Chapter Forty Seven

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"Take a seat." Namjoon instructs once they reach what appears to be his study.

"You guys really spared no expense with this place huh?" She settles down in one of the chairs, nerves kicking in as Namjoon closes the door and walks around to his side of the desk

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"You guys really spared no expense with this place huh?" She settles down in one of the chairs, nerves kicking in as Namjoon closes the door and walks around to his side of the desk.

"I had to make sure this was a comfortable place for us all to spend an extended amount of time in, should we have to vacate our current base of operations and stay hidden." The leader says, tone brusque and sharp.

Y/N totally understands why he's acting this way, it's his job to protect the others and her involvement hasn't made things easy for him but surely he can see that she never meant for this to happen? That she is just as upset by what's occured as he is?

"Look." Namjoon breathes out. "I don't need to ask you much, I've already spoken to Taehyung and Jungkook and they've both filled me in on everything that's happened. I know you didn't ask to get involved with this, that the two of them were dishonest with you about who they were and what they did but regardless of all that you're now involved." Namjoon let out a sigh, eyes swollen and puffy from his lack of sleep. He needed to get this conversation over and done with as quickly as possible, there was still so much to sort out especially as he was meeting with the cell leaders tomorrow.

"I'll give you the abridged version because my time is very limited."

Y/N found herself shifting closer, quite literally on the edge of her seat as she waited for Namjoon to continue.

"We work for a group of people called the organisation, who they are and what their true nature of business is we don't know. I was the first to be recruited, the rest followed and then the organisation put us together as a team. The seven of us were all recruited at a young age, all of us have our own reasons for joining. The organisation was our only hope at the time, they offered us a place to live and a chance to be something. The clients of our company pay us handsomely to do jobs for them, we always believed the jobs given to us were from good people and that what we did was punish the bad but sadly recently thanks to my contact at the main headquarters we've come to discover that the organisation isn't as innocent as they've always insisted to be. I don't think they sent their best agents out just because you got involved with Taehyung and Jungkook, I think they used that as an excuse....that there's something they're desperately trying to cover up and more importantly hide from the clients. I have my suspicions on what that might be but for now that's all they are and all I'm willing to share with you. I don't mean to be rude or to make this uncomfortable for you but the less you know the better. If the others wish to tell you more about themselves then that's their decision, on their heads be it. I know you probably have more questions but you won't get the answers from me, I've got more pressing matters to attend to."

Y/N obviously knew at this point that whatever they did wasn't exactly legal but she never expected this, didn't even know what to say as her mind was still reeling.

"So what happens now?" She finally speaks.

"I'll try my best to protect my team, hopefully bring the organisation down. If it works then you can go home, I'll make sure to compensate you for the trouble two members of my team caused and in return you promise to never speak a word of what you witnessed with anyone else."

"If it doesn't work?" She dares to ask, even though the answer at this point is pretty clear.

"If it doesn't work then that means we didn't survive, sorry to say that there's a very high possibility you could die."

Y/N closes her eyes, heart racing as the fear descends.

"I'm sorry you got involved but there's no turning back now."

"So you just expect me to wait here? Just sit around twiddling my thumbs as you guys head out to take on the organisation?"

"There's nothing else you can really do, we can't send you home because they'll find you there and kill you and you certainly can't come with us because you're not trained and will only be a liability."

"Then teach me, show me how to fight and I can help you." Y/N doesn't even know why she's offering to team up with these guys but what's worse at this point, just sitting here waiting for death or facing it head on?

Namjoon cocks a brow at this, expression shifting to one of amusement.

"I don't have the time to train you, the seven of us spent years developing and honing our skills and techniques....there's no way we can do that with you in the space of a few hours."

"I don't need to know everything you guys do, I just need to know how to handle a gun."

"I'm sorry but no, when we leave tomorrow you stay here and that's final." Namjoon pushes back his chair and holds the door open. "I have a call to make so you should head back to the others."

Y/N knows at this point that there's no point in pressing the matter, Namjoon is clearly done with conversation and her badgering him will only make things worse at this point.

"I'm sorry you're having to deal with all this, I know my involvement hasn't made things easy." Y/N didn't mean for this to happen but there's a part of her that still feels terrible, maybe if she hadn't given in to her urges things would have played out differently.

"It's not your fault so please stop blaming yourself." Namjoon knows she isn't a threat, that the only people to blame at this point are Taehyung and Jungkook but he'll deal with them later.

The moment Y/N steps out of the study and Namjoon closes the door behind her she slumps back against it.

It was obvious that Namjoon wasn't telling her everything, that his so called abridged version was far from the actual truth but it was also blatantly obvious that if she wanted more information she wasn't going to get it from him.

The only two people she had any hope of getting answers from were Taehyung and Jungkook.

She had a few hours to get as much information as possible.

Question is who did she talk to first.

Taehyung or Jungkook?

((So Namjoon didn't give much away huh? 👀 what are your thoughts on the interaction between our leader and Y/N? Do you think she should be allowed to help the guys? The next chapter is totally up to you guys, who do you want her to speak with first?




Vote next to the member you want Y/N to speak with and don't forget to leave me your thoughts and as always I love you guys 💜💜))

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