Her Game (Finale)

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I zipped up the jacket and pulled my tail out.Tucking my hair in,I finished covering my face and walked out from the corner and joined the student body in their rush to get to school.

I walked out towards the play feild and stood in line with the rest of the werewolves who where waiting to be checked in.When it came to be my turn,I was a bit worried they wouldnt be convinced so....

"Name!" "Uh...." "Come on sone we 'aint got all day." "Uh...Ima Woulfe?" "What a sissy name!"I growled at the teacher. "Sorry,sorry,I didn't mean to offend."I gruffed and grabbed my check in bracelet as I walked to join the others.

Aphmau walked up to us all and she stared at me,"Who are you?Have I seen you before?" "Ima Woulfe." "I know that but what's your name?" "Ima Woulfe!" "O-Oh,really?" "Yeah its uh....Short for Immanuel?" 'Great quick thinking Y/N.' "Oh well...Good luck then!"She smiled and walked off humming to herself.
"Everyone to the starting line!" Finally!Let the games begin....

The minute the horn was blown I took off speeding.I started to get ahead and I could feel Aph close behind me,she was huffing and puffing but she refused to give up,she seemed to be gaining on me to be honest.

We reached the climbing wall and I began to use my wolf strength as an advantage for myself.As I was climbing I felt a hand grab my leg and attempt to pull me down.When I looked to see who my pursuer was, annoyance flashed across my face,'Stupid Ryder!'I continued climbing and reached the other side.I jumped off and began running once more.My victory was short lived though,because as I made my way towards the top 3 I was tripped and kicked over,my leg twisted as I fell and I cried out in pain.I looked up to see Jax racing towards the finish line and the teacher running towards me.

"What a girlish scream that was son."I growled as he bent down, "Or should I say,"He pulled my hood down,"Young Lady."I groaned as he inspected my wound,"You could've gotten seriously hurt,Ima Woulfe.Just how stupid do you think I am
Miss Ro'Meave?"I sighed, "Tampering with a werewolf matter is unacceptable, worst of all,you got hurt.I will be contacting your parents about this,but for now lets get you to the infirmary."

I laid in the nurses office on one of the beds.I had taken off my whole disguise so now I was just Y/N in her school uniform.With wolf ears that is...

I sighed and rubbed the ice pack against my swollen ankle,which, by the way,was severly fractured. I was gonna be in a cast for at least a couple days and maybe even a week.My ankle swelled and throbbed against the ice pack and was all shades of red and purple.I put a hand on my pounding head and took a sip of about my 20th cup of water. Atleast it was peaceful and quiet....

'BANG!' "Y/N!!!"The office door busted open and Gene stepped in sweaty and red faced.'I spoke to soon...'

"Gene?"He walked up to me and sat at the edge of my bed."Y/N are you ok?Who did this to you?Why would you....Why would you do something so stupid!"He said barely slowing down."G-Gene,I'm fine.How did you even hear about what happened?" "I heard you where in the infirmary when I passed some Werewolves chatting,I thought maybe you where sick but then they said that you got injured participating in the Werewolf games." "Yes..." "Who did this?!" "Gene please...My head hurts and all I want it some peace and quiet." "Fine,fine..."He leaned closer to my face,"I know something that will keep us both quiet~." "Geneee."I said groaning. "I just want one kiss." "Yeah its always just one kiss."I said blushing."No smoochies for me?" Gene smiles"No."He fake pouts and turns away from me.

We sit in silence for what feels like hours but it was truly only a couple moments.Finally I gave in and tapped his shoulder. "Fine,but just one ok." "No promises."He says leaning close to my face,but instead of kissing my lips he reaches up and kisses my forehead."Hm?Thats new." "No its not!I kiss your forehead all the time." "Not as much as you kiss me on the lips." "The lips are just more of my way of showing you I love you,plus,you have nice lips." "Gene your so weird."I say giggling."Maybe,but,"He leans in close to my face again,putting one hand on my cheek,"Its only because I'm nervous." "Why are you nervous?" "Because I really like you and I dont wanna mess up with you."I laughed,"I Like you too Gene,why would small things mess up our relationship?"He smiled and blushed,leaning closer,"Your the best Y/N."I leaned in to kiss him, our lips almost touching when....

"Y/N!!"A voice said running into the room and and running towards me.I turned to see a very flustered Garroth,an irritated Zane,and a confused looking Laurance.

"H-hey you guys...."Gene huffed and pulled away."Thats right, back away from my little sister with your handsyness."Zane said aggresively."Y/N I heard you where sick so I rushed over here!"Garroth said out of breath.
"My Irene...."

Finally,after a long explanation to everyone about what happened,Gene drove me home after school and now we where sitting on the front steps of my house.

"Y/N....I....."I looked at Gene as he stared at me intently,"I um...." "Gene?" "I was trying to tell you earlier that..."He took both of my hands and leaned in close to my face."I love you Y/N Ro'Meave.I will always love you,and I want to make up for all the lost time this year.So next year its just you and me ok?"I smiled as he looked up at me bashfully."I love you too Gene,and next year will be all about us."

Gene leaned in slowly and our lips met,the same fireworks I felt each time we kissed felt even more sparky today.I looked up at him,"I hope we can spend forever together.."I blushed at his statement."Maybe we'll even go to the same college." "Yeah I hope so."

Me and Gene continued to talk until he finally kissed me goodbye and left.Thinking back,I never would've imagined me and Gene would end up together.But I'm glad we did.Maybe we will go to the same college.But what are the chances of that happening?

The Royal And The Rebel (Gene X Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now