The Jail

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After the inmate ran to the other corner, the guards came rushing in and tazed you, then drug you to the interrogation room, where you were met by Tai who was not impressed to see you.

"Hey, Tai! Please you gotta help me. I'm stuck in here all because Roman and I were on a team in Beacon, and now they think I am affiliated with him!" You begged Tai to get you out.

"That's not why I am here. Raven messaged me-"

"Really!? Is she okay!?" You asked, cutting him off.

"No, said she left because you took advantage of her, and she was scared. Is this true!?" He asked aggressively.

"What?" You asked with a shocked face.

"Is. It. True!?" He asked again, this time louder.

"No! I loved her with all my heart, and I would never do anything to hurt her in any way!" You said, voice cracking and tears welling in your eyes.

"Then we're done here." He said as he got up and left.

"Officer! Could I make a call to someone?" You asked politely.

"Make it quick. You have five minutes." They said as they gave you your scroll.

"Hello?" Qrow asked in a drunken state.

"Hey! Qrow you gotta get Ozpin here immediately, he is my only hope to get out of jail, I will explain later! Please, you gotta help me." You said through tears, defeated and saddened.

"Alright buddy, I will be there with Ozpin immediately, then we gonna get you out once we hear your side." He said with determination.

"Thank you!" You said through the crying.

Half an hour later, Qrow and Ozpin came in.

"Hello, officer?" Qrow and Ozpin asked as the precinct was empty until a man showed up from the evidence room.

"Qrow, Ozpin! How can I help you?" The officer offered.

"I believe you have one of my professors in jail? Name is Y/N L/N."

"Oh yeah, you can go to room two in the interrogation section." The officer said.

"I'm requesting him to be released, not interrogated. As a huntsman, we have authority over the police." Ozpin said.

"Fine. I will sign his papers, you can go to his cell, 7-C in the West Wing." The officer said.

The pair thanked the officer and ran down. When they got there, they saw you lying on the floor, facing the wall. They called you, and as you turned around, your face was bloodied and bruised.

"Shit buddy, what happened!?" Qrow asked.

"The cops locked me up in suspicion of me being affiliated with Roman. Then Raven went and said I took advantage of her to add on to my stress. Now the cellmates beat me up because they thought I raped my ex-girlfriend!" You sobbed. "Is Yang okay?" You asked.

"She is fine, you will be released soon. Just about now." Ozpin said in a hurry, on cue as another officer came in and unlocked your cell.

"What happened to you?" The officer asked. You explained the part with Raven and he sighed in sympathy, and let you go. You got your weapon and scroll back, along with your record cleared.

Timeskip two hours.

"I'm gonna try call Raven." You said to Qrow.

"Go for it." He said.

"Could you give me a minute?" You asked. Qrow and Ozpin nodded and left the room.

Yang pov:

I was walking down the hall with Ruby till I saw my uncle, Qrow leave one of the classrooms.

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