New World, New Start

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"That's cool." You said casually, trying to play it cool.

"Y/N. Can I talk to you for a second? Privately." Qrow said sternly.

"Yeah? What's the problem?" You asked as Qrow dragged you outside to talk.

"You know, I think Raven likes you. As in 'she has a crush on you,' likes you?" Qrow said leniently.

"No ways. I haven't even been here for a day. Surely there is no way anybody will fall for someone in one day of getting to know each other?" You said firmly.

"Buddy, trust me. I know when my sister likes someone. If you decide to take the opportunity, do not break her heart or I will hurt you so badly… I can't even say how bad it will be." Qrow said to you as you thought about it.

"Alright. I will see what happens. But first I want to get to know everything about this planet before I just jump into anything that won't possibly save my life." You mentioned that responsibly.

"I think we will get along well, taking responsibilities before anything else is a good quality, we just may be able to consider ourselves friends." Qrow stated casually.

"Alright. Thanks, now, shall we head back before they think we disappeared for too long?" You sarcastically asked.


Upon entering the room again, you asked how to get to the city, Raven and Summer were the first to raise their hands. So you decided to go with Raven, as she seemed more mature than Summer.

"Raven. Shall we head off?" You asked as she nodded rapid time. This raised a red flag to back up what Qrow said, but you still played it off, still.

"So, is there any type of curfew? Or something?" You asked, just wanting to know so you knew what time you could bring the fun times.

"Curfew is at nine PM." Raven said as she looked at her scroll. "Damn. It's only 3:45 now!" Her eyes widened on saying this. She really wanted to spend time with you, and she was not one for relationships, so this is new for her.

"Thanks, now I know what time the party can start. What would you say to causing some trouble after curfew?" You said with a devilish smirk.

"Sure. Sounds like fun." She said, smirking at you, gazing into your eyes again. Then she got a feeling she did not understand, she felt warm, comfortable, shy and happy around you, but she couldn't comprehend what was happening.

After getting on the bullhead, and chatting all the way to the city, Raven finally asked you something that caused your heart to stop.

"You don't do drugs, do you? Not that I am stereotyping, but normally rebels do whatever they want, and that usually includes drugs here or there."

"No. I only smoked a little weed here and there, but I don't make it a habit." You honestly answered.

"Well, turns out I do too. But it's not a major thing. Only now and then." She said as you came to a hill overlooking the major part of the city.
Once you all made yourself comfortable on the ground, she pulled out a small sachet of weed, and this caught your eye.

"Want to split this?" She said with a wink.

"Sure." You said casually as she began to roll.

"You know, honestly I never took you for the rebellious type. I thought you were more of the innocent girls who did what had to be done and let life pass you by." You said, chuckling at your words.

"Clearly, Y/N. You were mistaken." She said as she lit one up.

After ten minutes you both were high as a kite, and tripping out from the flashing lights of downtown Vale.

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