Demons Coming Back

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As you looked around, clearly confused, you saw the principle walking around a fair distance in front of you, and even though you hated him with every fibre of your being, if anyone had answers, it had to be him, so you approached him to ask about what happened.

"Hello? Do you have any idea where we are? Maybe you know because I don't?" You asked, as politely as you could.

"Listen here you little shit! You put us in this situation! Now if there's anything you can do it's to get us back to the science lab!" He scolded you unfairly, and as he went on you finally broke.

"Oh! So I did this? How about you ask the guy who pushed me into the fucking thing!? Now, back up or I will beat you down!" You threatened him, having enough of his attitude towards you, he was like this since your first day and you finally blew your lid.

"Do not dare, talk to me like that ever again!" He shouted, but you didn't even flinch.

"Or else?" You fired back, raising your brow to taunt him.

He then walked towards you and lifted his hand to you, and smacked you across the face, splitting your lip and bursting a vein in your nose, which was returned with you giving him a knee to the balls and pulling out a switchblade.

"Touch me again and I will fuckin stab you!" You yelled at him, which gained the attention of a girl in a white hood, and a second girl with red and black armour, wielding a katana.

"Oh yeah!? Do it and I will have you locked up young man! Such a disgrace. Just like your worthless father." He said with a smile. This caused you to blow.
While rushing towards him, he tripped you and ran towards you, and as he got into striking distance you kicked his leg out from underneath him and planted the knife into his guts, the hilt with your hand were the only things visible.

As he shrieked in pain you ripped the knife out, dropped it to the side and rolled on top of him, delivering punch after punch against his face until a white hooded girl pulled you off him.

"Hey! What are you doing!? Why did you stab him!?" She yelled in fear.

"He is a no-good prick who likes to bully kids half his age! Touch me again and I will cut your throat!" You yelled furiously, pointing at the bleeding principle on the ground.

"Screw you!" He yelled in between laboured breaths.

"Can someone get him to the hospital?" You said out of mercy after picking up your switchblade and walking away.

"Sir. What was that about?" A man with green hair and a white lab coat approached you.

"That is personal. But if you must know... he was constantly on my case, hitting me for things I never did, back in (HS/N), then he attacked me first, so I fought back in self-defence." You said aggressively, being the rebel you are.

"(HS/N)? That does not sound like any school around here? Where are you from, young man, and may I please get your name and ID?" The man asked politely.

"I'm from (C/N). From what I can tell... very far from here. For the best too." You said sarcastically. "As for my name. Y/N L/N." You said while handing the man your ID. Even though you wanted to ask if he was a cop, you learnt from experience that is a bad move.

"I am Doctor Oobleck. Let's see here... C/N?" Where is that?" He asked you, genuinely confused.

"Uh, on Earth, duh, where are we? A foreign planet or something?" You asked sarcastically, and slightly annoyed.

"You are aware that making a fake ID is grounds for jail up to five years here?" He said sternly.

"What!? It is not a fake ID. Look it up on the systems! It is the ID that I legally got like everybody else here!" You shrieked angrily.

"Calm down young man. How did you get here anyway? The airship to Beacon only arrived five minutes ago and students say you were here with another man when they arrived which is preposterous because the only way to get here is by air." He said, sounding like he was out of his mind.

"Okay! Who put LSD into my drinks because you all should know I don't do drugs?" You said out loud to try to get a response.

"Young man, calm down please." He said, getting stricter.

"Alright. I was at a science convention back where I come from, then a bully shoved me and I fell through a... teleporter..." you drifted off, realising what may have happened, and with your knowledge of teleportation, if something goes wrong then you could end up in a random place, and the odds of being recovered are minimal.

"SHIT!" You screamed. Realising what happened.

"What is it? What is this nonsense about teleportation!?" Oobleck asked in desperation.

"Well... turns out I may be stuck on a foreign planet. Because clearly, the somebody who pushed me through the teleporter thought it was a big joke. Now I am not on Earth!" You said with realisation.

"You're not making any sense. Well, I guess you will have to come with me to professor Ozpin to discuss a few things." Oobleck said at hyper speed. Luckily you were used to it because one of your friends spoke just like that.

"Okay?" You said, stretching the word in confusion, but barely keeping up with the speeding man.

Timeskip to Ozpins office.

"So. You just ended up here through a teleporter? And already you stabbed someone out of self-defence? Now you don't have a place to stay because you are not from this world?" Ozpin casually asked you.

"Yes. That is correct."

"Well, seems like the only possible dorm that I find suitable for you would be the dorm of team STRQ. Just, don't cause any trouble and maybe I might just give you free accommodation and a weapon of your design with permanent residence?" Ozpin continued as casual as usual, in your eyes that is.

As much as you wanted to retort and give him your own terms, you knew that you could not risk outweighing the options against you, as common sense told you.

"Alright. Let's see how this goes?" You said with minimal confidence.

"By the way, you will need to pass an entrance exam to get in, but because you a special case, just do as I say and you will earn a spot in this academy." Ozpin replied, still in his casual tone.

That is all for this chapter guys! Hope you enjoyed it, I will get the next chapter up as soon as possible, probably tomorrow or the day after that. Please leave a vote and a comment on anything I could change or improve. Remember, constructive criticism will always be regarded.

Till next time!

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