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The dance arrived, though you were not much of a dancer, you decided to let whatever happens, happen like you normally did. You finished getting dressed in a plain black and white tuxedo with a pair of black gloves.
Clyde was ready to pick up his girlfriend.
Roman went alone, not wanting much to do with people outside of team STRQ and his own team. While Glynda also went alone. She was not a big dating person, while you just left to fetch Raven.

Knock knock.

"Just a sec!" Summer called, opening the door a few seconds later to find you there. "Raven! It's for you!" She called, telling you that Raven will be right out.
A little while later, Raven came out wearing a maroon, strapless red dress, with black high heels. And you were blown away by her appearance.

"Raven, you look… amazing." You said, taking in the sight before you.

"Thank you! Someone looks charming." She said, giving you a flirtatious look while moving closer to you, to link arms and walk to the dance.

When you got there you could hear the music from outside, rock music to be precise. Something you did not expect from a formal academy like this one. Luckily you managed to slip a few songs from your phone to your scroll, to the dance playlist. With a little help from hacking experience.

"Well… this is interesting?" You said in question. The girl beside you just nodded her head in agreement, walking inside the dance hall.

(Cue song: Breathing- Prime Circle)

"Want to take this dance?" Raven asked innocently.

"The pleasure would be all mine." You said with a smirk, holding your hand out.

"What did I get myself into? I can't dance!" You said to yourself in your head.

You twirled Raven around and caught her as the music picked up and slowed down again.

"Did you hack the playlist to get some of your music in here?" Raven asked in a cheeky tone, recognising the song from your phone when Summer was playing around on it a few months back.

"Maybe?" You innocently asked, then Raven moved back and ran up to you, and upon realising what she was doing it was too late to back out. So you put your hands on her hips and lifted her into the air. Somehow, for a first-time dancer, you nailed the lift which shocked both you and Raven. But without questioning your inner pride, you gracefully lowered her onto the floor, as the song finished.

"Not what I had in mind, but we certainly raised a crowd." She said, looking at everyone who was now clapping and cheering. Not even the professors have seen anything like it in their six years of teaching here.

"Where did you learn to dance like that?" Raven added.

"Well… honestly, I can't dance. Never danced before in my life. So I was just going with what came, and took some risks." You said softly.

"Well, my good sir. You are good at that." She replied with a smile.

"Maybe, maybe not." You said, leading her away from the dancefloor and towards the punch bowl.

"What do you say about starting a ball?" You said, discreetly pulling out a bottle of vodka while looking back and forth between Raven and the punch bowl. You knew nobody was looking because you would have been confronted by now.

"You sneaky boy!" She said in a sly tone. "I will distract everyone, you spike it." She said.

"Okay cool." You replied while Raven went onto the stage and put on a show. After a few seconds, everyone was laughing and chuckling at her display comedy, while you snuck to the punch and mixed the whole bottle in with it, nodding your head to let Raven know that it's done. She then left the stage and you walked past it to not draw attention to yourself.

"Is it done?" She asked.

"Whole bottle. Want some punch?" You asked, scooping a bit out.

"Sure." She said, filling her cup to the top.

You and her sat on the sidelines and drank your beverage while pretending you had no idea what was wrong with the punch, but not caring and downing it either way. Raven started to feel the effects of what was basically half a glass of vodka and was ready to leave till she saw Glynda, Ozpin and Oobleck drink a full glass, pull a sour face, then go back for seconds.
You let out a cheeky sneer while Raven barely contained her laughter at the sight of the professors stumbling around like drunken idiots.

About half an hour went past and the dance came to an end, people were leaving while you and Raven had to make your way back to the dorms, completely wasted.

"That was so-o-o fun, thank you!" Raven said through slurred words.

"It was very f-fun." You replied, then Raven's stomach began to disagree with her and you had to rush in to help her out.

"Y/N, I think I'm drunk! Bleeh!" She said, throwing up a lot, trying to find the floor.

"Why don't you stay with me tonight?" Raven asked.

"Sure." You said. Drunk, but still sober enough to be able to help if there is an emergency.

Raven immediately passed out on her bed, and you stayed awake the entire night to make sure she was okay.

A few hours later she was sleeping peacefully, and before you knew it, morning came and Raven started groaning, holding her head in pain.

"You okay, Rave?" You whispered softly, not to make the headache any worse.

"My head!" She whined, not wanting to move.

"I will be right back." You said, disappearing for a few seconds and coming back with a painkiller and water.

"Take this, it'll help." You said. She immediately took the glass and drunk all the water with the tablet in no time at all.

"I need more water." She said with a dry throat, she sounded like she is dying.
So you walked to the tap, got a jug and filled it up with fresh water, and brought it to her as she constantly downed cups of water like it was not there, to begin with.
A few minutes later she was fine, she still had a hangover, but she was laughing about that night.

Then you remembered something. Classes start in half an hour.

"Raven? Will you be okay to go to class?" You asked in a comical tone, keeping your voice down to prevent giving your girl a heart attack.

"Yes? Maybe? Yes." She said, finalising her answer.

"Okay. We should probably get changed first. We smell like alcohol." You said, chuckling a bit at your antics.

"Alright. Do me a favour?" She said while rubbing her temples with one hand.

"Yeah?" You replied with a grin plastered on your face, making you look slightly psycho.

"Never. Ever. Do that again." She said while chuckling at herself.

"The smile or the punch?" You asked, mocking the girl.

"What do you think?" She replied sarcastically.

"The smile." You said with a cheeky grin.

"Screw you!" She joked, playfully pushing you to the side. However, it was such a lazy push you barely moved an inch.

When you looked at the time you had fifteen minutes to get to class. So you hurried up and got changed.

Little known to you, you got a message on your scroll while you were getting changed.

"Dear students. Because somebody spiked the punch last night, school is cancelled for the day to recover."

You then looked at your scroll to see the message.


That is all for this chapter guys! Hope it was good, the vodka punch returns!

I will probably get the next chapter up tomorrow, as I have a friend over I will not have much free time tonight for another chapter.
Gotta go.

Till next time!

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