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After the match, you went to sit back down with your team after helping Clyde up, a smirk planted on your face.

"Why so smug?" Glynda asked, trying to get the deal forgotten about.

"I believe you owe me your end of the deal?" You said merrily.

"Whatever. We can arrange that after history." She said with her face becoming one mass of a frown.

"That's what I like to hear." You said, rubbing your prize in.

The alarm went off, signalling the end of class, and now you have History with Oobleck again. Then something only crossed your mind.

"Isn't Oobleck that corn starch and water mix stuff?" You thought to yourself as you wandered the halls, meeting up with Raven as you and her had different classes.

"So, how did sparring go?" She asked inquisitively.

"Guess who just fought their way to leadership?" You said with a smirk.

"You actually earned leadership through battle?" She asked with a smirk.

"I like the sound of that." She said, resting her hand in your chest, luckily history and chemistry class was right next door to each other, so you and Raven parted ways again as the bell rang.

History was another gruelling forty-five minutes as you knew fast talkers, but nothing like this. As you sat there trying to comprehend what he was saying, you had Glynda who was listening intently, while you did your own thing as you have given up in trying to understand him.

Eventually, he asked you a question, and Glynda tried to mouth the words to you.

"The answer... to the question about the battle..." you paused a little bit. Not paying attention to Glynda. "The battle of Fort Castle?" You asked more than you answered, seeing something written on the board and just going off your luck.

"Very good!" Oobleck said as he continued rambling about incoherent things which you had no idea about until he asked a question you could not answer, luckily it was aimed at Samuel this time.

"Binoculars!" He called out confidently, causing the class to erupt into laughter again.

"Some people are not the most open-minded of the lot. I believe the answer is night vision!" Glynda said sternly, getting praise from the teacher with a heavy sugar rush of another kind.

"Well done, miss Goodwitch! Now-" he began, until the bell rang, signalling the end of class.

"Hey RN/N." Raven called out to you.

"Hey. I will be right back, I quickly have a position to discuss with ol' Oz." You said, giving her a kiss on the cheek before rushing off with your team.

Timeskip to Ozpins office.

"Hello, Professor. My team and I, have a few things to discuss with you. About the leadership position." Glynda began.

"What do you need?" He asked with concern.

"Well, My team and I have a pact. Unless the leader is unfit, or we want to test leadership capabilities, once a term whoever wins a sparring match of the leaders' pickings, will become the new leader, so we came to discuss Y/N being temporary leader until we make a final decision?" Glynda, the team leader asked with reason.

"I like the way that sounds, and yes. I will grant your team this permission because I see the reason behind it. Once a term, for one year. So at the beginning of next term, the next temporary leader shall be picked through sparring if I am correct. And whoever gets the most votes within the team is the leader? Correct?" He asked, clearly intrigued by this system you have going on.

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