That Guy

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Things you may need to know:
Y/N: Your name
N/N: Nick Name
Y/H/C: Your hair color
Y/E/C: Your eye color
(A/n: Hey guys, I edited the word 'retard' out because I realized it's highly offensive to call anyone that. I apologize for my mistake, and I now realize it wasn't right. I always used to refer to myself that way when I wrote this book, but other people may not feel the same, so again, I'm very sorry, thank you for correcting me. Have a good day/night.


It would be an understatement if I said I was about to pee my pants. In middle school, I was never made fun of or anything. But that might be because I was a Ro'Meave, and, because I have a scary older brother like Zane, and he eats human souls as a hobby. Its just, I was a very quiet girl in middle school, always shying away from crowds and stuff, I only had a small group of friends, or people I knew and rarely attended school wide events and stuff and didn't do sports, so you can basically call me an antisocial person. That's why when our teacher asked me to stand up in front of the class, well...I don't even know.

"Hello and welcome to your freshman year in high school, I will be your homeroom teacher, Mr.Jackson and if you have any questions, please come to me. Anyway I would like you to each come up here and introduce yourselves, after that, say one thing you like to do and your favorite subject."

I began to sweat immediately when he said that.You mean I have to talk, like in front of the whole class?!

"Hello everyone, my name is Aphmau Phoenix, I like to play online games and my favorite subject is art."

"Aphmau, Aphmau...are you a freshman?"

"No, I'm a-"

"Then why are you in my class?"

"It says here on my schedule to come to Mr. Jackson's class,room 206 as a homeroom."

He looked at her schedule, "Its clear there has been a mix up in classes here, who else is not a freshman?"

Some of the students raised their hands in response and he took their names. I was so caught up in my own woes to even notice him calling a student up, silly me.

"Next person please. about you!"

I looked behind me.

"You with the H/C hair, come up here and present yourself to the class." My eyes widened in surprise. Oh lord....

"H-hello everyone, my name is, um-"

"Haha, don't pee your pant's freshman!"

I looked over to see a guy with dark black hair and aqua eyes, clearly amused by my misfortune. His uniform was half undone showing half of his chest and his shoes where propped up on his desk, the guy was clearly high off of his own life.

"Gene! Stop making fun of her,she hasn't even said her own name!"

"Oh shut up! Kitty~"


"Aphmau, Gene, quit it, NOW!" Mr. Jackson said through clenched teeth.

"Now, continue.."

I sighed heavily.

"My name is Y/N Ro'Meave,and-"

"Ro'meave, like-"

"Yes!I am Garroth Ro'Meave's younger sister.."

"Ah, nice to meet you Miss Ro'meave, I expect great things from you, now, continue." Groannnnn, my brothers dumb reputation was RUINING my life, again!

"I'm Y/N Ro'Meave, I like to F/T/T/D (Favorite thing to do), and my favorite subject is F/S." (Favorite Subject)."

I quickly rushed to my seat as that guy, Gene, stared after me, it was starting to creep me out to be honest.

After class I began packing up and almost made it out of the class when,

"Hey,Y/N,Wait up!" A voice called,oh no, now what!

The girl reached me basically out of breath, which was funny because I was barely even out of the classroom when she caught up.

"Hi, I'm Aphmau, nice to meet you Garroth's little sis!" She exclaimed.So this is the girl Garroth wouldn't shut up about, I admit, she is pretty.

"Hello, I'm Y/N, but I prefer not to be called Garroth's little sis,his reputation ruins me." I said laughing slightly.

"Haha I understand what you mean, but you must be a good sister because Garroth and Zane both talk about you more that they do each other."

"Zane talks? Like to other people?"

She laughed again, "He has his moments, especially when him and Garroth are arguing."

"Ah I see, is there something you needed, Aphmau?"

"Oh sorry, I just wanted to meet Garroth's famed little sis, and, invite you to sit and eat lunch with me and my friends." She smiled.

Ugh I hadn't even thought about that, I was probably just going to drag my self to sit with Zane and his emo self, so we could 'Woe Is me' together about our first day of school. Well, his first day back of course, but still.

"Sure, I guess...."

"Ok, I'll come get you, you can help us set up our booth for the fair."

"Oh, um, ok!" I said and rushed off. Great I just willingly volunteered myself to work, how nice...

[Edited Ver.]

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