Phase 1

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As the day came to a swift ending I became more and more exausted.At this point there was no way it could get any worse,right?Wrong.

"Hey freshy." Well dang...Of course the one time I try to be optimistic,it back fires."Gene." "So since your co-planner what do you have in store?" "Well we have to revamp your image, improve the way others see you." "But I'm leader of the Shadow Knights,I'm one of the scariest people next to Balto and Aaron?" "Who and who?" "Ugh it doesn't matter,just why do I have to change?" "Gene,I'm gonna be honest,your attractive,but your also realllllyyy well.....Non approachable." "So you want me to become like your Brother?" "No..well kind of.I'm just gonna make you more....attractive?" "Fine,where do we start?" "I'm glad you asked." I said smirking evily.

"You want me to join the baseball team!?!" Gene screeched into my face. "Yes...." "Are you sure you're not trying to make me Garroth 2.0?" "Yes..." "Hm.." "C'mon Gene, extra curriculars are a good way to revamp your image,and besides...All the hot guys are on the baseball team." I regret saying that.He looked at me funny before reluctantly walking towards Garroth. "W-wait up!"At least I'm fast.

"Oh hey little sister,come to watch your older brother play ball?" "Well actually..." "I'm here to try out for the team!" Garroth looked at Gene,his eyes growing as wide as saucers."What?Don't be ridiculous Gene,why would we let a trouble maker like you on the team?!" 'I knew he was trouble!' "Because I know your in need of new memebers and I'm pretty good." "Hmm..." Garroth looked at us both. "Wait but...why are you here baby sister." "Um...-" "She's here for moral support." "Oh....Wait why are you supporting-" "So can I join or not?" "Sure!Were having open auditions right now actually." "Wait,really?" "Yeah." "Go to Jeffory and he'll set everything up." "Ok..." Gene took my hand and was about to drag me off but..."I said you,not Y/N." Garroth took my hand and Gene grunted before walking over to Jeffory."So,baby sister,When did you become a Shadow Knight?" "W-what?I-I didn't!" "Then why are you hanging out with their leader!?He's bad news!" What do I tell him first.That I'm doing it to help our brother join his group of misfits?Or that I was about to turn Gene into Mr.Steal Yo Girl? "It's complicated.." "Please,do explain." Wow I guess I was gonna have to pull out my secret weapon. Sister guilt tripping. I began to sob,"Garroth why are you yelling at me?" I said through little sniffs and whimpers.A look of guilt flashes across his face,"I-I'm sorry baby sis,I didnt mean to yell I'm just trying to protect you." "Garroth,I promise I wont get in trouble,can I please just talk to Gene?"

Gene tried out and,at least to me, he did pretty well.We will only really know if he did well enough to stand out and get chosen tomorrow though."Hey Y/N, thanks....I guess." "I suppose having a popular brother who is captain of the baseball team does come in handy huh?" "You Ro'Meaves' and your connections." "Well I have to get to Garroth's Car, but I'll see you tomorrow." "What's in store for tomorrow?" "Class.." "Oh yeah...that..." "You have to start actually going if you wanna improve your image y'know." "I suppose.." "But yeah also tomorrow we're going to the mall."Eww did I really just say that? "Hmm,are you gonna give me a make over or something?" "No!Of course not,we're going to find you some more....Colorful clothing..." He glared but then nodded,"Fine,fine whatever!" He said before walking off. I laughed a little, 'Gene sure is something else huh?'

The Royal And The Rebel (Gene X Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now