Chapter Twenty Six

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"Fuck." Jimin rushed through the warehouse, stopping outside the garage when he spotted a familiar face.

"Hyung! I need your help, we've got a serious problem."

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Hoseok removed the earbuds, setting his phone down on the table

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"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Hoseok removed the earbuds, setting his phone down on the table.

"It's Jungkook, he's gone dark." Jimin felt immensely guilty, he was to blame for this.

"Gone dark? Why the fuck would he do that Jimin?"

"I might be at fault, opened my big mouth and said something that bothered him."

"Jesus Christ Jimin, what mission was he working on?"

"It was my mission, one that required his assistance."

"Do you have his last known location?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Then why are we standing here talking about this, we need to move before he totally pulls a disappearing act on us and the organization finds out."

"Should we tell Namjoon?"

Hoseok approached his KIA GT4 Stinger, spinning around with a furrowed brow at the mention of their leader.

"Hell no, if Joon finds out then Jungkook will get the same treatment as Taehyung."

"You know about the girl?"

"Of course, Namjoon didn't tell me but it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. I've got my contacts, had my suspicions. Then Namjoon told me Taehyung was teaming with Yoongi on his latest assignment and it pretty much confirmed everything, why else would he put them two together."

Jimin nodded, nobody was usually teamed with Yoongi as he mostly worked on assignments alone.

"Well the same girl who Taehyung seems taken with is the very same one Jungkook desires, might have opened my big mouth and told him that Taehyung got his dick wet."

"Christ sake Jimin, what is wrong with you?! If you knew that Tae had something with this girl and that Jungkook liked her then why would you push him like that?!" Hoseok grumbled, he couldn't believe this idiot.

"I didn't expect that reaction, thought be would be pissed with me but nothing like what happened."

Hoseok opened the door, sliding across new leather as he got comfortable behind the wheel.

"I'm worried, this girl could be working with another agency. It's highly suspicious that she was involved with your last mission and now this one."

Jimin shrugged, taking the passenger seat as Hoseok started the engine.

"I don't think so, it's most likely a coincidence. I checked out her background and she's clean, nothing to get worried over."

"Yeah well maybe we should look again, something doesn't sit right with me. I've got someone who can do a more thorough check, make sure she's not something for us to worry about."

Hoseok used his set of keys to open the garage door, hitting the gas and open road.

"I'm truly sorry for getting you involved in this hyung, didn't know what else to do. I don't want to get Jungkook in trouble, it was stupid of me to provoke him."

"Why do it Jimin? Why even attempt to provoke him in the first place? Jungkook is young, he doesn't have the same outlook that we do. The rest of us had pretty shitty childhoods but all Jungkook can remember is the organization laboratories, pain and uncertainty."

Jimin was lost for words, he knew what he did was fucked up but sometimes his mouth opened before he stopped to think of the consequences.

It was true, they all had crappy childhoods in one shape or form and his past was the reason he used sex to distract himself from the painful memories.

The organization called him the silver tongue, eloquent and persuasive which only added to his sex appeal and undeniable charm. The young Casanova never let anyone get close to him, what was the point when all his life people had done nothing but walk away from him.

His mother was young when she fell pregnant and his father wanted nothing to do with him and so they gave him up, just walked away without a care in the world.

"Jimin are you even listening to me?" Hoseok shot a concerned look his way.

"Yeah, just worried about Jungkook."

"It's okay, we'll find him."

"What if we don't?"

"Then we're screwed, if we don't find him soon then it won't be long before the organization finds out he's gone dark. I don't need to tell you how dangerous that is, what they'll do to him."

Jimin winced, he didn't even want to think about that.

"Fuck, this is all my fault."

Hoseok nodded in agreement as they reached the Starbucks where Jungkook was last seen, the two agents searched inside and came up empty.

"Where the fuck would he go?" Jimin was starting to panic, pacing beside the car as Hoseok typed away on his phone.

"What are you doing? Why are you texting when Jungkook is missing?"

"I'm arranging a meeting with a contact of mine, if anyone can find Jungkook this guy can."

Jimin froze, wide eyes falling across his hyung.

"You didn't? Please tell me you didn't contact him?"

Hoseok sent an apologetic smile his way. "It's the best shot we have, you know he's got eyes and ears everywhere and we need to find Jungkook before it's too late. I know you two didn't end on good terms but try and be professional, this is for Jungkook."

"I'll be nothing but a true gentleman, that cheating scumbag means nothing to me anymore."

Jimin wasn't fooling anyone, it was obvious that he still cared and messed up over yet another person screwing him over.


"Don't hyung, just don't." Jimin walked away, slamming the car door once he was seated inside.

"Great, let's go and see Wooyoung then."

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