First Of Many

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Sup guys! From this chapter, I have a new abbreviation to point out:

RN/N- Ravens Nickname for you. (Choose anything you want)

You and Raven both decided to head back to the dorms and catch some shuteye, your initiation and first class was the following day.
When you got to the dorm, you saw Tai was sleeping already, Qrow was sitting on his bed playing a game on his scroll, Raven offered to let you sleep in her bed, but despite being a rebellious kid, you had respect for women, so you politely declined and instead, you slept on the floor with a spare blanket you found in the closet.

"Y/N?" Raven called you.

"Yeah?" You replied.

"Do you really care? Or are you just with me to go tell all your friends if you make it back to your home?" Raven asked you sternly.

"I really do care. I am not one to just get a girl to put her on display. I like you for you. I wouldn't ask for more." You said, your voice was soft, and caring.

"Really? You not just going to display me and run away with the respect of all the guys in school?"

"Nope. Women are to be respected and treated with dignity. Not put on display, I disagree with the thought of using a woman for gaining the respect of people. I'm here to support and love you. And I wouldn't ask for more than that. If people want to suddenly respect me for getting an overly gorgeous girl, they don't deserve my respect." You said firmly, you were not prepared to let people into your circle of friends if they were just there because you had a nice girlfriend.

"Y/N... that means a lot... thank you." She said as she drifted off to sleep.

"Hey Y/N. I just want to say thank you. What you said to Raven... I could hear that was pure honesty. We just might get along after all." Qrow said to you. Being genuine in his words.

"Thanks, dude. I'll check you in the morning. Got a long day ahead of me." You said with a yawn.

The next day:

"Y/N L/N. Please get your gear and report to the cliffside immediately, for the entrance exam." Ozpin announced over the PA system.

"Alright. I'm coming. I'm coming." You said groggily, still half asleep.

"Mind if we come watch?" Tai asked out of curiosity, he wanted to see what you could do.

"Not at all. It would be a confidence booster to have my friend and girlfriend supporting me live at the scene." You said with a smile.

"Aaw. Thanks, RN/N." She said with a blush.

"No prob Rave." You said with a smile.

Timeskip to the cliffside.

"Team STRQ, are you not supposed to be in class?" Ozpin was strict in his words.

"Proffess- Doctor Oobleck said he wants us to watch live, as it might help him in terms of confidence if he had friends supporting him live at the scene." Summer said in a soft, shy tone.

"Alright then. As long as he is aware that you will not be in class today, I suppose it is alright." Ozpin said. "Now where is Y/N? He will be late."

Then you appeared in your combat gear.

"Y/N L/N. You are to go to the South end of the forest and collect a relic, then return here once you are done. From there I will officially welcome you as a member of team STRQ. You are to use your own landing strategy. Do not hesitate to kill anything in your path, or you will die. You will be monitored for the duration of your exam, but the professors will not intervene. Any questions?" He said with a sinister tone in his voice.

"No questions. Sorry, I was late, I had to upgrade my helmets HUD." You said with awkwardness.

"Alright. Assume your position." He ordered you.

Now you played enough Evolve and other video games to know what a landing strategy was, so you took out your machetes, holding them with an ice pick grip.

Suddenly you got launched off the cliff, letting out a war cry as you picked up speed.

"Juggernaut! Activate flight navigation!" You said as your trajectory showed up, with your ammo count, a motion-sensing radar and a compass.
While getting your machetes ready, you approached the tree line, so you slammed the machetes into a tree, causing you to swing and front flip, landing feet first in the forest.

"That went better than planned. Juggernaut, activate combat mode." You said as the air navigation went away and was replaced with armour integrity, hydraulic integrity. Your ammo count and motion sensor suddenly got emphasized and showed up in a holographic (f/c). Using the compass built into the HUD, you started going south. While you were walking, you heard a deep, almost demonic growl followed by several red eyes staring at you.

"Oh... shit. I guess those are the G-" you got cut off as the creature lunged at you, however, you dodged, rolled and got the machetes ready, this suprised you because usually, you have horrible reflexes.

"Maybe the aura is helping my reflexes? Interesting..." You said to yourself as you ran towards the creature and cut its head off. Then you backflipped with the help of the hydraulics, and stabbed another one through the head, pulling out the (f/c) Desert Eagles, you opened fire and saw the last few creatures collapse with little remaining of their limbs. What you saw next shocked you.
The creatures disintegrated into smoke.

"Yup. Must be the Grimm." You convinced yourself.
A little while later, you came across an open, grassy field, and you sensed movement behind you with the help of the motion sensor.

"What?" You asked as you turned around to see a giant snake, with bone armour.

"ANOTHER ONE! FUCK ME!" You yelled as the thing struck down on you, on human reflex, you held out your hands and felt yourself getting exhausted, but no pain. You noticed you were actually holding the oversized serpent back with your hands, and a (f/c) glow surrounded your hands.
You proceeded to rip the fangs out of the creature, and forcefully shove the one through its eye. Then a second head appeared.

"WHAT THE HELL! THIS THING IS LIKE THE HYDRA!?" You said, thinking back to God Of War. So you pulled out the 4570 Government magnum and shot it once, killing it instantly. You took a while to look around, making sure it is clear before sprinting to the south side of the forest, where you saw a colour coded grenade launcher round. So you picked up a white one, just because, so thinking this is the relic, you sprinted back to the cliffside, luckily without any more conflict with those creatures.

Timeskip to team assignments.

"Y/N L/N. You collected the white round. From here on you will be assigned to team STRQ with all the rights to tournament qualifications and extracurricular activities. Congratulations." Ozpin said as you nodded, giving off your signature pose.

Team STRQ all gathered around to congratulate you, Raven went last and gave you a kiss without thinking, she then pulled back, blushing crimson red upon realising her actions.

That is for this chapter guys! Hope it was a good chapter, welcome to Beacon!
I will try to get the next chapter up tonight.

Till next time ladies and gents!

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