Wiping The Slate Clean pt 1.

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As you walked through Beacons halls, you saw the whole of team RWBY walk past. You called them over to discuss what shall be done with them.

"So, I heard about your argument. Literally. And I must say that I am disappointed that you and Weiss couldn't settle it less aggressively." You said sternly.

"I understand. I'm sorry professor." Blake said with disappointment.

"I was going to have you, Weiss and Yang battle it out in sparring, but seeing as you made peace with everyone, I will not call you, Weiss and Yang up. But if it happens again, then don't expect to get away with a mere warning." You said with a chuckle.

"Thank you professor." Blake said with more relief in her voice.

"Now, don't thank me yet. You'd best head on to class. Don't be late." You replied as you headed towards the sparring class.

After the lesson, you went to Vale to get a break from Beacons grounds, until Ozpin called you.

"Hello?" You asked casually.

"Y/N. I have a mission for you. Come to my office where we can discuss it further." He replied sternly.

"On my way." You said with a sigh as you headed back to the grounds.

Timeskip to Ozpins office.

"What's the mission?" You asked seriously.

"We've got reports that the Spring Maiden has been attacked and is critically wounded. Qrow has been sent to the scene, but whoever did this may still be in the area. We need you to back up Qrow in case of emergency." Ozpin said sternly.

"I'll get right to it." You said without hesitation.

Timeskip to the mission area.

You ran to the last reported sighting of the attack, and Qrow came running towards you. Behind him, you saw three people who you didn't recognise.

"Hold them back!" Qrow yelled as you equipped your Desert Eagle and painted the narrow road with lead. As the three individuals dodged your bullets you switched to the machetes and managed to land a few solid hits on the one guy, who has grey hair. He grunted in pain as you knocked him back. You tripped the next person to get her attention, while slashing the other one across the face. They both turned to face you and growled in anger. The one tried to slice your face, but your armour shattered the blade from the sheer thickness of the plates of armour.

"What!? It can't be!" The mysterious woman said fearfully.

She signalled everyone to retreat, and they fled the scene quickly.
You and Qrow looked at each other and then made a run for it with the Maiden, in case they show up with reinforcements.

"We got the Maiden." You said to Ozpin as you entered his office.

"Great! How bad is it?" Ozpin asked anxiously.

"Pretty bad. It doesn't look like she has much time." You said gravely.

"Give her here. I'll have to put her in a secure ICU pod in the vault under the school." Ozpin replied desperately. You did that and he immediately disappeared to try to save the girls life.

Timeskip to the next day.

"Hey, dad." Yang said casually, breaking away from the group.

"Hey. Want to head to town with me? Maybe catch up, I realised that since I told you that I am your father, we've never exactly got to spend much time together… and I want to make things up to you." You said sincerely.

"Sure. I'll see you at the airship in twenty minutes?" Yang asked casually.

"Sure." You said with a smile as you went to get ready.

Eventually, the time came and you made your way to the airship. On the way to the airship, Glynda stopped you in your tracks.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked sternly.

"I was on my way out to spend a day with Yang. I figured since we never really got a chance to spend some father-daughter time together, maybe today would be a good day to do so." You said casually.

"You do realise that you have a class to teach?" Glynda said irritably.

"I'm a substitute. I only fill in when you can't. Please, can you give me this one chance to actually get to spend some time with her?" You begged her.

"Alright. But only because you're a good friend. And don't expect to get away with this every time." She said strictly.

"Thank you! I owe you big time!" You said happily as you rushed off to the airship.

"Yeah… you do." She said to herself as you already turned the corner.

When you got there, Yang was already waiting.

"You're pretty late." She said jokingly.

"Yeah… you know how Glynda is. She stopped me." You said with a sigh of relief.

"Ooh… tough break." She said with a chuckle.

"I know!" You said overdramatically. "Between you and I. That woman's crazy." You whispered to her to add to the comedy.

"You telling me about crazy? Have you met me yet?" She said in an upbeat tone.

"Have I?" You asked as you and her joked on the airship.

Eventually, when you got to the city, Yang asked to show you to her favourite places in Vale.


"Class. Mr L/N will not be here this lesson due to him having to take up other responsibilities first. However, this does not change anything. Now, do we have any challengers?" Glynda asked sternly.

Pyrrha challenged the whole team of CRDL, a four vs one.

Back at Yang and you.

"Another place I love, is a club on the shady side of town." Yang said with a smirk.

"Yang… I would stay away from the shady side of town. I know you're a woman and you are a strong fighter. But I don't want you going there unless it's a priority." You said sternly.

"Alright then." Yang said with minor disappointment.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't want to ruin your fun. But I just want you to stay safe, huntsmen and huntresses have a big target on their back. People usually hold grudges against them for whatever reason, and kill them. Others just kill them so they can get hold of their weapons." You said, getting real with her.

"I understand. Thanks." Yang replied with a more upbeat tone.

"Now, how about I show you some places that I used to go to, when I was your age, and in this place?" You asked casually.

"Sounds good." She said with a smirk.

That is all for this chapter of The Boy And The Bird! Hope you enjoyed it! This chapter took me forever to finish, and not only because of all my recent story projects I started with.

Anyways, I'll get the next chapter up soon, please leave a vote and a comment if you enjoyed this part. Constructive criticism is always appreciated.

Cheers guys!

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