Her Magic

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"Ok Y/N,are you %100 sure that this is what you want?"Lucinda said holding up the sparkling potion."It wears off in a day or two Lucinda,it's not like it lasts forever." "Um...." "What?" "There is a slight chance that uh...It could erm...Last forever." "What!?Luci-" 'Splash!' The potion hits me,"But it's only a slight chance really."I groan as the potion starts to take effect.    A F/C(favourite colour) tail sprouts from my behind and F/C ears grow on my head. Kawaii~Chan hands me a mirror. "Y/N~Chan is so pretty!"She says gushing.I examine myself as the last bits of the potion come to effect.My sense of smell is hightened and I can hear way better than I already could. Lucinda smiles proudly,"See Kawaii~Chan,I'm obviously the better magicks user.You just stick to being a cat." "Hmph,Whatever Lucinda~Chan." I smile,"It worked!" "Well of course it did who do you think I am?A beginner?"Lucinda said laughing."Ok Lucinda~Chan we get it!"Kawaii~Chan said annoyed."That's besides the point,This is perfect!I'm a werewolf now!"I said smiling at the mirror.

And indeed I was...

'Now my plan can continue.'

After school I bolted up staurs with my hoodie over my head and my tail inside my skirt.Even Gene wondered what I was doing but I tried to avoid him most of the day.'Sorry Genie,I love you.'I walked into my room and grabbed a beanie I got(Stole😂) from Gene's room and put it on.With my tail still tucked under,my skirt I walked to Zane's room and knocked.

"Wha-Oh hey Y/N.."He said tiredly."Zane..I need your help." "I need sleep but do I get it?No."
He replied bluntly."Look,I need to borrow one of your gym uniforms."He raised an eyebrow."W-why!?Dont you have your own?Plus mines to big for you." "That's the point." "Um...but,Why?" "Because I do." "What are you trying to do Y/N, start talking.Now."I sigh,"Ok..."

I explained my whole plan to Zane and he gasped,"WHAT!Are you insane Y/N,what if you get hurt?Your a human!" "Well actually....."I lifted off the beanie and pulled out my tail.Zane stared in silence and shock. "B-but.....How?" "Zane,welcome to the modern world where Magicks and Witch craft does indeed exist." "I-I know that,but why?"He said still stunned."I already explained everything to you now can I borrow your uniform or not?" "I mean...How are you gonna convince everyone your a boy?You dont think everyones gonna believe that just because your in a boys uniform right?"I nodded."Y/N...In the least pervy way possible...." "What!?" "Well....Your chest is a little too big for that."He said turning red.
No wonder that was hard for him to say,he is my brother after all,and he didnt want it to come out weird."I-."I stopped to think, "Let me worry about that!"I say folding my arms."So do I get the uniform or not?" "Fine...."He says handing me a uniform."Just wash it before you give it back and dont tear it." "Yeah,yeah." "Oh and one more thing."Zane said as I prepared to leave his room. "Can you maybe um..." "Which one is it this time?Pinkie Cake?" "Y-yes..."He said turning red. "Ok,ok fine whatever...Thanks Zane." "Your welcome Y/N.What is family for?"I laughed."Thats a first." "Whatever,dont get used to it."He said folding his arms as I left his room."I wont."I said laughing and walking towards my room.

'Everything is going according to plan now...'

The Royal And The Rebel (Gene X Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now