I've got a few things to announce!
I want to make my stories as exciting as possible for all of you so if for any reason you've lost a little bit of passion for one of my stories recently please comment here or DM me if you don't feel confident chatting through comments, help me make them exciting for you again by giving me some constructive criticism.
As you guys know I usually write shorter chapters and that's for a couple of reasons
1. It's simply my writing style
2. I like short chapters which give detail but don't go on, I like short and to the point, using emotion where needed and sometimes if the need arises those chapters can be longer.I want to know if you guys would prefer longer chapters, would that make you happier?
Would it be better for me to focus on one story at a time to get it finished more quickly and put the others on hold or are you happy with how I currently do things?
I'm sorry for all these questions but as my readers I need your feedback so I can make my books more enjoyable for you to read.
Also, I've finally found a new partner to make my book trailers (Isabella Wang) and also have klaudia_moonlight translating my books to Polish so please follow her and show support. The first book she's translating is Uiveleth! Thanks so much for showing your support with my work hunnie 💜 and thanks Isabella for all your hard work on the Can I Keep You Part 2 trailer! More to come soon for the other books!
I'm still looking for people to submit artwork and edits for my books, whatever you send I'll post and give you credit for and I'm also going to be giving out prizes to those who I feel have really captured the essence of the book or characters.
I also want to hold a vote, this will give me an idea of what you guys are enjoying more and what I need to focus on.
Which is your favourite story currently?
Winter Days
Save Me
Can I Keep You 1&2
Promise Me
Until There Was You
Remember Me
What's you favourite upcoming story? The one you're most looking forward to
Beauty & The Vamp
I also want to try and be more interactive with you guys, start chatting and replying to your comments more. I'm going to set aside one day a week where I will go through chapters and comments, respond more to show my love and appreciation for you guys.
I know some of you are busy, some are a little shy and don't comment and I totally understand that but please know I would love to hear from you and you can always DM me if you would prefer to chat privately.
If there's anything you want to ask or request please do so and I'll get back to you tonight or tomorrow after my shift at work. I'm currently working on updates for chapters and so you will have some things to read soon guys, I promise.
I apologise that it takes me ages to update on occasion but can't always do so daily, I work full time and also have a very hectic couple of months ahead.
I won't forget the stories and promise they will be completed but please be patient and if you want to ask how long a certain chapter will be just message me and I'll give you a rough idea.
The competition for story artwork starts today and will run for two weeks, so if you've got edits, videos, mood boards of your favourite story or character of mine then please send it to me and then I'll announce first, second and third place in two weeks. The prize will be a package full of surprises involving your bias, it's definitely worth entering this 👀🤣💜
Any questions please ask, love you guys and again thanks for your love, support and understanding

Jagi ♡ OT7/Reader FF ♡ Complete ♡
FanfictionSeven members of an elite organisation and one seemingly innocent woman collide and the aftermath leaves them questioning if everything they knew was a lie.