Newfound Team

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Another night went by, and Glynda just had to wake you up at 6 AM.
You were absolutely not impressed with this, as the one thing you hated more than ever was very early mornings.

"Why!? It's like six AM, classes only start at nine!" You groaned, burying your face in the pillow.

"Because, our team has a private initiation that we made up, a sparring match between the new person and a select member of our team. We have sparring after Grimm Studies with Doctor Oobleck. Then after sparring, we have Doctor Oobleck again for history. Then we have a break for two lessons! I will freely give my position as the leader to you if you win
If you lose, I remain a leader." Glynda lectured you.

"Fine, fine." You said groggily.

Grimm Study was a gruelling, long lesson as you could not keep up with the speed at which Oobleck spoke.

"Anyquestions?" He asked rapid-fire.
You were tempted to ask what he just said, but you held back. Then Samuel Winchester raised his hand.

"Well, it's a lot easier to train an animal than a soldier, so I guess you catch my drift." He said, giving a Faunus the eye.

"Dickwad!" You coughed, aiming at Samuel.

"What did you say punk!?" He yelled, standing up and taking offensive action.

You remained quiet, letting him make a fool of himself.

"Answer me, wherever you are!?" He yelled out, practically throwing a fit.

"Mr Winchester, please. Take a seat, and discriminatory comments are not welcome in my class! I will have you in for extra readings after class. You deserved every bit of that in my opinion." Oobleck said, finally slowing down.

He growled in anger, scoping the class for the person who called him out.
After class, you were walking with Raven, who had class with you in that period.

"What you did was so brave!" She swooned over your actions, until Samuel gripped you and pinned you up against the wall.

"Samuel! Leave him alone! He didn't do anything!" Raven shrieked, pulling at his arm to put you down. Then he triggered you by slapping her across the face, splitting her lip, causing her to look at you with tears in her eyes.

"Let. Me. GO!" You yelled, headbutting Samuel, then punching his throat in. You proceeded to punch him in the guts, knocking his wind out. You then kicked him back down into Ooblecks classroom, and down the stairs, walking towards him with pure hate in your face. You proceeded to pick him up by the throat.

"MR L/N! What is the meaning of this?!" Oobleck shouted.

"Well, to start, he started the fight. Second of all, he slapped my girlfriend out of anger when she tried to protect me! And I do not stand for women getting hit anymore than discrimination!" You snapped back.

"Mr Winchester! You should be ashamed of yourself! Mr L/N. Please, put him down and I will deal with him in Professor Ozpins office at once!" Oobleck said with a stern, straight face.

"Yes, sir." You said, throwing him to the ground.

"May I at least tell him something?" You asked politely.

"Very well." Oobleck signalled you to carry on.

"Winchester. If I ever catch you lay your hand on a girl again, you will see this beating as New Year in comparison to what I will do to you next time!" You growled threateningly before you walked away.

"Y/N?" Oobleck called you back a last time.

"Yes, sir?" You answered.

"I respect you, you know that. Of course, you could have handled the situation a lot better, I respect you for standing up for the Faunus and a girl in need." He said, nodding his head in pride.

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