Chapter Six

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Taehyung entered his domain, throwing his satchel down before dropping himself down on the large chair stationed across from his state of the art computer system.  

He really should sleep, he was tired and couldn't remember the last time he got a decent night but as always he couldn't resist the desire to know what she was doing

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He really should sleep, he was tired and couldn't remember the last time he got a decent night but as always he couldn't resist the desire to know what she was doing.

He flicked a few switches, booted up several systems and with a quick scan of his thumb the system allowed him entry.

He felt creepy, keeping tabs on her and saving photos but there was something about this woman that intrigued him.

He smiled as the most recent surveillance photo appeared on the screen, she always looked so effortlessly beautiful but wasn't arrogant about her obvious appeal which was refreshing.

Taehyung knew her name, where she worked and lived but he didn't know the important things....he wanted to know who she was and what she desired.

These were things that he could never know, that he would never find out as what he did....the person he was wouldn't allow it.  

Taehyung pushed his chair back, swinging the door to his mini fridge open and pulled out a Monster energy drink.  

He still remembered the day he met her, the day she said three words to him that changed everything.

He was on a mission with Jungkook, waiting a couple of blocks away for the young assassin to do what he did best. It was early, he was tired and struggling to focus and so decided to quickly head inside a nearby coffee place to get himself a caffeine fix.

"Large coffee, black please." He rubbed his eyes, last thing he wanted was to fall asleep on the job.

"Anything else?" The young woman behind the counter smiled, pushing golden hair back behind her studded ears as she openly checked him out.

"No, just the coffee please." Taehyung smirked, he was used to people looking at him and flirting.

"Coming right up." She winked, taking his note and handing over the change before going about making his drink.

"Y/N will you relax, we won't be late." The bell above the door jingled, two people walked through and stood behind him as they conversed.

"I hope not, I can't believe my alarm didn't go off this morning. I just need coffee then I'll stop freaking relaxes me. Oh fudge sticks, I forgot my purse....can this day get any worse?"

Taehyung chuckled as he listened in on the conversation, whoever this Y/N was she said the word fudge sticks instead of cursing and he found that hilarious yet adorable.

"One coffee, black." The girl behind the counter flashed him a dazzling smile which usually would get him to flirt back, maybe ask for her number so they could hook up a few times but just as he was about to do that he felt a delicate tap on his shoulder and spun around slowly.

He swallowed hard, she was beautiful. 

The woman who Taehyung knew went by Y/N looked up from under her long lashes. She had long wavy hair dyed the most alluring purple and beautiful skin which made her  lips stand out. Her cheeks were rouged and she was dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey band shirt.

"You dropped this." Her voice was gentle, sweet almost as she blushed a little under the intensity of his gaze.

Taehyung looked down and noticed his cigarette packet, how did that even fall out of his jacket pocket. He furrowed his brow and then smiled as he took it from her outstretched palm

 He furrowed his brow and then smiled as he took it from her outstretched palm

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"Erm, thanks for that." He managed to mumble just as his phone vibrated in his back pocket.

He knew it was Jungkook and that this was his cue to leave, even if it was reluctantly.

"Hope you're not late for work." He smirked before leaving, hating that he would never get the chance to see her again or even get to know the kind of person she was.

It's strange, Taehyung had been with many beautiful women but there was something about the shy blushing woman in the coffee place that intrigued him and ever since she had never left his mind.

There was a satisfying crack as he pulled back the ring of his energy drink, taking a sip before setting it down on his desk.

"Fudgesticks." He chuckled; recalling the memory as he looked over her photo once more.

She had changed her hair colour again but this time it was more natural and he liked it....really liked it. 

The next surveillance photo he clicked on caused his brow to furrow and jaw to tighten and he wasn't even sure why, it wasn't like he truly knew her or had any kind of claim.

He wasn't sure who the guy was, the surveillance team never mentioned him before and Taehyung had never come across him when doing research of his own but Y/N certainly seemed happy and comfortable with him.

Taehyung clicked off the photo and pushed away from his desk, he needed to forget his ridiculous obsession with a woman he could never have.

It would never happen, he couldn't have what other men got to enjoy. It wasn't in his future, certainly not on the cards.

Kim Taehyung just like the rest of Bangtan would never lead a normal life and he needed to accept this and move on from this ridiculous fanatasy that he could have happy.

The golden haired hacker dropped down on his bed as he lit up yet another cigarette, pushing all upsetting thoughts to the back of his mind. 

Tomorrow he would move on, stop obsessing over something that would never be his.

The nicotine surged through his body, giving him that instant rush that he craved almost constantly.

It wasn't long before he finished the cigarette, squashed the remainder down in the glass bowl next to his bed and allowed sleep to welcome him.  


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