Chapter Forty Two

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Taehyung stepped out of the car with his P320 raised, sights trained on Xander as the older agent stilled.

The shots fired from Yoongi's weapon moments before merely warning the other agent to stand down.

"Min Yoongi and Kim Taehyung." Xander smirked, both hands raised to show he wasn't armed.

"What do you want Xander?" Yoongi spat, eyes narrowed.

"I think that's a question you should direct to your fearless leader."

Taehyung cocked his brow at this, shifting his stance as he shared a fleeting look of confusion with Yoongi.

Mind games Taehyung, don't let it throw you off. You know how Xander works, he's stalling.

"I refuse to play games with you Xander, just tell us why your team was sent out here? I doubt it's not just because of the girl, an entire team for one civilian is complete overkill." Yoongi was well aware that they didn't have much time, the sirens in the distance drawing closer.

"I'm simply here to deliver a message, make sure that your entire team understands just how serious this is and that we're not here to play games."

"Then spit it out." Yoongi seethed, growing tired of Xander dragging this out. It didn't settle his nerves any, knowing the older agent was still attempting to stall the younger two.

He wasn't just here to deliver a message.

They needed to reconvene with the others, figure out their next step.

Yoongi has Xander distracted, perfect time for Taehyung to survey their immediate vicinity and work out an escape route.

They can't engage Xander yet, not without speaking with Namjoon first.

"It's simple really, we want you to hand over the civilian and Jeon Jungkook."

Taehyung's finger applied a slight pressure to the trigger, anger coursing through him at the prospect of handing over two people he cared about.

Over his dead body would he ever allow that to happen.

"Why Jungkook?" Yoongi questioned, confused as to why their youngest agent would need to be taken in by the organisation.

"I get why you want the girl, she knows too much and now you want her silenced but what does Jungkook have to do with this and why does it take an entire team of elite professionals to do the job?"

Yoongi picked the words right out of Taehyung's chaotic thoughts....why Jungkook too? Why would the organisation go to such extreme lengths to silence one civilian and bring in the youngest member of their team? It didn't make sense, they were hiding something.

"Jungkook made a mistake, we know he went AWOL during a mission with Jimin and for a civilian no less. The organisation have eyes and ears everywhere Yoongi, you of all people should know we would find out about this."

"Bullshit." Yoongi laughed.

Taehyung was in complete agreement.

"Agents have gone AWOL before within the organisation and it's never needed their best agents to reprimand them, yes Jungkook went AWOL and you finding out about that doesn't surprise me but why send you all out here to collect him? I mean, we all know Jungkook is one of the best and has incredible potential but surely it shouldn't take all of you to bring him in?"

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