Chapter Thirty One

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One week later.

Taehyung was sitting alone at a bar called Le Syndicat, it was apparently the first to use exclusively French ingredients for cocktails and seemed extremely popular with the locals.

It was a little after ten, Yoongi was back at the apartment making travel preparations and Taehyung needed a break.

He wasn't even sure how long they had been here or where the hell they were heading off to next, he missed the guys and their home together and no matter how hard he tried the young agent couldn't stop thinking about Y/N.

Was she okay?

Had she forgotten about him?

Did she hate him for leaving like he did?

It was crazy, they hardly knew each other and yet he couldn't stop thinking about her....craving her touch.

Taehyung traced his index finger around the rim of his glass, the bartender had assured him that this was one of their best single malts, something called Brenne Cuvée Spéciale.

To the nose he could detect vanilla, mango and hints of pear but to the palate liquorice with cinnamon spice.

It was good, not the best but it did the trick.

The bar itself was busy, most of the tables were full and there was a younger couple sitting beside him at the bar, he would glance at them occasionally and feel a longing at how in love they free.

Taehyung's life hadn't been easy, with an alcoholic mother and abusive father he spent most of his adolescence trying to hide the many injuries which had marred his delicate skin.

If anyone ever asked Taehyung why he had so many tattoos he would always say something superficial, yet the truth was far different.

They hid his scars.

Helped him forget.

Taehyung had never once known what it was like to have someone care for him, to touch him not to inflict pain but to demonstrate their love.

It was when he turned ten that Taehyung lost his mother, beaten so badly by his father in a drunken rage that she slipped into a coma before dying a week later. It was then he was placed into care, his father arrested.

Taehyung hoped this was a new beginning for him, that finally he would get the opportunity to be a part of a real family but instead he was adopted by an agent of the organisation and thrown into their young agent program.

They didn't necessarily treat him badly, at least with the organisation he had a roof over his head and a full stomach.

No beatings. No pain.

At least at the beginning.

It wasn't long after joining the organisation that Taehyung met his team and for the first time in his life he felt as though he belonged to something, that his life finally had meaning.

He loved his six brothers with all his heart, they all had their own tragic stories which the seven young agents bonded over but Taehyung still felt as though something was missing....that something was Y/N.

He missed her touch, the sound of her voice and the way she reacted to him

In just that one night together he felt a connection, something so strong that he didn't want to give it up.

He couldn't and wouldn't forget her.

Taehyung craved her, he wanted someone to touch him with love in their hearts and not hatred. The way she looked at him that night as they slept together was still so prominent in his mind, her beautiful eyes seared into the darkest parts of him and ignited a small flicker of hope.....that she could be the one to finally banish his pain and self doubt.

He deserved love didn't he?

Even someone as messed up as him deserved happiness right?

Taehyung wanted something we all do, he wanted love and everything that came with it.

He wanted a family to call his own, wanted children he could give the world show them how a father is supposed to love their child.

He wanted marriage, to commit himself to the other half of his soul.

It was far too early to say he wanted those things with Y/N but what he did know is that he wanted to be close to her, he was going crazy not knowing where she was.

He needed to see her again, he didn't care about the consequences.

Consequences be damned.

Taehyung finished his drink, nodding his head when the bartender asked if he wanted a refill.

Maybe it was the drink giving him this sudden confidence or maybe his time away from her was proving too much for him to handle but Taehyung couldn't stay in Paris and he sure as hell wasn't going to jet off to whatever country Yoongi had planned for them next. Taehyung needed to go home, he needed to see her again and come up with some explanation for why he left that day and didn't even leave her a note.

But then she would be thrown into his world.......could he do that to her?

The moment he finds her again everything would change, it would be impossible for him to walk away.

Y/N would be in danger getting involved with him, was he really that selfish that he could put her at risk just so he could get what he wanted.

He was at war with himself, part of him wanting nothing more than to risk everything and be with her and the other part knowing he would never forgive himself if anything should happen to her.

The moment his refilled glass was placed before him the agent knocked it back in three large gulps.

What was he to do?

More importantly.

What was the right thing to do?

Taehyung grabbed his jacket, left a tip on the bar and then headed out into the streets of Paris.

He walked by the Seine, stopping as he reached the Pont Alexandre III bridge which connected the Champs-Élysées quarter with those of the Invalides and Eiffel Tower.

He walked by the Seine, stopping as he reached the Pont Alexandre III bridge which connected the Champs-Élysées quarter with those of the Invalides and Eiffel Tower

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He took a deep breath, head falling back just as the moon seemed to appear from behind ash coloured clouds.

Taehyung would describe the moonlight as his only companion in the darkness yet tonight the soft shimmering glow held another purpose, it gave him a direction in what would otherwise been a maze of impenetrable blackness.

He didn't want to put her at risk but he also couldn't stay away, he would return home to Seoul and make sure she was okay.

It was the least he could do.

It was the right thing to do.

Wasn't it?

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