What Do You Know About Me Pt.2

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Gene's POV:
I stood there staring at the back of Aphmau's head. She turned around gesturing towards me."Well....I know that she loves F/F(Favourite Food),and she has a Cross of Leonus poster in her room because she likes the main character who's name is Leo.I know she loves F/A(Or cartoon) a lot and even has a whole shelf dedicated to the manga/books. She likes school even though shes not very social,and she hates whenever people bring up the fact that she's a Ro'Meave because she wants to be recognized as her own person,"
Gene...Look how much you could tell me about Y/N.You couldn't even tell me that much about myself."My eyes widened, What does this mean..."

Y/N's POV:
I was sitting with Zane,who had finally gotten his permit back and was driving.We where in his car on the way home,finally,but of course not without a dramatic scenario.

"So who drove you here and ditched you?Was it a guy because I swear I will-" "It was just Gene." "Gene....So...You and Gene?What's that about?"He said as his eyes grew wide with aniticipation."Its nothing big,I was just doing him a favor." "Yeah but everyone says your a-" "I'm not a Shadow Knight." I said getting out of the car as he parked."Then why-" "Does it really matter?I was doing him a favor,get over it."I said walking inside.

'Poor Zane,He didn't deserve that...'

Gene's POV:
My heart was beating faster and faster."Gene,It's clear you like      Y/N...,go talk to her." "I can't!" "Why?" "We got in a fight and..."I held up Y/N's broken necklace. Aph gasped."Gene!What did you do to make her so angry?!" "I blamed her for something that wasn't her fault." "And..." "And what?" "Y/N isn't that petty,what did you say or do that really made her angry?" "I compared her to you..."Aph began laughing. "Gene,you never compare a girl to another girl,that's treason."She said as her mom pulled up,(I dont know how she got away with being out so late on a date).She jumped in the passenger seat."But wait!What do I do?" "Well obviously..." Aph said closing the door and looking out the window.

"You apologize."

Y/N's POV(I'm sorry I swear I'll stop soon.)
I was laying on my bed listening to my favourite music when I heard a knock at the door."Go away.."I said turning over."N/N, it's mommy,let me in." I sighed and rolled off the bed and unlocking the door.She walked in and sat down on the edge of my bed as I flopped down next to her."So...What's wrong my N/N?" "What did Zane or Garroth tell you?" "Oh?Did something happen with those two?" "Well you asked me what happened so I assumed-" "Oh Y/N,I can just tell when my babies are down,I don't need a sibling to say anything.I just know." "Well..." I explained everything to my mom.

"I see...Well have you tried hearing his side of the story?" "What?But-" "He may have said some hurtful things Y/N,but so did you..."She looked down at me and smiled,cupping my cheeks, "Oh my baby,working behind her brothers back to make him happy." "So...Your not mad?" "Of course not,I do think you need to talk to Gene though..." I sighed. "He's not answering his phone.To be honest I called him when I got home but he didn't pick up." "Well maybe a face to face talk will be better." "And wait 'till Monday,ahh the stress will kill me." She walked up to the door and opened it,"Who says you have to wait?" She says as she reveals Gene standing behind the door.My heart begins to race, "Gene..." My mom leaves and Gene walks in and closes the door.He takes my hands and looks at me deeply."Y/N....I'm so sorry for the way I acted,you didn't deserve any of it." "No I'm sorry..For calling you pathetic and everything..." "It's ok but..." "What is it?" "The deal is off.." "W-what!?But what about Zane and-"He puts a finger on my lips to shuah me,"There's this girl I like..."I looked at him wide eyed."And her name is Y/N,I've had a crush on her for a very long time but...I didn't know it.I like her a lot,in fact..."He leaned closer to my face."

"I love her.."He said leaning in and kissing me sweetly.

He pulled away softly,blushing as he looked at me."W-what?" I said blushing. "N-nothing i-its just...Your lips are softer than I imagined."I blushed."O-oh um..Thank you.."He bit his lip nervously and took my hands in his again."So...Y/N...." "Y-yes?"I asked blushing.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

(A/N:Finally!!It only took 40 dang chapters!!Dont worry the book isnt over just yet.Thanks for sticking with me for this long,I love you all.)

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