does he mean remember? Remember what? Just what am I missing?

"I've been your rival for years, darling. I hated your kingdom, and that's why I destroyed it. I burned it to the ground, don't you remember that?," he states with a smirk as my eyes go wide, "I was so close to destroying everything your family had but one little thing stopped it. That is you, my dear."

I only stare in shock as the tears fall down my face, "I-it was you? You're the one who destroyed everything? How could you?!?"

"Yes, how could I? Well, it's simple my dear, but since you ruined my little plan. My goal has changed as to what I want," He says and brushes a strand of hair behind my ear making me shudder in disgust. What could he possibly want?

"A-And what do you want?" I stutter out, scared of the next words that come out of the man's mouth.

"For you to marry me."

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